
"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

author:Yunyun Reading Club
"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

In the starry place of the Chinese cross talk world, there was once a name named Chen Hanbai shining brightly. He stood side by side with Guo Degang and Yu Qian, and was known as one of the "Three Kings of Comedy", and was awarded the honor of "China's Top 10 Laughing Stars".

However, fate makes people, Chen Hanbai, who had unlimited scenery in the past, has now become a "six-surnamed house slave" for advertising endorsements, which is highly controversial in the industry.

From the darling of the Spring Festival Gala stage to the out-of-fashion artist who no one cares about, Chen Hanbai's life trajectory is like a roller coaster. What is the reason for the decline of this cross talk celebrity? Is it the will of God, or is it self-inflicted? Let's unveil the mystery of Chen Hanbai's rise from glory to decline, explore his successes and failures, and see how this former superstar in the cross talk industry buried his future with his own hands.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

Chen Hanbai's cross talk road began in the ordinary. In 1976, at the age of 19, he stepped into society and became an ordinary factory worker. In that era of scarcity of materials, Chen Hanbai worked hard for a meager bonus.

Although the prize money in the factory is only two yuan, it is enough to make the young Chen Hanbai forget to sleep and eat. He was thin and had a slender neck, so he was affectionately called "Long Neck" by his colleagues.

The monotony of life in the factory did not dampen Chen's love for art. In his spare time, he immerses himself in the world of cross talk, dispersing the monotony of life with laughter.

In this way, the seeds of cross talk quietly took root in his heart.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

In 1987, Chen Hanbai, who was already in his prime, made an unexpected decision - to step into the cross talk world. This decision seems to others to be nothing short of a fantasy.

He first came to the Dalian Workers' Cultural Palace to study, but was politely rejected because of his age. But Chen Hanbai did not give up, he practiced cross talk hard, and finally got the opportunity to enter the cross talk class and became the oldest student in the class.

By chance, Chen Hanbai met his future mentor Hou Yaowen. The first time he couldn't ask for a teacher, he was not discouraged. When he came to the door for the second time, Chen Hanbai carefully prepared an apprenticeship ceremony worth nearly 70 yuan, which was almost equivalent to his two months' salary.

This sincerity touched Hou Yaowen, and Chen Hanbai worshiped under this cross talk master as he wished.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

However, apprenticeship is just the beginning, and what awaits Chen Hanbai next is two years of arduous training. Hou Yaowen was extremely strict with this "elderly" disciple, requiring him to cultivate quietly and raise his basic skills to a higher level.

Once, because of a subtle action that was not up to standard, Chen Hanbai was severely criticized by Hou Yaowen. But he was not discouraged, but practiced hard all afternoon alone.

This period of hard work has laid a solid foundation for Chen Hanbai's future success in the cross talk industry. His diligence and perseverance are reminiscent of the ancient adage of "standing at thirty".

Chen Hanbai proved with his actions that as long as there is determination, a turning point in life can occur at any age.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

After two years of hard work, Chen Hanbai finally got the opportunity to perform on stage. His cross talk road officially began.

In 1995, after two years of hard work, Chen Hanbai finally ushered in his long-awaited opportunity to take the stage. He teamed up with Wang Min and began their national tour.

The golden duo quickly won the hearts of the audience with their unique performance style and tacit cooperation. Their masterpieces such as "Hope", "Eager to Study", and "Learning to Sing Star" have gradually become classics in the cross talk industry, accumulating a large fan base for Chen Hanbai.

However, what really made Chen Hanbai famous was the second CCTV cross talk competition in 2003. In this competition, Chen Hanbai and Wang Min's "Who Matters" won the championship with superb performance skills and ingenious use of language.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

At this moment, 46-year-old Chen Hanbai finally ushered in the peak moment of his career. His success is not only a testament to his strength, but also a source of hope for those who are older in the art of chasing dreams.

The victory of the competition opened a broader stage for Chen Hanbai. In 2004, he took the cross talk "Zodiac New Year's Greetings" on the stage of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala.

The show caused a sensation as soon as it aired, and the audience's laughter almost topped the roof. The success of the Spring Festival Gala made Chen Hanbai a hot star, and his name began to be known by more people.

With the increase in popularity, Chen Hanbai has not only been favored by many directors, but also attracted the attention of a large number of advertisers. During that period, he was proud, and his career and income reached new peaks.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

However, who would have expected that this seemingly brilliant success would become the foreshadowing of his future decline.

However, behind the success, Chen Hanbai also began to feel unprecedented pressure. Especially when he saw the rise of his fellow disciple Guo Degang, this pressure increased day by day.

The influence of Deyun Club led by Guo Degang in the field of cross talk is increasing day by day, and Chen Hanbai seems to be difficult to make new breakthroughs. He began to think about how to maintain his position and influence.

Faced with this situation, Chen Hanbai made a series of puzzling choices. He began to appear frequently in various advertisements and received a large number of commercial endorsements. Although these activities brought him a considerable income, they also gradually deviated him from the essence of cross talk art.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

At this critical turning point, Chen Hanbai seems to have lost his way. He did not choose to continue to innovate and improve the quality of cross talk art like Guo Degang, but put more energy into commercial activities.

Although this choice brought him rich rewards in the short term, it also laid a hidden danger for his future decline.

