
The man's eyes were yin and yang, and he saw the ghost wandering at the door, and the beggar said to move quickly

author:Lin Fatzi tells the story

Oh, guys, let's talk about the strange thing at the foot of Maoshan today. We have to say that at the foot of Namao Mountain, there is an inconspicuous small village called Huaihua Village. In the village, there is a young man named Li Erniu, he is a man with a story, why? Because he has a pair of yin and yang eyes, he can look at the world during the day, and he can talk to the ghosts and gods at night. This ability is not a joke, Li Erniu was scared a lot when he was a child, and then he slowly got used to it, and he could say hello to those wandering lonely ghosts and chat a few words.

But this ability also caused him a lot of trouble, especially those lonely ghosts, who asked him for help from time to time, either looking for relatives or enemies. One night, Li Erniu just wanted to sleep, but he saw two ghosts in black clothes and high hats standing at the door. Li Erniu's heart tightened, knowing that there must be something wrong with these two masters.

He plucked up his courage and asked, "Second master, what's the matter at night?" The ghost snorted coldly and said, "Li Erniu, you have yin and yang eyes, and you can pass yin and yang." We're here today because we have an errand to ask you for help. When Li Erniu heard this, he beat a drum in his heart, this ghost came to the door, what good thing could it be? He asked cautiously, "I don't know what the two masters have to order?" The ghost pointed to the village and said, "Huaihua Village, there is a woman named Xiaocui in the household next door to your house." She was not at the end of her life, but she was captured by the ghost king and made a maid. We're here today to ask for your help in rescuing this little cui. ”

The man's eyes were yin and yang, and he saw the ghost wandering at the door, and the beggar said to move quickly

When Li Erniu heard this, this matter is not simple, the ghost king is a big man in the underworld, and there are countless ghosts under him, how can he beat him with his little yin and yang eyes? But looking at the ghost's anxious eyes, he couldn't refuse, so he had to agree to it.

Early the next morning, Li Erniu went to the old Taoist priest in the village and told him everything about last night. When the old Taoist priest heard this, he frowned and said, "This matter is tricky, the ghost king is not easy to mess with." However, our Maoshan Taoist priests pay attention to the word 'righteousness'. Since you promised someone, then we have to find a way to save it. ”

So, the old Taoist priest and Li Erniu began to discuss countermeasures. They prepared some charms and magic weapons, and asked a few strong young men to help. As night fell, the group quietly came to the door of Xiaocui's house. Li Erniu took a deep breath, looked at it with yin and yang eyes, and sure enough, he saw two ghosts guarding the door of Xiaocui's house. He quietly approached, then waved his hand violently, and the charm in his hand flew out. The two ghosts were caught off guard, and they were hit by the charm, and their original forms suddenly appeared. When Li Erniu saw this situation, he was as anxious as ants on a hot pot, and hurriedly beckoned everyone to rush into the house. As soon as I entered the house, there was a mess in front of me, and Xiaocui was lying there, her face as white as paper, and it was obvious that she had been crooked by the evil sect. The old Taoist priest didn't say a word, stepped forward, took out a yellow talisman, and stuck it on Xiaocui's head with a snap, and there were words in his mouth. After a while, Xiaocui slowly opened her eyes, and when she saw a bunch of people around her, tears came down. When everyone looked at it, the stone in their hearts finally fell to the ground.

The man's eyes were yin and yang, and he saw the ghost wandering at the door, and the beggar said to move quickly

The old Taoist priest inquired about the situation, only to know that Xiaocui was kidnapped by the ghost king's gang. He pondered for a moment and said, "We can't just leave this matter at that. The ghost king dares to spread wild at the foot of our Mao Mountain, isn't this just not taking us seriously. We'll have to give him some color and see. After that, a group of people set off overnight and went straight to the underworld to settle accounts with the ghost king. This dungeon, it's not a good place to go, it's eerie, and you can hear ghosts crying wolves everywhere.

