
Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

author:Willing to talk about emotions

It's been four years since Zang Tianshuo died, but his story doesn't end there. In a courtroom in Beijing, two people who are supposed to be close to each other — Zang Tianshuo's parents and daughter-in-law — are tearfully facing each other in court. There was sadness and helplessness in the air, and the judge's serious gaze scanned back and forth between the two parties.

Zang Tianshuo's parents were in their old age, trembling hands clutching the courtroom railing, their eyes full of longing for their son and incomprehension of the current situation. On the side, Zang Tianshuo's daughter-in-law lowered her head, tears slipped silently, and her shoulders shrugged slightly, as if she was bearing an unspeakable burden.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

The focus is on the huge debts left by Zang Tianshuo during his lifetime. These debts stem from his business ventures and improper investments. Mr. Zang's parents insisted that the debts should be borne by Mr. Zang's former company, not by his family.

They have lost their son, and An Ning's daughter-in-law, who does not want to lose her old age, argues that as the legal heir, she is responsible but unable to repay these astronomical debts.

In the courtroom, Zang Tianshuo and the opposing lawyer had fierce debates one after another. Zang Tianshuo's father, the white-haired old man, suddenly stood up and said in a trembling voice: "We have lost our son, do we still have to lose our dignity?" This sentence silenced the entire courtroom.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Zang Tianshuo's daughter-in-law raised her head, looked at the old man with teary eyes, and stopped talking.

This lawsuit is not only about debt, but also about the end of a family and a legend. The once rock star is gone, leaving only a mess of chicken feathers and endless controversy.

The judge sounded the gavel and adjourned the courtroom, and the family, which had been held together by music, was now torn apart by money.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Walking out of the courtroom, the sun was dazzling and tearful. Zang Tianshuo's mother leaned against the wall and muttered, "Tianshuo, have you seen it? His daughter-in-law walked alone in the other direction, her shoulders shaking with sobbing.

This scene seems to be a metaphor for Zang Tianshuo's life - glory and loneliness, reunion and separation, always intertwined on the life stage of this rock star.

Who would have thought that Zang Tianshuo's life would experience such ups and downs? The "Ode to Beijing" he composed when he was young has moved countless people, just when his music career was in its prime, life poured cold water on him, and the peak of his career became a turning point in his life.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Soon after Zang Tianshuo got involved in the business field, he co-founded a company with a friend. A lot of money was invested initially, and the results were not as good as they could have been.

The failure of business brought huge debts and cast a shadow over his later life, when the high-spirited rock star was left with unpaid debts and broken family relationships.

This lawsuit not only reveals the wealth dilemma in the original Vanity Fair, but also paints a microcosm of the-for-tat between fame and reality for others. In the face of such a huge debt burden, the applause and praise of the past seem so pale and powerless.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Although this musical genius has been admired and admired by countless people, in the end he has not escaped the curse of money.

Zang Tianshuo's story is undoubtedly a warning, reminding all of us who chase fame and fortune to be careful of the crises behind them. In the spotlight, we are often attracted by the dazzling light, but forget the horror hidden in it.

As soon as music ceased to be pure and fame and fortune became the only pursuit, tragedy seemed inevitable.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Zang Tianshuo's musical dreams and life values seem to have been completely forgotten in the court dispute, leaving only endless regrets and irresolvable contradictions. This tragedy is not his own, but a microcosm of the entire era.

Back in time and back in Beijing in 2018, the autumn breeze was bleak and the footsteps in the corridor of the hospital were constant. In an intensive care unit, Zang Tianshuo lies on a hospital bed, his once magnetic voice now weak.

The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue: the once mighty rock star of advanced lung cancer is now fighting the disease.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

A bitter smile flashed in Zang Tianshuo's eyes, as if he was laughing at the ruthlessness of fate. He remembered the glory of the past, but now he was only waiting for death by the cold bedside. The instruments in the ward made a ticking sound, as if counting down the musician's life.

Outside the hospital room, his family and a few loyal friends whispered to each other. Their eyes were full of worry and helplessness, and Zang Tianshuo, who used to shine on the stage, now needs their care and support.

