
Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

author:Yunyun Reading Club
Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

In 2013, an explosive news broke up the global media: media magnate Murdoch and his Chinese wife, Wendi Deng, announced the breakdown of their marriage. This divorce case shocked the world not only because of the identity of the parties, but also because of its amazing division of property.

However, this is just the beginning. Even with a net worth of 15 billion, Wendi Deng's ambitions seem to be unsatisfied. She set her sights on her two daughters, carefully groomed them to become academic leaders, and successfully sent them into the world's top financial circles.

In 1988, 19-year-old Wendi Deng ushered in the first important turning point in his life. An American couple met her while traveling in China, and this seemingly ordinary encounter turned into an opportunity to change her fate.

With his keen insight and unique charisma, the young Wendi Deng successfully persuaded the American couple to adopt him. Her eyes twinkled with a vision of the future, as if she had seen the door to America open to her.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

However, the test of fate did not end there. After graduating from university, Wendi Deng faced a grim reality: she neither graduated from a prestigious university, nor did her major have anything to do with science and technology, which did not conform to the talent introduction policy of the United States.

The shadow of being repatriated loomed over her, but Wendi Deng did not give in. A determined fire lit up in her eyes, showing her indomitable will and amazing determination.

At this critical moment, Wendi Deng made a jaw-dropping decision: she chose to marry her "American adoptive father" while squeezing out her "adoptive mother".

This bold move allowed her to stay in the United States at the age of 22, while her "husband" is over half a hundred years old. The corners of Wendi Deng's mouth flashed with a hint of a smile, as if everything was under control.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

The marriage lasted two years and seven months, which coincided with the time requirement to apply for permanent residency. When the green card finally arrived, a look of relief flashed in Wendi Deng's eyes, and then it was replaced by deeper ambition.

She knew that this was just a springboard in her life's journey, and a bigger stage was waiting for her.

After the divorce, Wendi Deng did not hesitate to embark on a flight to Hong Kong. Her eyes were full of anticipation and determination for the future, as if she had foreseen the opportunities that were coming.

This seemingly ordinary voyage became another important turning point in her life.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

Standing at the exit of the Hong Kong International Airport, Wendi Deng took a deep breath and looked firmly ahead. She knew that her storied life had just begun, and that the cosmopolitan city would be a new starting point for her to achieve even greater ambitions.

The corners of Wendi's mouth rose slightly, and her eyes flashed with wisdom and confidence, as if to announce to the world that she was ready for the next challenge.

On the flight to Hong Kong, fate favored Wendi Deng again. She met a senior director of the Murdoch Group, and the two had a good conversation. Wendi Deng's eyes shone with wisdom, and she keenly seized this rare opportunity to subtly steer the conversation from Chinese culture to the global media industry.

Her insights and knowledge impressed the director, and the corners of Wendi's mouth rose slightly, as if everything was under her control.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

After getting off the plane, Wendi Deng naturally joined the Murdoch Group. Her eyes glittered with ambition, as if she had seen a broader future. With his charisma and talent, Wendi Deng quickly won the favor of the top manager and became his secret lover.

Every move she made was just right, as if premeditated.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When Murdoch needed a competent translator to visit China, Wendi Deng did not hesitate to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

During the visit, she performed impeccably, demonstrating not only excellent language skills, but also a deep understanding of the Chinese business environment. Wendi Deng's eyes showed confidence and determination, and she knew that she was moving towards her goal.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

Murdoch was impressed by the young and promising translator. His gaze showed appreciation and curiosity, while Wendi Deng responded with a gentle but firm look, as if telling of an unknown future.

The interaction between the two is filled with subtle tension, as if to foreshadow the changes that are to come.

As time passed, the distance between Murdoch and Wendi Deng gradually decreased. Just a few months later, the shocking news came: Murdoch decided to divorce his ex-wife due to a broken relationship, and quickly announced that he would marry Wendi Deng as his new wife.

It all happened so quickly that there was speculation about whether it was an elaborate script.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

When the wedding bell rang, the corners of Wendi Deng's mouth rose slightly, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes. She knew she was finally in the spotlight of the world.

However, this ordinary girl from Jiangsu is clearly not satisfied with this. There was still a glint of ambition in her eyes, as if to say: this is just the beginning, and a bigger stage is waiting for her to conquer.

After entering the marriage hall, Wendi Deng quickly realized that this wealthy marriage was far from a fairy tale. As a seasoned media tycoon, Murdoch's love for beautiful women does not mean that he is willing to share his wealth.

The two signed a strict prenuptial agreement, which clearly stipulated that in the event of a divorce, Wendi Deng would not be able to receive any property distribution. Faced with such a predicament, a trace of worry flashed in Wendi Deng's eyes, but it was quickly replaced by firmness and wisdom.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

Wendi Deng is keenly aware that to take advantage of this marriage, she needs a strong bargaining chip. Soon, she found a breakthrough: children. Although Murdoch has made it clear that he no longer thinks about having children, Wendi Deng has succeeded in changing Murdoch's mind with his extraordinary persuasiveness and gentle and determined attitude.

