
The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

author:Fish talk about the past and the present
The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

On an ordinary morning in Fei County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, an unusual scene was staged at the gate of a factory around Zhaijia Village. Hundreds of villagers lined up, each holding a large bucket in their hands, their faces full of eagerness and anticipation.

Some people even start queuing here at 4 a.m. just to be able to get access to a special kind of waste liquid discharged from the factory.

What is so amazing about this waste liquid that can cause such a frantic scramble? What's even more surprising is that the owner of this factory, Zhang Jingbao, was once just a poor boy who made a living by picking up rags.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

However, in just a few years, he actually earned 1 through an industry that no one dared to touch. 600 million yuan.

With these questions in mind, we will unveil the mystery of Zhang Jingbao's legendary story and discover the truth behind this modern version of the miracle of "turning stones into gold". From a poor teenager to a successful entrepreneur, Zhang Jingbao's story is not only a legend of personal struggle, but also an inspirational chapter about innovation, perseverance and social responsibility.

Let's walk into the world of Zhang Jingbao and witness how an ordinary person creates a world in the face of adversity through unremitting efforts.

The transformation from a scavenging boy to a "bottle king".

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

In 1975, Zhang Jingbao was born in a poor family in Fei County, Shandong Province. The hardships of life caused the young man to take on the burden of the family prematurely. In 1991, at the age of 16, Zhang Jingbao was faced with a difficult choice: in order to support his family, he had to start picking up garbage to make a living.

Every morning, Zhang Jingbao would carry a heavy woven bag on his back and walk through the streets and alleys, looking for scrap to sell. The fingers and chatters of the people in the village were like invisible blades, constantly piercing the young man's heart.

However, Zhang Jingbao was not crushed by the hardships of life, but showed amazing resilience and wisdom in this hard work.

In the day-to-day scavenging process, Zhang Jingbao keenly observed that the recycling price of wine bottles is much higher than that of other waste products. A wine bottle can be sold for 0.4 yuan, a discovery that gives him a glimmer of hope.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

With a keen sense of the market, Zhang Jingbao began to focus on bottle recycling and gradually established his own business network.

It was during the frequent travel between the wineries that Zhang Jingbao met his wife, Kang Deyun. Despite facing opposition from their families and villagers, the two came together with determination.

Kang Deyun's optimism and cheerfulness deeply influenced Zhang Jingbao, making this once introverted and inferior young man more sunny and confident.

With the support of his wife, Zhang Jingbao began to expand his career. He opened his own recycling station, recruited employees, and expanded his business to the surrounding area.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

Not satisfied with this, Zhang Jingbao began to pay attention to the sugar and wine fair, collect sales information of various brands of liquor, and predict the market demand in advance. This information gap gives him an edge over the competition.

Zhang Jingbao's business acumen has been constantly tempered and improved in the process. He began to cooperate with large wine bottle recyclers in various places, and quickly accumulated the first pot of gold in his life by taking advantage of information advantages.

By 2011, Zhang Jingbao could easily make millions of profits every year just by recycling wine bottles, and was promoted from an unknown "tattered king" to a well-known local "wine bottle king".

This experience not only allowed Zhang Jingbao to accumulate wealth, but also cultivated his keen business sense and perseverance. He learned how to look for opportunities in the face of adversity, how to turn seemingly insignificant things into business opportunities.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

These valuable qualities and experiences have laid a solid foundation for his future entrepreneurial journey.

Zhang Jingbao's story tells us that even if you start from a low starting point, as long as you have courage, wisdom and perseverance, you can create amazing achievements. From a scavenging teenager who was ridiculed by others to an admirable successful businessman, Zhang Jingbao proved with his actions that his fate is in his own hands, and as long as he doesn't give up, he has the possibility of changing his life.

With the wine bottle recycling business booming, Zhang Jingbao is not satisfied with the status quo. He began to set his sights on a broader world - the liquor brewing industry. This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for someone who has never set foot in this field.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

However, Zhang Jingbao bravely stepped into this unknown world with a humble apprentice's heart.

The early days of winemaking were not smooth. As a complete newbie, Zhang Jingbao made a liquor of poor quality and dismal sales. But he was not discouraged, but continued to learn, improve the process, and improve the quality of products.

He knows that only by continuously improving product quality can we gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition.