The family took turns to stay at the bedside, hoping to give him the last warmth and companionship.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

As Zang Tianshuo's condition deteriorated, his friends in the music industry came to visit. However, the backstage, which was lively and lively back then, is now sadly deserted. Someone brought a guitar and gently played the melody of "Ode to Beijing", and Zang Tianshuo hummed along weakly, as if to inject the last vitality into this famous song.

The ward reverberated with a familiar melody, but with a hint of sadness.

At the last moment of Zang Tianshuo's life, remorse flashed in his eyes. He muttered softly, "If I could do it all over again, I would ......" and before he could finish, he fainted. His family and friends stood by his bedside, tears in their eyes and blurred vision.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

They all understand that the former rock star is in his final struggle with life.

Looking back on Zang Tianshuo's life, from the brilliance of music, the decline of his career, to the deterioration of his health, it seems to be a tragic symphony of fate. He once composed such a moving song as "Ode to Beijing", which was a smash hit.

However, after becoming famous, business ventures and improper investments put him in financial trouble.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Under the influence of the debt crisis, Zang's music career has come to a standstill, with a sharp reduction in once-rich performance invitations and a record label no longer planning to collaborate with his new album.

The erstwhile rock star began to appreciate Vanity Fair's apathy, and over time, financial stress and anxiety gradually increased, which may have had a detrimental effect on his health.

On October 28, 2018, Zang Tianshuo unfortunately passed away. The news plunged the entire music industry into grief. At the memorial service, many fans, musicians, and friends gathered together to remember the rock star.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

They recalled the touching that Zang Tianshuo brought them, those passionate live performances, and those lyrics that hit people's hearts, however, no one expected that this was only the beginning of a tragedy, and a bigger storm was brewing.

Zang Tianshuo's departure symbolizes the end of an era and the curtain call of a musician. The trajectory of his life, from glory to loneliness, from the peak to the bottom, seems to be a microcosm of the entire era.

In the final stages of his life, we see not only a personal tragedy, but also a profound allegory of fame, fortune, dreams and reality.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Today, when we look back on Zang Tianshuo's life, we can't help but ask, what caused this talented musician to come to such a sad end? Is it the temptation of business? Is it the loss of fame and fortune? Or is it a merciless trick of fate? Perhaps there will never be a definitive answer to these questions.

However, Zang's story will undoubtedly bring profound lessons to the music industry and society as a whole, prompting us to rethink the true meaning and value of life.

In the last years of Zang Tianshuo's life, his career had fallen into a trough. However, a few years ago, when the name Zang Tianshuo could still cause bursts of cheers, he stepped into the business sea in high spirits and started an embarrassing experience.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

After reaching the peak of his music career, Zang Tianshuo decided to venture into the business world. He co-founded the company with a man he called a "good friend" and invested a lot of money with confidence. There was ambition in his eyes, as if he was seeing the pinnacle of another career.

However, reality hit him hard.

Zang Tianshuo's company had problems with its operation and a large amount of money was lost, and he began to borrow money everywhere in the hope of recovering the losses. His eyes were full of anxiety and uneasiness, and his previous calmness was gone, replaced by a deep sense of powerlessness.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Debts snowballed, and eventually Zang found himself in a financial predicament from which he could not escape.

Faced with mounting debts, Zang Tianshuo dodged the phone calls from creditors, filled with frustration and shame. The once dominant rock star is now reduced to the point of hiding in Tibet.

He began to drink to kill his sorrows, and often drank alone until late at night, Zang Tianshuo's wife looked at him worriedly, but she didn't know what to do.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

During this time, Zang's music career came to a standstill. Record companies no longer offered him new albums, and his opportunities to perform became increasingly scarce.

Zang Tianshuo often stays alone in the recording studio, his eyes fall on the poster of his youth on the wall, his eyes are full of confusion and unwillingness, he doesn't know where his future is, and he doesn't know how he should continue to move forward.

His friends began to distance themselves from him, and the once-lively party became deserted. The people who surrounded him at the peak of his career now seem to have evaporated from the world. Zang Tianshuo began to realize how scarce true feelings were in this Vanity Fair.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

After a drunken experience, Zang Tianshuo looked at his haggard self in the mirror and couldn't help muttering, "Who am I?" Am I still the same Zang Tianshuo? This sentence seems to be his questioning of his life, full of sadness and self-mockery.

