
Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?
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Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

At the International Friendship Games held in New York in July 1998, Chinese gymnast Sang Lan suffered a life-changing blow. At that moment, she fell from the sky, not only shattering her gymnastics dreams, but also weaving an amazing lie for the next 17 years.

Sunlan insisted that Romanian coach Belu removed the pad, causing her to fall into a high paraplegic. The claim caused an uproar and eventually won her a sky-high $1.8 billion in compensation.

However, in November 2015, a long-lost video tape revealed a very different truth: Sang Lan was hurt by her own mistakes.

This stunning reversal not only shocked the sports world, but also made the public re-examine the image of this resilient woman. Now, Sang Lan, who was once a sensation, is facing a new challenge in life - the dilemma of having a second child.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

In 1981, Sang Lan was born in an ordinary family in Ningbo, Zhejiang. From an early age, she showed extraordinary athletic talent, and her flexible posture and strong willpower made her stand out in the gymnastics world.

In 1987, at the age of 6, Sang Lan successfully entered the Ningbo Youth Sports School and started her gymnastics career.

In the years that followed, Sang Lan watered her dreams with sweat. In 1989, she was selected to be sent to the provincial unit for more rigorous training due to her outstanding performance.

Every day of getting up early and greedy for darkness, every painful stretch is paving the way for her future glory. In 1990, Sang Lan got her wish and joined the Zhejiang Sports Team, which was an important milestone in her career.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

In the Zhejiang sports team, Sang Lan is like a fish in water. With her vigorous posture, resolute eyes and confident smile on the field, she quickly earned the reputation of "Queen of Vaulting".

The crowd cheered her performance, the coach was proud of her progress, and Sang Lan seemed to be getting closer and closer to her dream of winning the championship.

However, fate always likes to play jokes with people. On July 21, 1998, just when Sang Lan was at the peak of his career, disaster quietly came. At the International Friendship Games held in New York, Sang Lan had an accident while performing a seemingly simple warm-up move.

It was a 180-degree front flip with a straight front flip. Sang Lan had practiced countless times, and should have been familiar with the road. However, just as her feet were about to hit the ground, an accident happened.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Her neck slammed against the edge of the mat, and in an instant, the entire gymnasium fell into a terrible silence.

Rescuers rushed Sunlan to the hospital, but the diagnosis was heartbreaking for all: two cervical vertebrae were fractured, resulting in high paraplegia. At that moment, Sang Lan's world seemed to collapse.

The once flexible body is confined to a wheelchair, and the once bright future is shrouded in a haze.

However, even in the face of such a huge blow, Sang Lan's eyes still flashed with stubbornness. She secretly swore that she would never let this accident completely destroy her life.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

From that moment on, Sang Lan embarked on a difficult but hopeful new journey, proving with tenacious willpower that the value of life lies not only in the integrity of the body, but also in the tenacity of the mind.

After being injured, Sang Lan did not bow to fate, but chose a difficult road to defend her rights. She firmly believes that her injuries were not simply accidental, but that someone is responsible.

With this belief, Sang Lan began a legal battle that lasted for more than ten years.

In April 2011, Sunland's legal team officially started the litigation process. They took five agencies and three individuals to court with an initial claim of $500 million.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

However, as the case progressed, the amount of the claim continued to climb, first to $2 billion, and finally to a staggering $13 billion. This astronomical figure has aroused widespread attention and heated discussions from all walks of life.

Sunland's team of lawyers has demonstrated great legal wisdom. They skillfully used the agreements signed between the athletes and the organization, while invoking legal provisions such as the U.S. Disability Protection Act and the New York City Human Rights Act to fight for Sunland's best interests.

After a painstaking effort, the eight agencies agreed to provide compensation totaling up to $1.8 billion to Sunland. This result is undoubtedly a huge affirmation of Sang Lan's persistence for many years, and it also gives her a relatively stable guarantee financially.

However, just as Sang Lan was rejoicing at this victory, an unexpected revelation once again pushed her to the forefront of public opinion. In June 2011, Mr. Lu Ping, Sunland's private rehabilitation doctor, disclosed a shocking fact: Sunlan had been sexually assaulted while recovering in the United States.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Mr. Lu Ping revealed that since 1998, Sang Lan has been living in the home of a guardian in the United States for treatment. One day, he pushed open the door of his room and witnessed a heartbreaking scene: Sang Lan was sleeping with only a thin blanket on her body, and her guardian's son, Xue Weisen, was violating her.

What's even more heart-wrenching is that due to the numbness of the body caused by paralysis, Sang Lan is completely unaware of this matter.

This revelation caused an uproar in society. People have expressed sympathy for Sang Lan, and at the same time, they have also strongly condemned those involved. However, what is puzzling is that Sang Lan finally chose not to pursue the matter and not to blame the Xue Weisen family in public.

This abrupt shift in attitude has sparked a lot of public speculation.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Some people believe that Sunlan may have been trying to protect his privacy, while others have speculated that there may have been some kind of quid pro quo. Regardless of the truth, this incident undoubtedly added another deep wound to Sang Lan's already scarred heart.

Despite all the ordeals, Sang Lan remained strong-willed. Her story is not only a legend about rights protection, but also a profound exploration of humanity and dignity.

In this long process of defending her rights, Sang Lan has shown extraordinary courage and perseverance. Not only did she secure huge reparations for herself, but more importantly, she set an example for all those who have suffered injustice: to fight for their rights bravely, even in the face of adversity.

However, life is always full of irony. Just when Sang Lan thought that he had finally overcome his fate, a new challenge crept in. Her story reminds us that the truth in life is often more complex than we think.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

There are hidden corners of everyone's heart, and it is these corners that shape our complex and true humanity.

