
Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

author:Astral Insight

The current Xu Jiayin is really pushed by everyone!

This morning, he was a trapped beast hunted by debt. The Evergrande real estate giant, which once controlled hundreds of billions of wealth, is now facing heavy pressure on a debt of 5.3 billion, and Hexin Hengju has sued it to the Hong Kong High Court, demanding legal means to recover the debt.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

Xu Jiayin had tried to achieve rapid growth in his business empire through venture capital and disorderly expansion, but it all seemed to be collapsing in an instant. Hexin Hengju asked the court to compel the auction of Hui Ka Yin's vacant property at 144 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, in order to pay off the huge debt. The news shook the entire business world and filled the hearts of countless Evergrande investors and home buyers.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

On the Internet, people have expressed their worries about the future of Evergrande Real Estate, and many home buyers are worried that their hard-earned money will be wiped out because of this crisis. In addition, Xu Jiayin's accusation of trying to transfer assets out of the country amid the crisis has provoked great public indignation.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

In the rivers and lakes of money, Xu Jiayin used to be a "real estate hero" that everyone knew and everyone knew, holding the sword of capital and advancing all the way. However, bad luck, and now this former boss is not only entangled in huge debts, but also deeply involved in legal disputes. But what makes people really feel heartache are ordinary home buyers who have bet all their belongings and even their future dreams on Evergrande real estate projects.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

The mood of these home buyers is probably worse than eating flies. Whenever the name Xu Jiayin was mentioned, they couldn't wait to grit their teeth, and their anger was overflowing. Their dissatisfaction is not unfounded—after all, who doesn't want to be in peace in their own nest, and not dream about calculating the hard-earned money that might be wasted?

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

In this financial storm triggered by one person's greed, the average home buyer is undoubtedly the biggest victim. Many of them may have begun to wonder if they should form a club that has been "pitted by Evergrande" and meet regularly to share their "pothole" stories as a way to comfort each other's hearts.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

Compared with Xu Jiayin's ups and downs, the life stories of these ordinary people are more like the real estate version of "chicken feathers". They were full of hope when they bought a house, but they never thought that in the end, it would not only be a loss of money, but also mental torture. And all of this stems from the wrong decisions of a real estate tycoon who has been blinded by a gambling mentality.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

When Mr. Xu, a former real estate tycoon, was in debt crisis, he did not choose to face it bravely, but instead took a more secretive action — according to reliable sources, the real estate tycoon was trying to secretly transfer some of his assets out of the country, an act that undoubtedly caused quite a stir among the public.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

In the face of the financial turmoil, Xu Jiayin chose to "escape" rather than "resist". Not only has the move deepened the unease among investors and home buyers, but it has also raised questions about whether a corporate magnate who chooses to be sneaky rather than open in the face of a difficult situation is a sign of moral degradation or desperation.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

Xu Jiayin's practice has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life. His role is becoming more and more cunning and unfulfilling. People can't help but ask, how did this person who single-handedly built a real estate empire fall step by step from the altar to the state of spurned by everyone? In the face of crisis, people expect heroes to step up, not cowards who shirk their responsibilities.

Outburst! Xu Jiayin is facing a lawsuit in Hong Kong because he can't pay off his 5.3 billion debt!

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