
originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

author:Kotsuki Finding Office
originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?
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originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

In this era of the pursuit of exquisite appearance, male artists in the entertainment industry seem to have lost their way. Once upon a time, the image of a heroic tough guy on the screen was fascinating.

Today, however, we are witnessing a jaw-dropping spectacle: male artists painted with grease and whitewash, dressed in flamboyant and exaggerated clothes, and behaved in a weak and pretentious manner. What's even more puzzling is that when the camera is focused on them, these seemingly delicate "little fresh meat" try their best to put on a masculine posture, trying to show their masculinity.

This paradoxical manifestation begs the question: Aren't they embarrassed? What caused these supposedly masculine men to become so feminine? Let's uncover the truth behind this phenomenon and explore the changes in masculinity in the contemporary entertainment industry.

Looking back, Jackie Chan's fighting spirit once represented the mainstream values of the entertainment industry. He was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and personally went into battle to complete all kinds of thrilling stunts, and the scars on his body silently told his professionalism.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

However, on today's screen, such a tough guy image has become more and more scarce.

Taking the hit drama "Yinian Guan Mountain" as an example, although the actor Liu Yuning is handsome, his performance disappointed the audience. Those martial arts movements that should have been free and easy became stiff and contrived in his hands.

The gesture of waving his folding fan is more like a dancer in the Qinglou than a heroic man in the rivers and lakes.

What's even more staggering is the squeamishness shown by some male artists during filming. They refused to perform the hoisting, did not dare to try dangerous maneuvers, and were not even willing to sweat.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

In a high-profile talent show, contestant Yuan Linqing burst into tears just because he was slightly pinched by the props, and he needed constant comfort from other teammates.

Faced with such a scene, Jackie Chan once said helplessly: "This is not good, that is not good, is it that a vase was invited to be placed there for people to see?" These words expressed the voices of many audiences, and also reflected the embarrassing situation of the image of male artists in the contemporary entertainment industry.

This phenomenon begs the question: what caused such a dramatic change? Is it the audience's aesthetic preferences that have changed, or is the definition of masculinity being reshaped by society as a whole? In any case, this transformation from an "iron-blooded man" to a "delicate son" has indeed caused a lot of controversy and discussion.

And this change is not only reflected in their behavior, but also extends to their external image.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

When we think that the "femininization" of male artists is limited to behavior, the way they dress gives us a bigger surprise – or rather, a fright. This subversive visual impact not only challenges the audience's aesthetic bottom line, but also triggers deep thinking about the definition of masculinity.

Chen Zhipeng's outfit can be said to be one of the best. In a public appearance, he boldly blended elements such as fishnets, semi-nude, lace and more to present a style that had never been seen before.

What's even more jaw-dropping is that at a certain awards ceremony, he wore a black tights with super shorts and a transparent raincoat. This bold and avant-garde look looks particularly stunning even on a woman, let alone a mature man.

Chen Zhipeng's attempt undoubtedly broke people's inherent perception of the image of male artists.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

He was followed by Cai Xukun. In his 2015 idol debut, he wow the audience with his exaggerated makeup and bold fishnet see-through outfit. Accompanied by passionate music, his performance detonated the audience, and finally made a successful debut in the C position.

This kind of outfit seems to have become a trend, even affecting other artists. For example, Wang Jiaer also boldly tried a similar outfit at his concert, and even went a step further and chose a vacuum look.

If it is difficult to distinguish between male and female, Jiang Sida is undoubtedly one of the best. His look at the red carpet was more and more stunning every time, and he was once obsessed with "lady style".

Wearing long earrings and wearing see-through clothes to attend the runway show, these elements of dressing that originally belonged to women showed a different kind of charm on him. Although the fashion industry has always advocated genderless clothing, it still sparks a lot of controversy for an adult man who is so passionate about feminine dressing.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

Finally, I have to mention Liu Yu. , the idol who stood out in the talent show, was known as the "male version of Ju Jingyi" because of his exquisite makeup. He admits that he gets up at 3 a.m. to put on makeup, just to create a perfect image.

This extreme pursuit of beauty seems to have transcended the boundaries of gender, triggering a rethinking of male aesthetic standards.

In the face of these unconventional shapes, the audience's reaction can be imagined. Some admire their courage to break through, while others have reservations about this aesthetic.

In any case, the outfits of these male artists have indeed brought an unprecedented visual impact to the entertainment industry.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

This phenomenon begs the question: is the definition of masculinity changing? Are societal expectations of male image also changing? Do these bold attempts represent a new aesthetic trend, or are they merely expedient measures to attract attention? In any case, this visual subversion does provide us with an opportunity to revisit gender stereotypes.

Among the many links to test the masculinity of male artists, "Princess Hug" is undoubtedly the most representative one. However, this seemingly simple action has become the "Waterloo" of many male artists, revealing the embarrassing status quo of the "tough guy" image in the contemporary entertainment industry.

William Chan, a gym regular, made a lasting impression with his toned body displayed on social media. However, when he needed to pick up Bai Baishi in "There Are Arbors in the South", it was extremely difficult.

