
When someone died in Dejiang County, he arranged a wake-up for all the staff of the county middle school and health center? Local: It is a custom

author:Stone Notes

Dejiang County is on fire! What kind of great man has passed away? After his death, he arranged a wake for all the staff of Dejiang County Middle School and Health Center? The comment section has already been fried.

For the sake of the vigil, the students' studies and the safety of the patients in the hospital were put aside? It's a big deal!


The reason for the incident was that a netizen broke the news that "someone in Dejiang County has passed away, and a middle school teacher and all the staff of the health center are keeping a vigil for him."

According to the screenshots leaked on the Internet, a middle school trade union issued a wake-up schedule, from June 22 to June 29, Chinese, mathematics, English, literature, science, and comprehensive administrative groups, all of which have classes, and even the teachers of music and physical beauty are among them.

When someone died in Dejiang County, he arranged a wake-up for all the staff of the county middle school and health center? Local: It is a custom

Not only that, all the staff of the township health center have also been arranged, and all the staff of the public health department and the medical team are on duty in turns, and they are on duty every other day, which is also 7 days.

When someone died in Dejiang County, he arranged a wake-up for all the staff of the county middle school and health center? Local: It is a custom

The two systems are added together, and it takes 14 days to make such a "pomp" what kind of great big man this is.

This is "peach and plum all over the world"!

Xiaobian has been on the Internet for so many years, and it is the first time I have seen such a ridiculous operation.

When one person died, so many personnel of public institutions were asked to guard his soul and wear filial piety, leaving his own work alone, ignoring the study of all students and the health of patients, and deliberately currying favor with the family of the deceased. Is this a lack of power regulation, or is it selfishness?

As soon as the incident came out, the whole network was in an uproar, causing heated discussions among the majority of netizens!

Some netizens said: I don't know what the identity of this deceased is, shouldn't my children and grandchildren keep the spirit? Is it the turn of outsiders to guard it?

When someone died in Dejiang County, he arranged a wake-up for all the staff of the county middle school and health center? Local: It is a custom

It is understandable for outsiders to go to mourn, that is etiquette and respect. But it is unbelievable to arrange all the employees of two important departments to take turns to keep the spirit, this identity is beyond imagination!

Some netizens said: The relevant departments should investigate carefully, what kind of people have so much power, and so many people want to guard their spirits.

When someone died in Dejiang County, he arranged a wake-up for all the staff of the county middle school and health center? Local: It is a custom

To say that it is not clear what the truth of the facts is at present, whether it is local customs or wanton behavior, everything will have to wait for the official reply, but the organizers of this farce must be the relevant official departments.

Now that we are in the era of online media, don't the relevant departments realize how much criticism this kind of behavior will arouse?

What kind of big man has passed away, you can take care of the two departments at will, and let the grassroots workers come to cry in front of the hall where they wear linen and filial piety.

If this is deliberately organized by someone with a heart to cling to it, then this person must be in charge of the promotion rights of employees in the education and health departments, so he can control the two departments to the death.

They are old fritters in the workplace, but also black sheep, a mountain that presses on the heads of grassroots workers, and regards employees as family members, what is the use of such government officials?

Education and health departments are the most important service departments of the government for the society, one is related to the future of children, the other is related to the life and death of patients, which grassroots employees are not full of work pressure, busy every day, I didn't expect that the above could give them such a ridiculous task, asking them to keep the souls of the dead they don't know, which is really hateful.

The reason why this incident was exposed is because some grassroots employees can't stand this kind of bad behavior.

When someone died in Dejiang County, he arranged a wake-up for all the staff of the county middle school and health center? Local: It is a custom

The local government must thoroughly investigate the matter, calm down this public opinion storm, promptly announce the identity of the deceased, and explore the reasons for the organization.

At the same time, the county has carried out warning education and study for party members and cadres, and it is necessary to strictly put an end to this kind of formalism and beware of forming gangs.

Written at the end: The dead are great, we don't judge too much, but human life is the same in the end, no matter how brilliant it is in life, what high position it holds, it should not let so many outsiders come to guard the spirit, or let your children and grandchildren be safer.

So far, there has been no official reply to this matter, I don't know what everyone thinks about this matter? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.