
A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

Li Erzhu, a capable person in our village, can do any job, but he can't find a daughter-in-law. Why? It's not that the family is poor, and there is a mother with bad legs. This mother and son, the relationship is so good that it looks like something, the two pillars are very filial, and they have never disliked it.

The matter of this daughter-in-law has to start from that day. On that day, the rain was pouring like water, the thunder was loud, and the whole village was black. At this moment, a living man came to the entrance of the village, leading a girl in his hand, and the girl was very handsome, but she walked with a limp. Lao Li took a look, although this girl has unfavorable legs and feet, but she looks very good, and she came on this rainy day, maybe it was the fate given by God! He hurriedly invited the girl into the house and discussed with Erzhu, or he would marry the girl. Erzhu is also a happy person, and when he saw that the girl was good-looking and a poor person, he nodded and agreed.

In this way, on a rainy day, Li Erzhu married a lame daughter-in-law, and the whole village was in an uproar. But after this daughter-in-law married into the door, strange things happened one after another. First of all, there are fewer chickens and ducks at home; Then came the crops in the field, which grew well, and wilted overnight; Later, Erzhu's mother also began to get sick, and she lay in bed all day long. People in the village said that this daughter-in-law was a disaster, and Kefuke's mother was lucky. But Erzhu doesn't believe in evil, he thinks that his daughter-in-law is a good person, and those strange things have nothing to do with her. He stayed by his daughter-in-law's side every day, took care of her, comforted her, and took her to the mountains to collect medicine to treat his mother. But my mother's illness is still not getting better, but it is getting worse and worse.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

That night, as soon as Erzhu came back from collecting medicine from the mountain, he saw his daughter-in-law sitting alone in the courtyard, looking at the sky in a daze. He walked over and asked softly, "Daughter-in-law, what's wrong with you?" Is there something on your mind? The daughter-in-law raised her head with tears in her eyes and said, "Erzhu, I'm ...... I'm not really from this world. When Erzhu heard this, he was shocked, but he still pretended to be calm and asked, "Daughter-in-law, what are you talking about?" How can you not be from this world? The daughter-in-law sighed and said, "Actually, I came from another world, I was originally a fairy, and because I made a mistake, I was relegated to the mortal world. I was lame because I accidentally tripped over a stone while walking in the mortal world. When Erzhu heard this, he couldn't believe his ears, this thing was fresher than the Chinese cabbage in our northeast. Oh my god, that's a choking thing. Erzhuzi was stunned for a long time before he suffocated: "What, why did you agree to marry me?" His daughter-in-law wiped her tears, and her voice was a little choked: "I married you because I rarely like you." Let's live that ordinary life together, I really didn't expect that I would add so much chaos to your family here. When Erzhuzi heard this, he had mixed feelings in his heart, where did he think that there was such a story behind his daughter-in-law, and he didn't expect that she would marry because she really loved him. He hugged his daughter-in-law, and his voice was firm: "Daughter-in-law, I don't care what your background is, what I care about is you." I believe these strange things have nothing to do with you, and we will definitely get through this together. ”

When the daughter-in-law heard this, tears burst into tears, she hugged Erzhuzi tightly, and her voice was full of gratitude: "Erzhuzi, thank you." I also believe that we can overcome all difficulties. But at this moment, there was a click in the sky, and a lightning bolt pierced the night sky, followed by a thunderclap that shook the sky. Erzhuzi and his daughter-in-law were startled, and when they looked up, a big black hole appeared in the sky, and something seemed to be coming towards them. Erzhuzi's heart tightened, he knew that this matter was not simple. He held his daughter-in-law's hand tightly, and there was a little comfort in his voice: "Daughter-in-law, don't be afraid, I'm here." The daughter-in-law also held his hand tightly and nodded.

