
The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

author:Xiao Nan loves to chatter

"Don't underestimate the ambition of one person and the ambition of a company, both of which have the potential to cause a massive collapse." I am afraid that this sentence is more suitable for the fall of HNA Group.


In March 2022, the news that shocked the world finally came to an end - the former aviation giant HNA Group announced that it had filed for bankruptcy restructuring. The data is staggering, and the company's astronomical debt of 750 billion is unbelievable to be found on an airline. What is even more shocking is that Chen Feng, one of the founders of HNA, was arrested on suspicion of economic crimes, and his personal property and equity were also completely frozen. This huge financial and management crisis has begun.

For most people, the demise of HNA Group may be just a distant business news, but if you dig deeper into the former aviation hegemon, you will find that behind this dramatic collapse is a story that condenses the fate of countless people.

Now let's slowly kick off this story together.

Soarers at a gallop

Looking back at the development history of HNA Group, it was indeed a bright star in the domestic and global aviation industry. In 1993, with the support of the Hainan Provincial Government, HNA Group came into being. With a keen sense of the market and strong capital operation capabilities, it has quickly gained a firm foothold in the aviation industry in just a few years and has become a first-class airline in China.

The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

In 2008, HNA Group's business territory began to expand, not only expanding its domestic route network, but also acquiring overseas airlines one after another, rapidly growing into a multinational group. According to statistics, during the period from 2016 to 2017, HNA Group's annual revenue even exceeded 600 billion yuan, ranking among the top 10 domestic enterprises and becoming an "aviation giant" in the true sense.

As an industry leader, HNA Group's development trajectory is indeed remarkable. Its aircraft can be found all over the world, and its fleet size is among the highest in the country. At the same time, HNA has also set foot in many fields such as hotels, real estate, and finance, forming a huge industrial territory. All this undoubtedly reflects its strong capital strength and business strategy.

However, when we take a closer look at the development history of HNA Group, we will find the hidden signs of crisis behind it.

The pitfalls of high leverage

The key reason why HNA Group has been able to achieve rapid expansion in a short period of time is that it has adopted a large number of financial leverage. In order to pursue faster growth, it continues to expand its business territory through debt, mergers and acquisitions, etc.

This business strategy, which is highly dependent on financial leverage, has indeed enabled HNA Group to achieve rapid development in a certain period of time. But at the same time, it also buries huge hidden dangers.

According to the data, at the peak of HNA Group, its total debt scale was as high as 750 billion yuan. This astronomical amount is far beyond the limits of what an airline can handle. Tens of billions of dollars are spent on interest repayment alone every year, putting huge pressure on the company's cash flow.

The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

Obviously, such a high-debt business model will collapse quickly once it encounters a crisis. When the global economic environment deteriorated, coupled with the impact of the epidemic, the aviation industry was hit hard, and it was difficult for HNA Group to support it. It is facing a sharp decline in passenger traffic, a sharp decline in revenue, and a growing debt crisis.

It can be said that the root cause of HNA Group's current predicament lies in its over-reliance on financial leverage. In pursuit of a faster expansion, it made large-scale overseas mergers and acquisitions and asset investments regardless of the risks, and eventually fell into debt. This "high-leverage-driven" development model will eventually become its "Achilles heel".

Dangers lurk and disasters cause a wall

While HNA Group is mired in a huge debt vortex, it is also facing crises on other levels.

The first is a crisis at the management level. Chen Feng, one of the founders of HNA, was arrested after the debt crisis erupted and accused of economic crimes. This is not only a huge blow to him personally, but also reflects the serious lack of internal management and supervision system of HNA Group. The over-reliance on individual decision-making and the lack of checks and balances ultimately led to this major financial scandal.

In addition, the debt crisis of HNA Group has also had a wide-ranging knock-on effect on related industries and individuals. As a giant in the aviation industry, the downfall of HNA will inevitably affect the entire aviation industry chain. Not only tourism, hotels and other related industries will be affected, but also many ordinary employees and small and medium-sized shareholders will also suffer. Their future prospects are also clouded.

The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

What cannot be ignored is that the collapse of HNA Group is a heavy warning to the entire business community. This incident has exposed the drawbacks of some mainland enterprises in their excessive pursuit of financial leverage when they are in a hurry to expand. Over-reliance on external financing and the lack of internal constraints ultimately led to a debt crisis that was difficult to end.

This is undoubtedly a wake-up call for other businesses. While pursuing rapid development, we should also pay attention to the soundness and sustainability of our own operations. Only by achieving standardized internal management and effective risk prevention can we gain a foothold in the complex and changeable market environment.

Perhaps, the collapse of the HNA Group is a mirror of the vicissitudes of life, reflecting the deep-seated problems that some mainland enterprises have neglected in their rapid expansion. This crisis has undoubtedly brought deep food for thought to the entire business community.

Unleash the dawn and seek rebirth

Faced with such a severe predicament, HNA Group is undoubtedly in a desperate situation. But in the process, there are also some glimmers of hope that deserve our attention.

The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

First of all, in the process of bankruptcy and reorganization, HNA Group is still seeking support and assistance from all parties. It is reported that the Hainan provincial government has stated that it will fully support the restructuring of HNA, including providing policy support and financial assistance. This may give hope to HNA to regain its vitality. In addition to seeking government support, HNA Group is also actively exploring cooperation models with other enterprises in bankruptcy and restructuring. It is reported that some powerful state-owned enterprises and private enterprises are paying attention to the restructuring process of HNA and hope to participate in providing financial and management support.

This has undoubtedly injected new impetus into the future development of HNA. By establishing strategic partnerships with better companies, HNA may be able to find a new way to break through the predicament. Optimizing the shareholder structure, improving the management team, and ultimately realizing its own transformation and upgrading may be the key to HNA's reversal of decline and vitality.

The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

On the other hand, the bankruptcy and restructuring of HNA Group has also injected new vitality into the industry. In this major restructuring, some high-quality assets will be divested to attract other excellent companies for mergers and acquisitions and consolidation. This will be conducive to the merger and reorganization of the aviation industry and promote the reshuffle and upgrading of the entire industry.

Perhaps in the process, we will also see the rise of some new airlines that will disrupt the traditional landscape and bring better service to consumers. This is undoubtedly a positive impact of the collapse of HNA on the industry.

Of course, the future of HNA Group is still fraught with uncertainty. Whether it can regain its former glory also depends on whether it can solve fundamental problems in the restructuring, such as the imbalance of the financial structure and the lack of management system. After all, it will not happen overnight to get rid of such huge debt pressures and management difficulties.

But in any case, the demise of the HNA Group has become a profound mirror of the current business society. It shows that for any enterprise, only by adhering to sound operation and improving internal governance can it truly achieve sustainable development. Over-reliance on financial leverage and the pursuit of rapid expansion will eventually lead to a crisis that will not end well.

This huge business collapse is a wake-up call for the entire industry. We look forward to finding a new way forward in the restructuring of HNA in the coming days and revitalizing the aviation industry." At the same time, it is also hoped that this lesson can trigger more enterprises to think deeply, effectively strengthen internal management, and promote the healthy development of the industry.

The HNA empire collapsed: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was reduced to zero

Let's wait and see how HNA will be reborn. Readers, what do you think about this? Feel free to leave a comment below to share your views.

#海航帝国崩塌: 750 billion debts were crushed, the founder was arrested, and the equity was zeroed

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