
Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

author:Jia Jia Literature Hall
Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

On the vast coalfields of Ordos, a woman named Sui Jinrong is driving a behemoth. Under her control, the 22-wheeled, 70-ton heavy truck is like a docile beast shuttling between dusty mines.

Sui Jinrong's calloused hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, and his eyes were firmly fixed on the front, as if he was battling fate.

Who would have thought that this seemingly ordinary female driver would accomplish an incredible feat in just three years - to pay off a huge debt of 500,000 yuan.

Her story is not only a legend of courage and perseverance, but also a moving chapter of love and responsibility. In an industry that is considered to be male-dominated, Sui Jinrong has proved with his actions that women can also be at ease.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Sui Jinrong's story begins with an ordinary rural family. As the fourth of six children, she grew up under the weight of responsibility. In her early memory, her father's figure was always closely associated with the fields and the tractor.

Those little hands began to touch the farm work very early, and their flexible posture shuttled through the fields, as if they had become my father's right-hand man.

Unlike other peers, Sui Jinrong has long had extraordinary dreams in his heart. After graduating from junior high school, she was faced with the choice of continuing her studies or finding another path, and she resolutely chose the latter.

Tailoring has become a new pursuit, and she believes that it will not only make her better, but also bring her financial independence.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

However, the tuition fee of 50 yuan was undoubtedly a huge amount of money for Sui Jinrong's family at that time. After much persuasion, her father finally agreed to give her this rare opportunity to learn.

Sui Jinrong cherished this hard-won opportunity and devoted himself to learning.

After completing his studies, Sui Jinrong's business acumen began to emerge. Instead of going out to work, she opened her own training class in her hometown. Attracting students with a low price of 20 yuan, she not only quickly recouped her tuition, but also earned hundreds of extra yuan.

This sense of accomplishment made her eyes shine with confidence, and the corners of her mouth unconsciously raised.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

In addition to teaching tailoring skills, Sui Jinrong also began to tailor clothes for the villagers. With the advantages of fair price and novel style, her order was even scheduled until Chinese New Year's Eve.

However, life is always challenging. When her father undertook a renovation project, she did not hesitate to put down her needlework and devote herself to more arduous manual labor.

In that empty room, despite the heavy workload, Sui Jinrong always found happiness. At the end of the day's work, she and her sister would sing loudly in the house, using their singing to dispel fatigue and welcome new hope.

This experience laid a solid foundation for her to face hardships in the future.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

The story of Sui Jinrong is a process in which an ordinary rural girl gradually realizes her self-worth through her own efforts and wisdom. Her experience proves that even in an environment with limited resources, with determination and perseverance, you can carve out a world of your own.

This childhood and adolescence experience laid a solid foundation for her to face greater challenges in life later in life.

In 2006, 26-year-old Sui Jinrong ushered in an important turning point in his life. Through a friend's introduction, she met her future husband. When they met for the first time, Sui Jinrong's eyes flashed with anticipation and shyness, as if he saw the dawn of a better life.

Soon, the two entered the palace of marriage hand in hand and formed their own small family. Soon after they got married, they had a son and a daughter, and their lives seemed to be happy and happy.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

However, the calm days did not last long. Rumors of high profits in the coal transportation industry in Ordos took root in the hearts of the young couple like a seed.

Attracted by the lure of great wealth, they decided to give up their stable life to raise funds to buy a heavy truck and embark on a journey to find wealth.

In the face of such a major blow, Sui Jinrong showed amazing tenacity and courage. She was determined to get a B2 license on her own and drive a truck to transport coal.

However, her husband could not adapt to such difficult living conditions. He began to complain frequently and longed to be able to switch to larger business activities.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Sui Jinrong's brow furrowed, and she tried to dissuade her husband, but in the end she failed to prevent the tragedy from happening. Despite her repeated attempts to stop it, her husband insisted on committing to a large business venture.

Unfortunately, the partners swept away all the funds, leaving them alone to face huge financial losses.

This failure did not wake up the husband. He remained obsessed with his next investment opportunity, and this disagreement eventually led to the breakdown of their marriage. After the divorce, Sui Jinrong had to bear foreign debts of up to 500,000 yuan on his own, and he had to raise two young children alone.

In the dead of night, Sui Jinrong would feel a deep despair and feel that he could not afford to repay the astronomical sum. But every time she sees a sleeping child, she gets back up.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

For the sake of her children, and for the sake of trusting her relatives, she decided to return to Ordos again and drive the weather-beaten truck.

Sui Jinrong's marriage story, from a sweet beginning to a bitter ending, shows the impermanence of life. However, it was these difficult experiences that forged her strong will and laid the foundation for her subsequent life struggles.

Re-embarking on the road of transporting coal, Sui Jinrong's life became more and more difficult. Her ex-husband is like evaporating from the world, neither caring about the growth of the children nor helping to pay off debts.