He began to reflect on his life choices, but it was too late.

Zang's deepening debt crisis has severely affected his music career. Although he tried to relieve the financial pressure by holding concerts, the results were not ideal.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

This made his former fans question his talent, and media coverage shifted from praise to skepticism and criticism.

Under the double-edged sword effect of money and fame, the former rock star fell into a difficult situation and lost his way, so his story has become a warning case.

Zang's experience tells us that even talented artists can make mistakes and fail in the mall. His tragedy is not only a personal failure, but also reveals the problems that society may have in defining and pursuing success.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

In Zang Tianshuo's life journey, "Ode to Beijing" in 1990 is undoubtedly the most dazzling highlight moment of his life. Let's go back to that sunny summer in Beijing, when the air was full of the smell of youth and ideals.

Young Zang Tianshuo, with slightly long hair, and his eyes flashed with a love for music and a vision for the future. He often sits alone in Beijing's hutongs, his fingers gently plucking on the guitar strings, melodies and lyrics constantly popping up in his head.

This young man from an ordinary family, with a love for music, longs to shine on the stage one day.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

One day, he was strolling along Chang'an Avenue and saw the five-star red flag in Tiananmen Square, and suddenly he had an inspiration. He quickly ran home and wrote the lyrics of "Ode to Beijing" in one go.

When he sang this song in its entirety for the first time, even he himself was deeply moved, and this song expressed his deep feelings for Beijing and the motherland, and also pinned on his love for the music industry.

The unique melody and patriotic lyrics of "Ode to Beijing" quickly caused a sensation in the music circle, immediately conquering the hearts of the audience and the judges. In an important music competition, Zang Tianshuo stood on the stage, confidently playing the strings, singing affectionately, the audience swayed with the rhythm, and some people were even moved to tears.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

At this moment, Zang Tianshuo knew that his musical dream was finally possible.

This song won Zang Tianshuo several awards, and he became famous for it, frequently appearing in major media. The record company threw an olive branch to him, and the invitations surrounded him, and the performances were endless.

Zang Tianshuo's life has changed dramatically, from an unknown young singer to a new rock world, becoming a hot star.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

After becoming famous, Zang Tianshuo's life became luxurious, squandering money all the time. Luxury cars, watches, and high-end restaurants have become the standard of his life, and his circle of friends has expanded rapidly, and political and business celebrities have rushed to associate with him.

At a lavish party, Zang Tianshuo held champagne and said in high spirits: "This is the life I want!" At that moment, he seemed to have forgotten the purity and love he had when he first wrote "Ode to Beijing".

Beneath the glossy surface of prosperity, however, lurks the seeds of crisis. A lot of money was sent out, as if it was worthless, and Zang Tianshuo began to become extravagant. He indulged in the whirlpool of fame and fortune, and gradually forgot the purity and love he had when he wrote "Ode to Beijing".

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

The success of "Ode to Beijing" not only changed Zang Tianshuo's life, but also changed the trajectory of his life. Zang Tianshuo tasted the sweetness after his success, but at the same time, he also went to a world full of temptations and dangers.

This song became a turning point in Xiang Dongdong's career, the pinnacle of his music career, and the beginning of a tragedy in his life.

When "Ode to Beijing" sounded on the radio again, Zang Tianshuo listened quietly, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in his eyes. He muttered to himself, "Is this still me?" This question seemed to foreshadow his future fate.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

The success of "Ode to Beijing" is Zang Tianshuo's most brilliant achievement, but it has also become a shadow that he cannot surpass, and finally became the prelude to the tragedy of his life.

Before Zang Tianshuo's illustrious music career began, he had a difficult time that few people knew about. Let's go back in time to Beijing in the early 1980s and see his life in an ordinary family.

When Zang Tianshuo was young, his eyes were full of love and longing for music. In that era of material scarcity, a guitar was a luxury for ordinary families, but Zang Tianshuo saved enough 800 yuan to buy the first guitar in his life - a worn-out second-hand piano.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

The first time he put his finger on the strings, he experienced the sensation of an electric shock and knew that music was his destiny. He began to practice day and night, sometimes bleeding from his fingers, but he still kept playing.

