
Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

The cross talk circle has always been full of legends, and a recent live broadcast directly hit the complex human relationship of Mr. Hou Yaowen's apprentices.

Mr. Hou Yaowen is a master in the cross talk circle, and the 29 apprentices he left behind are like bright stars, including the eldest apprentice Jia Lun, the third apprentice Chen Hanbai and the 24th apprentice Guo Degang, each carrying inheritance and responsibility.

Hou Yaowen (July 17, 1948 - June 23, 2007) is a legend in the cross talk industry.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

He was born in Beijing and has shown an extraordinary talent for cross talk since he was a child.

It is said that he was bright and good at imitation since he was a child, and often made his family laugh at home.

It was this talent and love for cross talk that made him decide to embark on the path of cross talk performance.

After taking the stage in 1960 and starting to talk about cross talk, Hou Yaowen quickly rose to prominence, and his cross talk works were deeply loved by the audience.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

It is said that his humorous style and unique acting skills have made him a star in the cross talk world.

Not only that, Hou Yaowen was also elected as a representative on October 30, 1979 to participate in the Fourth Congress of Chinese Literary and Art Workers, showing his prestige and status in the cross talk industry.

In the Spring Festival of 1983, Hou Yaowen was invited to participate in the first Spring Festival Gala, which was a milestone in the cross talk industry and a great success in his personal career.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

It is said that his performance at the party aroused a warm response from the audience and was hailed as a "wonderful" flower in the cross talk industry.

In response to Hou Yaowen's achievements and contributions, netizens have expressed their opinions.

Some people expressed their admiration for his status and influence in the cross talk industry, and thought that he was a banner in the cross talk industry.

A netizen wrote on social media: "Master Hou Yaowen's cross talk works are classic to this day, his performance style is unforgettable, and he is a treasure in the cross talk world." ”

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

At the same time, some people recalled his performance at the Spring Festival Gala and praised him for his humor and humor, which left a deep impression on him.

Hou Yaowen has become a banner in the cross talk industry with his profound cross talk skills and unique performance style, and his contributions are remembered by people.

In this high-profile live broadcast, Jia Lun's remarks sparked heated discussions among netizens.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Some netizens expressed their understanding of Jia Lun's position, believing that it was indeed impossible for all members of the master's gathering to participate in the party, which was a common situation in the cross talk world.

A netizen commented: "The cross talk world is so complicated, each apprentice has his own life and career, and it is reasonable that all members of the master's gathering cannot attend during his lifetime." ”

But there are also people who have a different view, questioning Jia Lun's attitude towards Chen Hanbai and Guo Degang.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

A netizen left a message: "Senior Brother Jia Lun's words are a bit like shirking responsibility, and his attitude towards Guo Degang and Chen Hanbai is a little ambiguous. ”

In this regard, another netizen expressed support for Jia Lun's statement: "Senior brother is also embarrassed, everyone knows the situation in the cross talk world, and it is good for Senior Brother Jia to answer questions fairly and objectively." ”

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Regarding Jia Lun's attitude towards Guo Degang, it has aroused deep thinking among netizens.

A netizen commented: "Jia Lun's words sound quite neutral, but after all, they are brothers, and it is normal to have different opinions." ”

Another expressed concern about the future of the cross talk industry: "I hope that the cross talk world can live in harmony and not hurt the harmony because of some misunderstandings and contradictions." ”

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Overall, Jia Lun's performance in the live broadcast attracted widespread attention, and netizens launched a heated discussion about his remarks.

Regarding the various emotional entanglements within the cross talk industry, everyone hopes to resolve the contradictions and develop together.

In the live broadcast, Jia Lun revealed that his contact with Guo Degang is not very frequent.

This sparked curiosity and speculation among some netizens.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Someone left a message: "No wonder we rarely see Senior Brother Jia and Senior Brother Degang together, it turns out that they don't have much contact." ”

Another netizen joked: "Maybe Senior Brother Jia and Senior Brother Degang have some unknown contradictions in private." ”

When some netizens proposed that Jia Lun go to Deyun Club for the elderly, Jia Lun resolutely rejected the idea, on the grounds that he already had enough retirement salary and did not need to work again.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

This remark caused a lot of discussion among netizens.

A netizen commented: "Senior Brother Jia has his own choices, and it is normal that he is reluctant to go to Deyun Club for the elderly, after all, everyone has their own life plan." ”

Another netizen expressed his understanding: "Retirement life should be what you like, not what others prescribe, and support Senior Brother Jia's decision." ”

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Regarding Jia Lun's attitude towards Chen Hanbai, netizens expressed different opinions.

Some people agree with his impartial position and believe that his recognition of Guo Degang is the right thing to do.

A netizen left a message: "Senior Brother Jia is right, you can't change your position just because your personal views are different. ”

But some people questioned Jalen's attitude, believing that he should be more active in mediating conflicts between his brothers and sisters.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

A netizen expressed his opinion and said: "As a senior brother, Senior Brother Jia should be more active in promoting reconciliation between senior brothers, rather than just expressing his position. ”

Jia Lun's remarks in the live broadcast triggered netizens to think deeply and discuss the relationship within the cross talk circle.

Every story in the cross talk world carries a wealth of human feelings, and Jia Lun's honesty and fairness have also injected a clear stream into the cross talk circle.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Netizens had a heated discussion about Jia Lun's attitude towards defending Guo Degang, and they expressed their opinions and opinions one after another.

Some people think that Jia Lun's statement is very objective and fair, and they give him high praise.

A netizen left a message in the comment area: "Senior Brother Jia's statement is very pertinent, neither favoring Guo Degang nor tolerating the behavior of other senior brothers, this objective and fair attitude is really worth learning." ”

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Another netizen also said: "Senior Brother Jia's performance in the live broadcast gives people a refreshing feeling, and the cross talk circle needs such a rational voice." ”

In addition to affirming Jia Lun's objectivity and fairness, some people especially emphasized his contribution to the cross talk industry.

A netizen posted on social media: "Jia Lun, as the apprentice of Master Hou Yaowen, has made indelible contributions to the development of the cross talk industry.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

His words and deeds represent a noble quality and a sense of responsibility.

There are also many netizens who expressed firm support for Jia Lun's approach, believing that his position is correct.

A netizen commented: "The cross talk industry needs more rational and objective voices like Senior Brother Jia, and his statement makes people feel very relieved." ”

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Netizens continued to discuss Jia Lun's performance in the live broadcast and expressed their opinions.

Their comments and discussions reflect their concern and thinking about the internal relationship in the cross talk industry, and also reflect their recognition and support for Jia Lun's fair attitude.

This live broadcast is not only a simple exchange, but also an in-depth discussion of the internal relationships and values of the cross talk industry.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

Jia Lun's remarks revealed the intricacies of the people in the cross talk circle, and also showed his respect and adherence to his master, brothers and traditions.

This kind of adherence to tradition and objective view of reality deserve our deep consideration and respect.

Hou Yaowen's eldest disciple Jia Lun said live broadcast: Chen Hanbai does not recognize Guo Degang! I am a senior brother, I admit it

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