However, even if the quality of the product has improved, the market share is still occupied by other manufacturers and brands, and it is not easy to open up the market. In the face of such a predicament, Zhang Jingbao showed his courage and wisdom as a successful entrepreneur.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

He decisively hired a group of excellent sales talents and personally led the team to study sales strategies.

Zhang Jingbao and his team worked around the clock to constantly adjust their strategies and optimize their products. They visit wine merchants everywhere to understand the market needs and continuously improve their products based on feedback.

Zhang Jingbao also personally participated in the sales line, listened to the voice of customers, and understood the needs of consumers. This hands-on attitude not only gave him a deeper understanding of the market, but also won the trust and respect of customers.

In the process, Zhang Jingbao has shown amazing learning ability and adaptability. He has grown from a layman who knows nothing about the liquor industry to an entrepreneur who can control the overall situation.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

Not only did he learn how to make high-quality baijiu, but he also mastered skills in marketing, team management, and more.

Hard work pays off. After two years of hard work, Zhang Jingbao's liquor sales have achieved an amazing breakthrough and successfully broke through the 10 million mark. This achievement not only proved Zhang Jingbao's business acumen, but also made him famous in the local area, becoming a well-respected entrepreneur.

From the initial dozens of cases to hundreds of cases later, and then to today's sales of more than 10 million, Zhang Jingbao's liquor business has experienced a qualitative leap. This adventurous experience in the liquor industry made Zhang Jingbao more determined his entrepreneurial belief.

He deeply understands that only by constantly innovating and having the courage to try can we stand out in the highly competitive market.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

This spirit also laid the foundation for his future fresh yuba projects. Zhang Jingbao's story tells us that the road to entrepreneurship never ends, and every success is a new starting point.

Only by maintaining the spirit of continuous learning and innovation can we remain invincible in the rapidly changing business world.

In 2011, an accident completely changed the trajectory of Zhang Jingbao's life. His 7-year-old daughter suffered from osteoporosis due to excessive consumption of a certain brand of biscuits.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

This blow made Zhang Jingbao deeply realize the importance of food safety, and also made him determined to develop a real "zero additive" food.

Just as Zhang Jingbao was looking for new business opportunities, he came across the Fresh Yuba project. The project immediately caught his attention. Unlike traditional dried yuba, fresh yuba retains more nutrients and tastes more delicious.

However, there are huge challenges in the production and preservation of fresh yuba, which is why it is rarely found on the market.

Despite the enormous risks and uncertainties, Zhang Jingbao decided to go all out. He invested millions of dollars to purchase a number of top-of-the-line production equipment and carefully built a modern factory.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

However, this decision has attracted widespread skepticism and opposition. Almost everyone thinks his approach is unconventional and even seen as crazy by his peers.

But Zhang Jingbao was not swayed by these doubts. He firmly believes that only by sticking to his beliefs can he create real value. In order to overcome technical difficulties, he spared no expense to hire foreign scientific research teams to provide technical support in the factory.

After unremitting efforts, Zhang Jingbao and his team finally succeeded in developing a natural fresh bean curd with zero additives.

With confidence and expectation for the product, Zhang Jingbao named this fresh bean curd product "Bean Gold", which means that the company's product quality is as precious as gold.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

However, when he announced the pricing of his products, there was another uproar. The price of "bean gold" is as high as 90 yuan per catty, which is as much as nine times the price of ordinary dried yuba.

This price has made many people doubt the market prospects of the product. Criticism has been heard one after another, with some saying that Zhang Jingbao was too conceited, and others predicting that the project would fail.

However, Zhang Jingbao stuck to his pricing strategy. He believes that a truly high-quality product will always have its value.

In the face of doubts from all sides, Zhang Jingbao's heart was also shaken. But when he remembers his daughter's experience of suffering due to food safety issues, he strengthens his resolve.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

He believes that there is always a group of people in the market who are willing to pay for health and quality.

This insistence also laid the groundwork for his later market breakthrough. Zhang's story tells us that innovation often means taking risks, but only by daring to break the mold can it be possible to create real value.

Although the road ahead is full of unknowns and challenges, Zhang Jingbao is ready to meet this big gamble related to the life and death of his career.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

Although Zhang Jingbao is confident in his fresh bean curd products, the market reaction has not been as he expected. The high price has led to the unsalable products, and the company is facing an unprecedented crisis.