But in order to save Xiaocui, they could only break in. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the underworld, he bumped into a ghost, and the ghost took a look at this posture, immediately stopped, and shouted at the top of his voice: "Yo, where did this living person come from?" It's not a small courage, dare to break into our underworld! The old Taoist priest shook off the dust and replied unhurriedly: "Poor Dao Maoshan from Maoshan, if you have something important to ask to see the ghost king, please make it convenient." When the ghost heard that it was from Maoshan, his face immediately changed, and the Taoist priest of Maoshan was also a well-known name in the ghost world, how dare he slack off, and quickly led everyone to see the ghost king.

When I entered the main hall of the underworld, I saw a ghost king in a black robe with a terrifying face sitting there, and the little ghosts on both sides were trembling with fright. Li Erniu glanced at it, and beat a drum in his heart, this ghost king is not a vegetarian, can we make this trip? The old Taoist priest stepped forward and arched his hand: "Lord Ghost King, we are here today to rescue a woman from the Yang World who was mistakenly arrested by your men. Her longevity has not yet come to an end, and she still hopes that the ghost king can raise her noble hand. ”

The man's eyes were yin and yang, and he saw the ghost wandering at the door, and the beggar said to move quickly

When the ghost king heard this, he frowned, glared at Li Erniu, and said, "Your kid is Li Erniu?" I've heard of your yin and yang eyes. However, do you know that according to the rules of this underworld, people in the yang world are not allowed to interfere. When Li Erniu heard this, he was so anxious that he hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Lord Ghost King, I know the rules of the underworld. But Xiaocui was innocently arrested, I just wanted to save her life. I hope that the Ghost King will understand. ”

The Ghost King pondered for a moment, then suddenly laughed and said, "Okay, since you are so bold, then I will give you a chance." However, you'll have to get past my three levels first. As soon as Li Erniu heard that there was a play, he hurriedly asked, "Which three levels?" Please make it clear to the Oni King. The ghost king pointed to the three gates in the center of the main hall and said, "Behind these three gates, there are three tests. If you can pass successfully, I'll let Xiaocui go back. "If you can't get by, then don't blame me for being ruthless." Li Erniu nodded, took a deep breath, and then strode towards the first door. Behind the door is a labyrinth of big bosses, with a lot of traps and monsters. But our Li Erniu, with his yin and yang eyes and cleverness, managed to pass this first hurdle. Next is the second level, behind which is a fantasy with a lot of temptations and desires. But Li Erniu wanted to save Xiaocui in his heart, he blocked all those temptations, and finally passed this level. At the third level, there was a big ring behind the door, and there stood a giant ghost three feet high, so strong that he could smash a hole in the mountain. But Li Erniu was not stunned at all, he relied on his courage and wisdom to fight the giant ghost. After a hard battle, Li Erniu finally defeated the giant ghost and passed the last level. Seeing it in his eyes, the ghost king couldn't help but look at Li Erniu with admiration, nodded and said, "Good boy, you really have two hits." Since you've passed these three levels, I'll let Xiaocui go back. With that, as soon as the ghost king waved his hand, Xiao Cui appeared in the main hall. As soon as she saw Li Erniu and them, she ran over crying: "Thank you, thank you for saving me." Li Erniu hurriedly supported Xiaocui: "It's okay, let's take you home." So, they left the underworld with Xiaocui.