At this time, Chen Hanbai, standing at the pinnacle of his career, was faced with a dilemma between artistic pursuit and commercial interests. His decision will profoundly affect his future destiny.

In the face of increasingly fierce competitive pressure, Chen Hanbai chose a jaw-dropping path - crazy godfather. He has successively recognized six heavyweights in the cross talk industry as godfathers, including Liu Wenheng, Chang Guitian, Shi Fukuan, Fan Zhenjue, Yang Zhigang and Shi Shengjie.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

This behavior has caused widespread controversy inside and outside the industry, with some people seeing it as a means to cling to the powerful, while others believe that it is a sign of respect for the predecessors of cross talk.

However, this practice undoubtedly had a negative impact on Chen. He was given the notoriety of "six family slaves", and many people began to question his personality and artistic virtues.

What's even more incredible is that this complicated relationship even permeated his family life. It is rumored that whenever Chen Hanbai returned home, he would refer to his wife as a "daughter" and ask his wife to call him "father".

This behavior undoubtedly deepened the public's negative impression of him.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

At the same time, Chen Hanbai's performance in advertising endorsements has also sparked controversy. The number of advertisements he received was staggering, according to statistics, more than a hundred. However, some of the advertisements were suspected of false propaganda and even abusive remarks about the Beijing team, which seriously damaged his public image.

Although he apologized afterwards, the audience didn't seem to buy it.

Chen Hanbai seems to have fallen into a strange circle: in order to maintain his status and income, he constantly accepts advertising endorsements and recognizes his godfather, but these behaviors further damage his reputation and shake his position in the cross talk industry day by day.

He seems to have forgotten his original intention of entering the cross talk world in the first place, and put his personal interests above his artistic pursuits.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

What is even more regrettable is that this behavior has also affected his relationship with his godfathers. For example, when his godfather Chang Guitian passed away in 2018, Chen Hanbai was absent from the funeral because he was "busy shooting advertisements to make money".

The incident sparked widespread criticism, and people began to question whether his feelings for the godfathers were genuine.

Chen Hanbai's example seems to warn those who come after him that in the path of art, it is equally important to maintain one's reputation and stick to one's original intention. Short-term benefits may be tempting, but at the expense of artistic beliefs and personal integrity, the gains may outweigh the losses.

In 2006, a turmoil completely changed Chen Hanbai's fate. A fierce conflict broke out between his younger brother Guo Degang and his godfather Yang Zhigang, and they finally went to court.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

In the face of this dispute, Chen Hanbai did not hesitate to choose to support Yang Zhigang, and publicly accused Guo Degang of "bullying teachers and destroying ancestors". This decision undoubtedly exacerbated the contradiction between Chen Hanbai and Guo Degang, and also made his situation in the cross talk world even more embarrassing.

However, an even bigger blow is yet to come. In 2007, Chen Hanbai's mentor Hou Yaowen passed away, which not only deprived him of an important spiritual pillar, but also meant that his position in the cross talk industry was even more unstable.

At the same time, the Deyun Club led by Guo Degang is increasing its influence in the field of cross talk, and this stark contrast highlights Chen Hanbai's predicament.

Chen Hanbai seems to have fallen into a strange circle: he constantly sought external support to maintain his position, but these actions further damaged his artistic reputation. Some of his words and deeds began to arouse public skepticism.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

Especially in 2018, when his other godfather Chang Guitian passed away, Chen Hanbai was absent from the funeral because he was "busy shooting advertisements to make money". This incident undoubtedly dealt a fatal blow to Chen Hanbai's image.

In this era when the image of an artist is crucial, Chen Hanbai's choice is undoubtedly fatal. Not only did he lose the support of the audience, but he also lost his foothold in the cross talk world.

In contrast, Guo Degang has won the love of more and more audiences with his continuous innovation and persistence in the art of cross talk. This stark contrast highlights Chen Hanbai's mistake in choice.

Looking back on Chen Hanbai's career, we can't help but ask: What caused this former cross talk celebrity to decline so much? The answer may lie in his own choice.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

The tragedy of Chen Hanbai is that he gradually deviated from his original artistic pursuits, putting personal interests first. From recognizing his godfather to frantically receiving advertisements, he chose a path that seemed convenient but was actually full of risks.

This short-sighted behavior eventually led to him losing the respect and support of his audience.

In contrast, his younger brother Guo Degang chose to insist on artistic innovation and constantly improve the quality of cross talk, and finally won the love of the audience and the recognition of the market. This stark contrast highlights Chen's mistake in choice.

Today's Chen Hanbai has gradually been forgotten by people. His story undoubtedly provides a profound lesson for those who came after him: on the road of art, only by sticking to the original intention and constantly innovating can we truly win long-term success.

"Cross Talk Champion" Chen Hanbai: To this end, no one is to blame for who succeeds in himself and loses to his godfather

The temptation of profit may make an artist lose his way, but the true value of art always comes from the persistent pursuit of art itself. Chen Hanbai's experience warns us that once we deviate from the original intention of art, even the most brilliant achievements can be fleeting.

In the end, we have to admit that Chen Hanbai's decline was not only due to his own choice, but also to the "godfathers" he relied on. This once brilliant cross talk master eventually became a victim of his own desires.

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