Even in the face of Qin Hailu, who weighed only 90 pounds, he almost knocked the other party down. The contrast raises the question of whether the well-built muscles are just ornaments.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

It wasn't until he met Yang Mi, who weighed more than 80 pounds, that William Chan finally showed a hint of masculinity, and at the same time did not forget to mock his previous partner: "Yang Mi is the lightest female artist I have ever held."

Xu Weizhou's performance is even more laughable. When cooperating with the powerful actor Qiao Xin, in the face of a partner who was less than 100 pounds, he couldn't complete the action of picking up.

To make matters worse, he shifted the blame to the woman, claiming that it was because Qiao Xin's head was too big. This lack of gentlemanly demeanor has attracted a lot of criticism, and was even bluntly criticized by Zhu Dan in a variety show as "weak".

Lin Gengxin, the actor known as the "Dream of 900 Million Girls", also planted his head in the "Princess Hug" link. Not only was he unable to pick up the actress, but he also shifted the blame to the other party.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

This behavior earned him the title of "Kidney-Deficient Boy", and the fans' justifications didn't seem to be able to salvage his image.

However, not all male artists lose in this link. Wu Lei showed impressive strength. Whether it is partnered with Di Lieba or Zhao Lusi, he can easily complete the task.

In the face of praise, Wu Lei modestly said: "What I have is just the normal strength that an adult male should have."

Also worth mentioning is Bai Yu. In "Beauty is the Stuffing", he was able to lift the actress high in the air with just one arm, easily changing the position of the two sides on the motorcycle.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

This kind of performance undoubtedly won him the favor of the audience.

These cases can't help but make people think: Is it really the actresses who are too plump? Or are some male artists really too "thin"? The deeper question is, should we redefine the standard of "manhood"? Should a man be worth by strength? The answers to these questions may require the whole society to think together.

In the face of the increasingly obvious trend of "feminization" of male artists in the entertainment industry, we have to delve into the root cause of this phenomenon. This shift is not accidental, but the result of a combination of factors.

First of all, the aesthetic concept of "white, young and thin" has spread from the female group to the male group. This aesthetic standard encourages male artists to pursue a sophisticated, feminine image rather than traditional masculinity.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

Under the influence of this trend, many male artists have begun to pay attention to skin care, makeup, and even go so far as to perform various cosmetic surgeries. Just like Liu Yu we mentioned at the beginning of the article, he will get up at 3 a.m. and start applying makeup to create a perfect image.

Secondly, market demand is also driving this trend. As female audiences have an increasing voice in the entertainment market, their aesthetic needs for male artists are also quietly changing.

Compared with the traditional tough guy image, more female viewers seem to prefer a delicate and gentle male image. This demand has a direct impact on the entertainment industry's casting criteria and packaging direction.

In addition, the commercialization of the entertainment industry is also fueling the fire. In order to cater to the market demand, producers and brokerage companies continue to package and promote male artists who meet the standards of "little fresh meat", which further strengthens this aesthetic orientation.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

The bold shapes we see such as Cai Xukun, Wang Jiaer and others are, to a certain extent, also the result of this kind of commercial operation.

However, this trend has also caused quite a bit of controversy. Some people believe that the excessive pursuit of "feminine beauty" may lead to a lack of masculinity and affect society's perception of male roles.

At the same time, some viewers also began to miss the images of masculine and tough male artists in the past, such as the big brother Jackie Chan mentioned in the article.

The emergence of this phenomenon actually reflects the changes in social values and aesthetic standards. It is not only a problem in the entertainment industry, but also a major change in the perception of gender roles in the whole society.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

In the face of the increasingly serious phenomenon of "femininization" in the entertainment industry, more and more voices have begun to call for a return to traditional masculinity. This call came not only from the audience, but also from industry insiders, reflecting society's rethinking of the image of men.

The audience is looking forward to seeing more male artists like Jackie Chan, Wu Lei, and Bai Yu who have both appearance and strength. They want male artists to be authentic and natural, rather than over-packaged and pretentious.

As mentioned in the article, the natural strength shown by Wu Lei and Bai Yu in tests such as "princess hug" is more in line with the public's expectations of masculinity.

At the same time, industry insiders are also reflecting on the current casting and training mechanism. They believe that more attention should be paid to the strength and personal charisma of the actors, not just their appearance and commercial value.

originally had no masculinity, but he insisted on pretending to be a man, aren't these little fresh meat embarrassed?

This kind of reflection may lead to changes in the selection and training standards of the entertainment industry in the future.

In the future, we look forward to seeing more "screen tough guys" and "refreshing little students" return to the public eye. This is not only a call for traditional masculinity, but also an expectation for the healthy development of the entire entertainment industry.

After all, a true man should be able to show masculinity when needed, not a "pseudo-man" who is in vain. Let's look forward to the entertainment industry being able to present a more diverse and real male image, bringing more wonderful audio-visual enjoyment to the audience.

This return may be able to balance the current trend of being too "feminine" and bring new vitality to the entertainment industry.

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