In the darkest moment of Sang Lan's life, love was like a ray of sunshine, quietly shining into her life. During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Sang Lan met former fencer Huang Jian.

At this time, Huang Jian had already transformed into an agent, and through a friend's introduction, he met Sang Lan, who was at a low point in his life.

When they first met, Sang Lan was facing a double dilemma: her physical pain and the pressure of her career made her desperate need an agent who could help her with her daily chores.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Huang Jian, on the other hand, was deeply attracted by Sang Lan's strong will and optimistic attitude. Although the first impression may not be amazing, as the relationship deepens, a special emotion sprouts between the two.

Huang Jian soon not only became Sang Lan's agent, but also took care of her like a big brother. During the 2008 Olympic torch relay, it was Huang Jian who pushed Sang Lan in a wheelchair and allowed her to complete the 100-meter relay, a symbol of hope.

This scene has become an important moment for their relationship to heat up, and it has also allowed the public to see the warm support behind Sang Lan's strength.

In 2013, the relationship between Sang Lan and Huang Jian finally came to fruition, and the two officially entered the marriage hall. The news caused an uproar on social platforms.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Many people are sincerely happy for Sang Lan, but there are also some doubts. Some people doubted Huang Jian's motives, thinking that he might have taken a fancy to Sang Lan's compensation and social status.

However, these doubts soon proved to be unnecessary. It turned out that Huang Jian's own economic strength was no less than that of Sang Lan. As early as 2000, he bought a luxury villa of more than 300 square meters in Shenzhen, and also owned an antique courtyard house near the Summer Palace in Beijing.

More importantly, when Sunland was in financial difficulties, it was Huang Jian who provided her with stable job opportunities, actively matched her, and facilitated many business cooperations.

After marriage, Huang Jian has always been Sang Lan's most solid backing. He not only took care of Sang Lan's daily life, but also gave her unlimited spiritual support and encouragement. With Huang Jian's company, Sang Lan gradually found a new direction in life and regained her confidence and love for life.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Huang Jian once said affectionately in an interview: "Sang Lan's strength and optimism infected me. Her love and dedication to sports showed me the resilience of life.

And Sang Lan said: "After my parents left Beijing, the person who has been with me is Huang Jian. He gave me the courage to face life again.

This love, which began with hardship and became sincere, not only changed Sang Lan's life, but also showed the public the power of love. It tells us that true love does not distinguish between the able-bodied and the disabled, rich or poor, but between two souls to understand, support and accompany each other.

The story of Sang Lan and Huang Jian has become a model of beautiful love in the hearts of many people.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

After getting married, Sang Lan and Huang Jian soon had the desire to start a family. However, for a patient with high paraplegia, fertility is undoubtedly a huge challenge.

With apprehension and anticipation, Sang Lan plucked up the courage to consult the doctor. To her delight, the doctor replied in the affirmative: despite the difficulties, it was still possible for Sang Lan to become a mother.

In July 2013, an exciting news came: Sang Lan was pregnant. When she learned the news, Sang Lan burst into tears with excitement. She said affectionately, "Life is amazing! When I felt the baby in my womb growing, I was intoxicated by that feeling of happiness.

The arrival of this new life has brought new hope and strength to Sang Lan.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

However, Sang Lan's pregnancy was not easy. Due to the sequelae of spinal injury, she frequently suffered from anemia, high blood sugar and other problems, and also had complications such as urinary tract infections.

To make matters worse, Sunlan usually relies on medications, but these medications can have adverse effects on the fetus if taken consistently during pregnancy. Every day, Sang Lan spends her days worrying and hoping for fear that her physical condition will affect the baby in her womb.

In the face of these difficulties, Sang Lan and Huang Jian have always maintained a positive and optimistic attitude. They work closely with the doctor's advice and take care of every detail. Huang Jian stayed by Sang Lan's side every step of the way, giving her the greatest support and encouragement.

From diet conditioning to psychological counseling, Huang Jian did everything he could, making Sang Lan feel full of love and warmth.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

With the efforts of the medical team and the support of her family, Sang Lan finally gave birth to a healthy baby. When she picked up her child for the first time, all the hard work and worries turned into tears of happiness.

The arrival of this new life is not only the crystallization of the love between Sang Lan and Huang Jian, but also the best interpretation of the tenacity of life.

After becoming a mother, Sang Lan seems to have been reborn. Not only does she have to take care of her children, but she also has to continue her rehabilitation and public activities. Despite the difficulties, Sunlan still maintains a positive and optimistic attitude and strives to balance her family and career.

Her story has inspired countless people facing difficult situations and proved that with courage and determination, any obstacle can be overcome.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Nowadays, the Sunlands occasionally share their family life with fans during live broadcasts. When asked if she still has any dreams, Sang Lan smiled and said, "My family life now makes me feel extremely happy.

But if there's one thing that says something new, it's hoping to have another baby. This wish is not only a desire for life, but also an expectation for the future, and it is another embodiment of Sang Lan's indomitable spirit.

Sang Lan's life trajectory, from a gymnastics champion to a high paraplegic, from a rights defender to a happy mother, shows the amazing strength that a person can burst out in the face of a heavy blow to fate.

Her experience teaches us that the difficulties and setbacks in life are not insurmountable, and the real horror is the loss of courage to face difficulties.

Ten years ago, Sang Lan could ask for $1.8 billion in compensation, but now it is very difficult to have a second child?

Although 17 years of lies were eventually exposed, Sunlan proved the resilience of life with her actions. Her story teaches us to stay optimistic and face every challenge in life, no matter what kind of adversity we encounter.

Just as she now hopes to have a second child, we should never give up the right to pursue happiness, because the value of life is not whether it is perfect or not, but how we face and transcend our limitations.

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