
Of the five bad dramas that are on the air, "Spending the Years" is at the bottom, and I was too lucky not to watch one



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June 2024 is really a "big scuffle" for TV dramas.

Several high-profile dramas have appeared on the screen, and the result, hehe, can only be said to be mixed.

Let's talk about the "Haitian Eagle" first, Zhu Yawen, Hou Yong, Li Youbin, this cast can be described as a gathering of first-line celebrities.

The plot focuses on the development process of the mainland's carrier-based aircraft, which is bold and novel.

However, the audience began to shake their heads after watching a few episodes, and the coherence and logic of the plot are really anxious.

It feels like a drama pieced together with scattered fragments, and the second monk is confused.

The next "Yan Xinji", this drama is really long-awaited.

Luo Yunxi, Song Yi, Chen Yao, the appearance and acting skills of these leading actors are all first-class.

Of the five bad dramas that are on the air, "Spending the Years" is at the bottom, and I was too lucky not to watch one

Especially Luo Yunxi, his previous performance in "Fragrant Honey Sinks Like Frost" is unforgettable.

However, in this new drama, his acting skills don't seem to be fully played, maybe it's a problem with the script, and the dramatic tension of the whole drama is obviously insufficient.

Although the setting in the play is quite humorous, it failed to attract the audience's continuous attention, and the overall evaluation can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

Let's talk about the "Spending Time", Zhao Jinmai, Zhang Linghe, Chen Heyi, these young actors also have a lot of potential.

In the play, Zhao Jinmai plays a 38-year-old woman who has undergone rebirth, which is quite interesting.

However, her performance does not seem to properly show the maturity and wisdom of the character, but seems a little stiff and immature.

The emotional tension and character relationships in the play are not handled well enough, and the dialogue is too modern, which makes people feel a bit dramatic.

Of the five bad dramas that are on the air, "Spending the Years" is at the bottom, and I was too lucky not to watch one

There are also those conspiracy designs, which are so simple and crude that people can't laugh or cry, this drama is so funny that people can't look at it directly.

In the drama "Haitian Eagle", Zhu Yawen tried to create a heroic image through a deliberate rebellion, but this move seemed too artificial and blunt.

That Hou Yong, the logic of his performance is also difficult to understand, and I feel that his acting skills have not been fully utilized.

This drama not only failed to make full use of its profound theme to attract the audience's attention, but also exposed the shortcomings of the actors' performances and the shortcomings of the script.

It's a pity that these good actors and good themes are good.

The "Jin Yong Martial Arts World" that was broadcast immediately afterwards was also a big disappointment.

Although the performances of the actors Zhou Yiwei, Gao Weiguang, and Chen Duling are very hard to recreate the classic martial arts world written by Jin Yong, the characters in the play, such as Guo Jing and Huang Rong, are far from the original work.

Of the five bad dramas that are on the air, "Spending the Years" is at the bottom, and I was too lucky not to watch one

The fast pace of the plot also fails to properly handle the cause and effect of the story, resulting in the whole drama appearing rushed and unsatisfactory.

In particular, the image treatment of Yang Kang is even more difficult for the audience to accept.

Another drama "Anti-Black Hero" also makes people shake their heads when they watch it.

Although the performances of Chen Shancong, Zhang Zhenlang and Zhu Chenli are quite hardworking, the absurd plot arrangement and random plot structure greatly reduce their overall quality.

Although the middle-aged actors are expressive, the logical loopholes in the script and the inconsistency of the character settings also make this advantage seem bleak.

Hey, it's a shame for these good actors.

Observing these episodes, it is not difficult to find that despite the different themes and strong casts, the common problems of insufficient scripts and excessive performances have become their common flaws.

Of the five bad dramas that are on the air, "Spending the Years" is at the bottom, and I was too lucky not to watch one

The lack of depth of the plot and the rough depiction of emotions make it difficult for these works to penetrate into the hearts of the people and fail to retain the audience's interest.

It seems that the producers need to reflect on the fact that even the most promising subjects need to be brought to life through well-written scripts and just the right performances.

The performance of these episodes reminds us that producers can't ignore the importance of script and performance, even with the best subject matter and cast.

In future productions, more attention should be paid to the depth and quality of the play to ensure the integrity of the art and the satisfaction of the audience.

This is not only a challenge for the playwright, but also for the entire production team.

Let's hope they can learn from the lessons and bring better works to the audience.

Of the five bad dramas that are on the air, "Spending the Years" is at the bottom, and I was too lucky not to watch one

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