Her tone was full of longing for family, and her eyes flashed with anticipation for the future. Eventually, the two had two lovely daughters soon after their marriage.

With her daughter as a bargaining chip, Wendi Deng is like a tiger. She began to skillfully use various means to influence Murdoch's decision-making by constantly whispering to him. Under her persuasion, Murdoch bought a billion-dollar luxury courtyard house in Beijing, a supervilla worth hundreds of millions of dollars in Manhattan, and countless luxury cars, luxury goods, yachts and other luxury items.

Whenever he talks about these purchases, Wendi Deng's eyes will flash with a hint of pride.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

Wendi Deng's biggest victory, however, was to persuade Murdoch to include his two daughters' names in the Murdoch family fund, each with an initial capital of up to $100 million.

When this decision was finally finalized, the corners of Wendi Deng's mouth rose slightly, and his eyes showed deep satisfaction. She knows that this is not only to lay a solid foundation for her daughters' wealth, but also to be fully prepared for the changes she may face in the future.

These post-marital arrangements, on the surface, are Murdoch's "generous gifts" to his wife and daughter, but in fact they are the result of Wendi Deng's careful layout. Every move she made was just right, as if premeditated.

Wendi Deng's eyes flashed with wisdom, and she knew that she was consolidating her position in this giant family step by step.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

As time went on, Wendi Deng became more and more influential in the Murdoch family. Not only did she succeed in securing a considerable fortune for herself and her daughters, but she also held a prominent position in Murdoch's business empire.

However, Wendi Deng was not satisfied. There was still a spark of ambition in her eyes, as if she was brewing a bigger plan.

For Wendi Deng, this wealthy marriage is not only an end, but also a new starting point. She knew that the real challenge had just begun, and she was well prepared for the storm that was coming.

In 2013, a scandal that shocked the world became a turning point in Wendi Deng's marriage. When she fell into rumors with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Murdoch was furious and filed for divorce.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

However, in the face of this crisis, Deng Wendi's eyes did not show panic, but flashed a trace of prepared calmness.

In the divorce proceedings, Wendi Deng showed amazing negotiation skills and legal wisdom. She successfully turned years of careful planning into practical benefits, and finally shared a huge compensation of more than 20 million US dollars, as well as a huge fortune of more than 10 billion yuan.

What's more, she also received custody of her two children. When the court announced the final verdict, the corners of Wendi Deng's mouth rose slightly, and a hint of victory flashed in his eyes.

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. What is truly jaw-dropping is the growth of the wealth of Wendi Deng's two daughters. Thanks to the "family fund" set up in the early years, their personal wealth has increased more than tenfold after years of accumulation.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

This means that, in addition to the assets of about $300 million obtained by Wendi Deng herself, her two daughters also have a fortune of up to $2 billion.

In this way, Wendi Deng became a billionaire in one fell swoop. When the media announced this astonishing figure, Wendi Deng's eyes were full of satisfaction and pride. However, an attentive observer may notice that in the depths of her eyes, there is also a glint of desire for more wealth.

After the divorce, Wendi Deng's life became more and more exciting. She appears on major social occasions from time to time and has close contacts with celebrities from all walks of life. However, unlike other wealthy people, Wendi Deng did not indulge in a luxurious life.

Her eyes were still sharp, as if she was looking for the next opportunity. For Wendi Deng, the staggering fortune of $15 billion seems to be just a milestone in her life journey, not the end.

Wendi Deng's ambition: Holding 15 billion is not enough, raising the two daughters into academic tyrants and sending them into a good circle

Even with a staggering fortune of about $15 billion, Wendi Deng's ambitions seem unmet. She turned her attention to the next generation and began to raise her two daughters carefully.

Wendi Deng's eyes flashed with wisdom and foresight, as if he had seen a more ambitious future.

Under Wendi Deng's careful cultivation, both daughters have grown into academic leaders. One graduated from the prestigious Faculty of Letters, and the other distinguished himself in the Department of History. When the daughters held the dazzling degree certificates, Wendi Deng's eyes showed deep pride and satisfaction.

However, this is just the beginning. Wendi Deng knows that true success requires not only knowledge, but also connections and opportunities. She did not hesitate to send her daughters to Goldman Sachs, one of the three major conglomerates on Wall Street.

The implications of this arrangement are significant: Goldman Sachs is not only a top financial empire, but also a platform that brings together the world's elite.

Wendi Deng's story continues, and it remains to be seen where her wisdom and ambition will push this legend. But one thing is certain: for Wendi Deng, the pace of conquest never stops.

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