
87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

author:Watching the ball while chatting

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Have you heard? Recently, the national youth basketball team has abused the Bulgarian team unwantedly!

As soon as the game opened, it was like a hang-up, and the difference was opened in minutes, and the Bulgarian team was trembling!

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Probably because the previous game was too easy, the boys of the national youth team were very energetic, and they broke through the Bulgarian defense like a rocket on the field.

Those Bulgarian lads looked confused, and the ball was snatched away from their mouths!

The national youth team has trained a lot of newcomers, and there are a few young players who are simply full of vitality and run more happily on the field than anyone else.

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Today's basketball battle is a wonderful feast!

The men's basketball team won 87-83 in overtime, and the whole court exploded!

This feeling of counterattack is like going from backward and overtaking to being unbeatable when playing a game, and the audience is full of enthusiasm, especially the iron-blooded coach, the scene with tears on his face, is simply moved to cry, his passion is simply the soul singer on the basketball court!

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

The iron-blooded coach is like a commander on the basketball battlefield, waving his baton, and with an order, the players are like hanging up, fighting fiercely.

He speaks concisely and forcefully, always in one sentence, so that the tactics are clearly conveyed.

His "hot" eyes seemed to ignite the fighting spirit of each player, they were united and fearless, and finally completed a shocking reversal at a critical moment!

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Yao Ming's selection eye is simply to see through your underwear.

His knowledge of each player is nothing short of to the point, and he uses it more than a sassy operation, not only disrupting the rhythm of the opponents, but also messing them up.

The iron-blooded spirit displayed by the men's basketball team in overtime was simply exciting, they were like a tenacious little powerhouse, not only holding their positions, but also calmly attacking, and every opportunity was seized by them.

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Big Brother Yao Ming can see through it and know that Coach Fan Bin is not covered.

So he was specially asked to come out of the mountain again and lead the national youth team to fight again.

Teacher Fan Bin led the team, that is called a rigorous!

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

He has a deep understanding of basketball tactics and is an expert at first glance.

With him, the national youth team has been rejuvenated, and every young man is full of fighting spirit.

It's not just about winning or losing, it's about the perfect interpretation of unity and faith.

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Every soldier of the men's basketball team has written a basketball legend with sweat and hard work, showing the strong strength and determination of Chinese basketball to the world.

The tacit cooperation between the iron-blooded coach and Yao Ming has injected infinite hope and confidence into the future of Chinese basketball.

Let's cheer for this brave team and cheer for their wonderful performance!

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Let's cheer for the brilliant victory of the men's basketball team and cheer for their outstanding performance!

I believe that with the existence of these players, Chinese basketball will once again create dazzling brilliance!

This basketball game is not only the victory or defeat of the score, but also a spiritual inheritance and a symbol of strength.

87-83, the men's basketball team reversed in overtime, the iron-blooded coach shed tears on the court, and Yao Ming really chose the right person

Every minute and every second on the basketball court is interpreting the true meaning of hard work and unity.

Let's witness this enthusiasm and pursue the glory of the future of basketball together!

In this game, the national youth team simply led all the way and did not give the opponent a chance to breathe at all.

The Bulgarian team is like a headless fly on the field, and it can't find the north everywhere, isn't it a complete defeat in the end? The victory of the national youth team is not only a victory, but also a recognition of Coach Fan Bin, whose iron-blooded style can indeed teach a group of young men to be obedient.


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