Back in Huaihua Village, the villagers saw that Xiaocui had come back safely, and Dule bloomed and surrounded them. Xiaocui's family was even more excited with tears in their eyes, holding the hands of Li Erniu and the old Taoist priest, and kept thanking them. As soon as this matter spread, Li Erniu's reputation became even greater, and everyone said that he was the hero of Maoshan and the pride of our Huaihua Village. When Li Erniu heard this, he just smiled: "I just did what I should do." "Since then, nothing strange has happened to Huaihua Village. Those wandering ghosts also knew that Li Erniu was not easy to mess with, and they didn't dare to harass the villagers anymore. Li Erniu still lives his ordinary life, occasionally using his yin and yang eyes to help those in need. This is the story of Maoshan that we are going to talk about today. Although it is a bit bizarre and mysterious, we Northeast people like to listen to this kind of flavorful story. I hope you can like it, and I hope you can understand a truth: justice can always defeat evil! The story continues, and the more we talk about this Maoshan strange talk, the more exciting it becomes. Li Erniu and the others took Xiaocui back to Huaihua Village, and the whole village was lively. Everyone surrounded them and talked a lot, some were curious, some were surprised, and some gave a thumbs up, praising Li Erniu as a hero. "Erniu, you gave our Huaihua Village Chief a face this time!" The village elder patted Li Erniu's shoulder with a smile, his eyes full of appreciation. Oh, village chief, you're just polite about this, we're doing everything we do. Li Erniu scratched his head, with a little embarrassed smile on his face. At that moment, a beggar, dressed in tatters, squeezed into the crowd, his eyes shining as if he could not hold back something. Li Erniu recognized him at a glance, wasn't this the beggar who reminded him to move quickly? "Hey, Brother Erniu, we have to talk about it alone." The beggar muttered quietly as he squeezed to Li Erniu's side. Li Erniu was stunned, looked around, and saw that everyone was busy celebrating, so he nodded and followed the beggar to the side. "Brother, you broke into the underworld this time and rescued Xiaocui, what a man." The beggar said bluntly, "But you have to know that the matter of the underworld is not so easy. Li Erniu frowned and asked, "What do you mean?" The beggar sighed and said, "Although the ghost king let Xiao Cui go, his heart is definitely not happy. If you make such a fuss and mess up his game, he will definitely have to settle accounts with you. You'd better find a place to hide. When Li Erniu heard this, his heart tightened. He pondered and pondered, and felt that the beggar had a point. The matter of the underworld is not a joke, if the ghost king really comes to the door, it will be bad. So, he turned to the village chief and the villagers and said, "Village chief, everyone, I plan to go out and hide for a while to avoid the limelight." When the village chief heard this, he was stunned, and the villagers also gossiped. But Li Erniu had already made up his mind, said goodbye to everyone, packed his luggage, and prepared to leave. At this moment, the old Taoist priest came over, patted Li Erniu's shoulder, and said, "Erniu, you have to be careful when you go." The matter of the underworld is not so easy. I'll give you a few things, and you take self-defense. As he spoke, the old Taoist priest took out a few charms and a peachwood sword from his arms and handed them to Li Erniu. Li Erniu took the thing and said gratefully: "Thank you, Dao Chief, I must be careful." In this way, Li Erniu left Huaihua Village with the magic weapon. He walked and walked, walked a long way, and came to a place called Qingyun Mountain. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, and the aura is abundant, making it a good place for cultivation. Li Erniu found a cave on Qingyun Mountain to live in and began to retreat and cultivate. He practiced Taoism during the day, and looked around with yin and yang eyes at night to guard against ghosts. Time passed day by day, and Li Erniu's ability became stronger and stronger. Not only did he learn a lot of Taoism, but he also discovered many secrets in the world with his yin and yang eyes. One night, while he was practicing, he suddenly felt a powerful Yin Qi rushing towards him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a dark figure rushing towards him. Li Erniu's kid hurriedly brandished the peachwood sword, fighting with the black shadow. After a good fight, Li Erniu finally beat the black shadow down. He fixed his eyes and said, hey, this dark shadow turned out to be a demon. This evil ghost was sent by the Ghost King to trouble him, but he didn't think that Li Erniu, this kid's kung fu, had been perfected, and he was able to clean it up. Li Erniu sighed, thinking to himself, the matter of this underworld is really not covered, it is very complicated.

The man's eyes were yin and yang, and he saw the ghost wandering at the door, and the beggar said to move quickly

He knew he couldn't just wait, he had to take the initiative. So, he took those magic weapons, set off from Qingyun Mountain, and began to wander around. He has traveled all over the mountains, rivers, cities and villages, and observed the bits and pieces of this world with his yin and yang eyes. He helped a lot of people and met a lot of like-minded buddies.

During one of his wanderings, he heard about a place called the Gate of the Underworld. It is said that this place is the connection point between the human world and the underworld, and as long as you pass through that gate, you can go directly to the underworld. Li Erniu thought to himself that this might be an opportunity, and he decided to go to the Gate of the Underworld to find out. He took the magic weapon and came to the location of the gate of the underworld - a desolate valley. Behind the stone gate, there was a pitch-black space, surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere. But Li Erniu, this kid, was not intimidated at all, he clenched the magic weapon in his hand and strode in...... (The story ends abruptly here, leaving the listener with unlimited imagination and anticipation.) )

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