In this way, Erzhuzi and his daughter-in-law stood in the courtyard, facing the black hole in the sky, waiting for the unknown fate...... The black hole was getting closer and closer, like a bottomless pit, as if it was going to swallow the whole world. The people in the village were so frightened by this vision that they hid in their houses one by one, and they didn't dare to breathe. But Erzhuzi and his daughter-in-law stood so stiff and straight, holding hands, staring at the black hole without blinking.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

"Two pillars, this ...... What the hell is this? "The daughter-in-law's voice is a little trembling." Don't be afraid, daughter-in-law. Erzhuzi clenched his daughter-in-law's hand, "We are husband and wife, and we have to carry everything together." Just when the black hole was only a little distance away from them, suddenly, a golden light shot out of the black hole and shone directly on the daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law's body trembled, and the whole person seemed to be sucked by something, and slowly floated towards the black hole.

"Daughter-in-law!" Erzhuzi shouted, reaching out to grab her, but the golden light was too bright for him to get close to at all. "Erzhuzi, I'm going back." The daughter-in-law's voice came out of the black hole, although it was a little blurry, but Erzhuzi still heard it clearly. "Nope! You can't go! Erzhuzi shouted, tears coming down. Two pillars, I love you. But I can't stay here, my mission isn't done. You have to take care of yourself, and your mother. The daughter-in-law's voice became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared completely into the black hole.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

At this moment, the black hole slowly disappeared into the sky like smoke blown away by the wind. The village was quiet again, as if nothing had happened. Erzhu took the jade pendant and stood there stunned for a long time, knowing in his heart that his daughter-in-law would not come back, but he had to be strong, for the sake of his daughter-in-law and his mother.

After that, Erzhu seemed to be a different person, as diligent as if he was something. I get up before dawn every day, and I don't go home until dark, farming, hunting, repairing houses, and doing all kinds of work. He also exchanged the jade pendant left by his daughter-in-law for some money and hired a doctor for his wife. Although the old lady's illness is not all cured, at least she can get out of bed and walk around.

Time passed day by day, and Erzhu slowly came out of the shadow of losing his daughter-in-law. He began to look at his life again, and found that he had relied too much on his daughter-in-law and neglected his own growth. He decided to change, to become stronger, to be more responsible. So, he began to learn this and that, not only did farm work more slippery, but also learned the trades of carpentry and blacksmithing. He also made a group of like-minded friends, and together they opened up wasteland, repaired water conservancy, and developed breeding, and the village became rich day by day.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

But Erzhu has not forgotten his daughter-in-law's entrustment, he has always maintained a kind heart and tried his best to help others. He also often took the old lady to the mountain to collect medicine, enjoy the flowers, and see the scenery, so that the old lady could feel the beauty of life.

A few years passed in a flash, and Erzhu became a respected person in the village. He not only allowed himself and his wife to live a good life, but also led the village to prosperity. But there is always a vacancy in his heart, and that is his beloved daughter-in-law.

One day, Erzhu was collecting medicine in the mountains and accidentally discovered a mysterious valley. In that valley, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it is as beautiful as a painting. What surprised him even more was that there was a small temple in the valley, and there was a fairy statue in the temple, and the fairy statue was vivid, which was exactly the appearance of his daughter-in-law! Erzhu was so excited that he burst into tears, kneeling in front of the statue and reluctant to get up for a long time. He knew that this was the last gift his daughter-in-law left him, and it was also her thoughts and blessings to him.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

Since then, Erzhu will go to the small temple every day to pray for his daughter-in-law's blessings. Although his life was full of hardships, he always maintained a kind and grateful heart, because he knew that these were the sources of precious wealth and strength left to him by his daughter-in-law. There is a man named Li Erzhu in Nagada in the northeast, and the story of him and his daughter-in-law has spread very well in the village and has become a good story. Everyone said that Erzhu was a good man with both love and righteousness, and he proved with his actions what is the power of love and the value of life. Their small temple has also become a scenery in the village and a place of faith, witnessing the inseparable love story of Erzhu and his daughter-in-law.

In the black land of our northeast, the legend of Li Erzhu and his daughter-in-law is still spreading in the mouths of the villagers, and it has become a hot topic after dinner. Erzhu, a previously unknown farmer, has now become a hero praised by everyone in the village.