To add insult to injury, the sales executive who had followed him for many years chose to leave, and other employees resigned. For a while, Zhang Jingbao seemed to have returned to the days of scavenging and fighting alone.

However, in the face of such a predicament, Zhang Jingbao showed amazing perseverance and determination. He resolutely devoted himself to the sales business, carrying freshly made yuba products to major markets every day.

No matter how many rolls of eyes and rejections he suffered, he always persevered in introducing the product to each potential customer and leaving samples for people to taste.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

Hard work pays off. Finally one day, Zhang Jingbao received a fateful phone call. The owner of a hot pot restaurant named He Ailing became intrigued by his products.

Zhang Jingbao seized the opportunity to demonstrate the uniqueness of fresh yuba with a simple but powerful experiment: he put a piece of fresh yuba into boiling water, and in an instant, the clear water turned into thick soy milk.

This scene amazed He Ailing, and signed an order worth 500,000 yuan on the spot.

This successful cooperation not only gave Zhang Jingbao great confidence, but also made him realize the huge potential of the hot pot market. So, he led the team to Chongqing, where China's hot pot culture is most prevalent, to expand the market.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

However, the road is not smooth. For weeks on end, they failed to convince any of the hot pot restaurants to use their fresh yuba.

But Zhang Jingbao did not give up. He tried every possible means to find opportunities, and finally succeeded in contacting Li Qianhui, the secretary general of the Chongqing Hot Pot Association. In order to gain Li Qianhui's approval, Zhang Jingbao went through three rigorous tests: a visual inspection, a tasting test, and the most critical factory site visit.

Zhang Jingbao's products and factories have withstood the test, and finally won Li Qianhui's approval.

This breakthrough was like a domino effect, quickly triggering a chain reaction in the Chongqing hot pot circle. Zhang Jingbao's fresh bean curd quickly became a popular new product in the local area, and gradually spread to stores across the country.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

By 2018, Zhang's company had successfully supplied products to more than 10,000 hot pot restaurants, with 83 hot pot brands and sales of a staggering 160 million yuan.

This "crazy" idea, which was once ridiculed, eventually became a business myth. Zhang Jingbao's story tells us that on the road to entrepreneurship, adhering to beliefs, continuous innovation, and seizing opportunities are the key factors for success.

Even if you face many difficulties, as long as you persevere, you will eventually usher in the day when the willows will bloom.

Entrepreneurial inspiration: courage, perseverance and responsibility

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

Zhang Jingbao's legendary story is not only a business success story, but also a vivid life lesson. His experience has left a profound inspiration for us, and it is worth pondering for everyone with dreams.

First of all, Zhang Jingbao proved with his actions that difficulties are not insurmountable obstacles, but the driving force for progress. From a scavenger to a "wine bottle king", to a pioneer in the fresh bean curd industry, every transformation is full of challenges.

However, Zhang Jingbao was not intimidated by these difficulties, but instead saw them as an opportunity to hone himself and improve his abilities. His story teaches us that every failure is a new opportunity, and that with the courage to try, miracles are possible.

Secondly, Zhang Jingbao's success is inseparable from his persistence. Whether it was a bottleneck in the wine bottle recycling business or a question in the early stage of the fresh bean curd project, he did not give up lightly.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

Even in the toughest of times, when everyone was gone from him, he stood by his beliefs and personally took to the streets to sell his products. This indomitable spirit eventually helped him overcome many difficulties and achieve amazing success.

At the same time, Zhang Jingbao's success is also inseparable from the support of his wife Kang Deyun. This reminds us that the understanding and support of family members is equally important on the road to entrepreneurship. Kang Deyun not only gave Zhang Jingbao spiritual encouragement, but also became his right-hand man in his career.

This kind of mutual partnership provides a strong backing for Zhang Jingbao's career.

Zhang Jingbao's story teaches us that with courage, perseverance and a sense of responsibility, even the humblest of beginnings can make a legend. His experience encourages everyone who has dreams: don't be limited by the status quo and have the courage to try new possibilities; Don't be defeated by failure, stick to your beliefs; While pursuing success, don't forget to give back to society.

The guy picked up rags for a living, and then set foot in an industry that no one wants to touch and earn 160 million in 4 years, why?

That's the real way to success.

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