The neighbors are often woken up by the sound of the piano in the middle of the night, and they are quite helpless about it, so they can only bow their heads and sigh, but Zang Tianshuo doesn't care, he only has music in his heart.

Zang Tianshuo's parents were both worried and distressed about their son's choice of music. My father often frowned and said, "What's wrong with learning, you have to play music?" The mother silently served a bowl of hot noodles to her hard-working son in the middle of the night, her eyes full of distress and helplessness.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Although they couldn't understand their son's choice for a while, they still supported him unconditionally and silently.

At that time, rock 'n' roll was still a novelty for people. Zang Tianshuo is looking for people who have similar aspirations to him, and plans to form his own band. He often rode his bicycle, rain or shine, through the streets of Beijing, just to attend an underground show or meet a new musician.

Finally, Zang Tianshuo formed his first band. The rehearsal site was an abandoned bomb shelter with poor equipment and a harsh environment. But whenever the music sounds, Zang Tianshuo's eyes will sparkle, as if he is on a big stage cheered by thousands of people.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

However, the reality of the band is brutal. They often travel around for a small gig, getting paid a pittance, sometimes even for a boxed lunch. Zang Tianshuo once sang on the streets, and he was hit hard by the cold eyes and ridicule of passers-by at that time.

But in the dead of night, he would silently encourage himself in his heart: "Keep going, and one day you will succeed".

During the difficult period, Zang Tianshuo learned to persevere in the difficult situation and find hope. These experiences shaped his unique musical style while also laying the foundation for his future success.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Zang Tianshuo's persistence finally paid off. His talent was gradually discovered, and since then there have been some opportunities for small performances, although the stage is simple and the audience is sparse, but for Zang Tianshuo, this is where the dream begins.

Years later, Zang Tianshuo stood on a huge stage, enjoying the attention, he occasionally thought of the boy chasing his dreams, and then the corners of his mouth would unconsciously flash a bitter smile.

The memories of those hard years are not only his pride, but also his most precious treasure.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Zang Tianshuo's story tells us that behind success often hides unimaginable hardships for ordinary people, and he explained with his own experience that as long as you pursue your dreams without hesitation and persevere, you will eventually realize your dreams one day.

Zang Tianshuo's life is like a rock song with ups and downs, with highs and lows intertwined, and finally ending with a sad chord. In the last moments of his life, he may look back on his life and his heart is full of mixed emotions.

Mistakes in financial management were one of the main causes of Zang's tragedy. He was so immersed in the joy of success that he didn't realize the importance of wealth management. Due to a huge debt, he ends up trapped in an invisible web.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

This lesson teaches us that even talented artists need to have basic financial literacy.

The risks of interpersonal relationships are fully reflected in Zang Tianshuo's story. He was too gullible to his so-called "friends" and ventured into business areas that he was not familiar with. However, when the adversity came, his former friends left, leaving him alone to face the debt crisis.

This reminds us how precious and rare true camaraderie can be in Vanity Fair.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Family relationships were extremely important in Zang's later years. When he was in trouble, his family became his last support. However, the shadow of a huge debt has plunged the family into strife.

Zang's experience reminds us that while career success is important, family harmony is more important than anything else.

Reflecting on Zang Tianshuo's life, one can't help but wonder: what is real success? Is it just applause on stage? Or the numbers on a bank account? Or peace of mind and contentment? Zang Tianshuo may have felt that he had achieved fame at the peak of his career, but in the end, he ended up in a tragic ending of high debts and family breakdown.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

Zang Tianshuo's story is a kind of microcosm of that era. It was an era of material supremacy, and there were many people who lost themselves in the pursuit of fame and fortune, and there were also many people who forgot their original dreams in the glitz and glitz of success.

The tragedy of Zang Tianshuo can make us rethink the value and meaning of life.

Zang Tianshuo's life tells us that talent and success do not guarantee a happy life. Money and fame are double-edged swords that require wisdom and moderation to harness. His life is both an inspirational legend and a lesson worth pondering.

Zang Tianshuo died for 4 years, leaving behind a huge debt, and the lonely old man and his daughter-in-law tearfully went to court

I hope that his story can make more people pursue their dreams while not forgetting their original intentions, cherishing the present, and being kind to life.

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