As the days passed, Erzhu's wife became older and older, but she always loved to sit at the door of her house, looking into the distance, and chanting her daughter-in-law's name. Erzhu understood in his heart that the old lady was thinking about the daughter-in-law who had given her warmth and care. So, he made up his mind to fulfill his daughter-in-law's unfulfilled wish and let his wife live a good life.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

One day, Erzhu was hunting in the mountains and accidentally discovered a gold mine. There is a lot of gold in this mine, enough for everyone in the village to live a good life. Erzhu didn't want to swallow it alone, but told the village elders the good news. After discussing it, the elders decided to let Erzhu take the lead in mining the gold mines, and everyone shared this wealth together.

The job of mining gold is not easy, but Erzhu has led everyone to overcome difficulties with his own strength and intelligence. They set up improvised mines, bought the necessary tools and equipment, and began the arduous mining. As time passed, the gold mine produced more and more, and life in the village became more and more prosperous.

But just when the gold mining was in full swing, a news reached the village - the black hole that had taken away Erzhu's daughter-in-law had reappeared on a nearby mountain. The villagers were terrified, fearing that the black hole would bring another catastrophe. Erzhu also didn't know the bottom of his heart, but he knew that as the leader of the village, he had to stand up and face this challenge.

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

Erzhu decided to go and see the black hole for himself. He took a few villagers to the top of the mountain where the black hole was located. The black hole was bottomless, and it looked like a portal to another world. Erzhu stood in front of the black hole, his heart going up and down. He knew that he might lose his daughter-in-law again, but he also knew that he couldn't back down.

At this moment, the voice of the daughter-in-law suddenly came from the black hole: "Erzhu, you are here." Erzhu was so excited that tears were about to come out, and he shouted loudly: "Daughter-in-law! Is that you? You okay? The daughter-in-law's voice came again: "I'm fine, Erzhu." You don't have to worry about me. But you have to be careful of that black hole, which hides a powerful force that, once released, can destroy the whole world. ”

Erzhu was stunned, with mixed feelings in his heart, not knowing what to do next. Oh mom, the daughter-in-law's voice sounded in my ears again: "Erzhuzi, you have to remember that we are the patron saints of this world." We have to use our brains and guts to fight against the evil energy in the black hole. I believe in you, you can do it! Erzhuzi held his breath, knowing in his heart that he couldn't let his daughter-in-law down. He turned around and said to the villagers, "Don't be afraid, everyone, we have to go side by side!" We can't let that black hole destroy our nest! ”

A man marries a lame woman on a rainy day, and his wife leaves home to marry a butcher

Under the leadership of the second pillar, the villagers moved one by one. They built a defensive wall, prepared a mess, and made a battle plan. Everything was ready, and Erzhuzi held his breath again and yelled: "Rush! "Take the lead in rushing towards the black hole. Not to be outdone, the others rushed forward. In a fierce fight, Erzhuzi and the villagers used their wisdom and courage to seal the evil energy in the black hole.

As soon as the battle was over, Erzhu was as tired as if he was something, and sat on the ground panting. He looked up, good fellow, the sun was shining, the sky was high and the clouds were light. He knew that he had done it, and he had completed the task assigned by his daughter-in-law. The villagers cheered and celebrated the victory. They gathered around the two pillars to express their respect and gratitude. Erzhuzi smiled and waved his hand: "This is what we should do." We have to protect our home and not let the disaster come again. ”

Since then, the story of Li Erzhu and his daughter-in-law has taken root in people's hearts. Everyone said that Li Erzhu was a hero, not only guarding his home, but also the whole world. That small temple has also become a holy place in the hearts of the villagers, and passers-by have to stop and pray for blessings.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Li Erzhu also became a white-haired old man. But he still went to the small temple every day to pray for his daughter-in-law's blessings. He knows that although he is old, in his heart, the position of his daughter-in-law will never change. In this way, Li Erzhu, his daughter-in-law, and their legendary stories have become an eternal scenery in the Northeast and forever engraved on people's hearts. 1