All the burden fell on this strong woman. In order to pay off his debts as soon as possible, Sui Jinrong chose an extremely difficult way of life - settling down in the car.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Every day, Sui Jinrong has to drive a dilapidated vehicle back and forth on the more than 30-kilometer road in the mining area. Her delicate hands were soon covered with calluses, and her face was always covered in soot.

But even so, her eyes remained steadfast, and a gentle smile often hung on the corner of her mouth. This strength not only comes from a sense of responsibility for debts, but also from a deep concern for children.

However, fate dealt her a heavy blow again. During a busy loading process, Sui Jinrong was negligent, causing his young son to accidentally fall from the car.

Although fortunately the child was fine, this accident had a profound impact on Sui Jinrong. She suddenly realized that the safety of her child's life was far more important than everything else.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

After careful consideration, Sui Jinrong made a difficult decision to send the child back to his distant hometown, where his eldest daughter and relatives and friends would take care of him. The scenes of separation are heartbreaking.

Sui Jinrong hugged her son tightly, tears rolling in her eyes, but she endured it and didn't fall. She whispered to her son, "Mom will definitely work hard to create a stable home for you."

The son nodded sensibly, and his little hand tightly grasped the corner of his mother's clothes, reluctant to give up.

Since then, Sui Jinrong has worked even harder. Her daily life has evolved into a race against time, driving her dilapidated vehicle to and from the long mining roads every day.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Even when she was exhausted, she never complained. There is only one belief in her heart: she must be strong for the sake of her children.

In this way, in the long three years, Sui Jinrong finally paid off the huge debt of 500,000 yuan with amazing perseverance and diligence. When the last money was paid off, she finally couldn't hold back her tears.

This is not a tear of weakness, but the joy of victory, an affirmation of one's perseverance.

This time, there was a more determined light burning in her eyes. Because she knows that she has overcome the most difficult moment in her life, and she will be able to deal with the next challenges calmly.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Sui Jinrong's tenacity not only inspired herself, but also infected her children. On the eve of the New Year, when she wanted to buy a new set of clothes for her son, her son resolutely refused, showing maturity and understanding beyond his years, which made Sui Jinrong feel both sad and gratified.

The story of Sui Jinrong is a legend about rebirth. In three years, she not only paid off her huge debts, but also rebuilt her life. Her experience teaches us that even in desperate situations, as long as we remain strong and courageous, we can always find hope for rebirth.

Fate is always full of drama. In order to find a trace of fun in the boring long-distance transportation life, Sui Jinrong began to share his daily life on the short video platform.

Her perseverance and sincere attitude quickly won the love of the majority of netizens. Surprisingly, the number of her followers crossed the two million mark in just a few months.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Faced with the sudden attention, Sui Jinrong seemed a little overwhelmed. She always has a shy smile on her face, and her eyes reveal the cherishing and gratitude for this love.

Many enthusiastic netizens sent her seat cushions and other practical items to make her more comfortable during the long journey. This care from strangers made Sui Jinrong feel warm and gave her the motivation to continue to move forward.

However, Sui Jinrong was not carried away by these praises and attention. She is well aware of the plight of farmers in remote areas selling agricultural products, so she began to actively promote these high-quality agricultural products on her account, hoping to use her influence to help more people in need.

Whenever she sees her efforts helping others, her eyes sparkle with relief.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

In addition to sharing his daily life, Sui Jinrong also shows his singing voice on social media, using his own way to convey positive energy and inspire more people to bravely face life's challenges.

Her story not only touched countless netizens, but also attracted the attention of the media. In 2020, her touching experience was reported by CCTV and resonated with audiences across the country.

From an ordinary truck driver to a high-profile Internet celebrity, Sui Jinrong's experience once again proves that as long as you remain sincere and persistent, ordinary life can also bloom with extraordinary brilliance.

Now, Sui Jinrong has successfully paid off all his foreign debts, and the burden of life has finally been lightened. She finally has more time to spend with her children and enjoy the warmth of family life.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Whenever she sees the children playing freely in their new home, a happy smile appears on her face, and it is a relief that she finally sees hope after all the hardships.

However, Sui Jinrong did not stop there. Despite the ease of stress, she continues to drive her heavy truck between the mine and the construction site.

She has demonstrated that women can also navigate an industry that is considered to be dominated by men.

Sui Jinrong's story is not only a personal struggle, but also an inspirational role model for others. Her experience is quietly changing everyone around her, allowing more people to see the power of perseverance and courage.

Female driver: drove a 70-ton truck with 22 wheels, and repaid a debt of 500,000 yuan for her ex-husband in 3 years

Although the future is still full of challenges, Sui Jinrong is ready to continue to write a new chapter in her life, interpreting in her own way what it means to be strong and what it means to be responsible.

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