
It's really going to cry! Na Ying and Cai Guoqing have both had this disease, and the sooner they are treated, the better, and they can be vaccinated as much as possible

author:Metropolis Express Orange Persimmon Interactive

Orange Persimmon Interactive Reporter Lin Lin Correspondent Xu Youjia

On the evening of June 28, the results of the eighth phase of the "Singer 2024" ultimate list competition were announced, and singer Na Ying won the third place.

It's really going to cry! Na Ying and Cai Guoqing have both had this disease, and the sooner they are treated, the better, and they can be vaccinated as much as possible

During the game, #那英 cried # on the hot search, Na Ying appeared on the stage with a veil half covering her face during the game, and later everyone learned that Na Ying was actually singing on stage with illness, and the host He Jiong explained: "Na Ying had shingles two days ago, around the eyes. ”

It's really going to cry! Na Ying and Cai Guoqing have both had this disease, and the sooner they are treated, the better, and they can be vaccinated as much as possible

Just half a month ago, singer Cai Guoqing also posted an article revealing that he had shingles.

It's really going to cry! Na Ying and Cai Guoqing have both had this disease, and the sooner they are treated, the better, and they can be vaccinated as much as possible

Many netizens who have also suffered from this disease have left messages, saying that shingles "really makes me cry" and "hurts so much that I can't sleep......

Is this skin disease really that scary?

Rotten skin

The 72-year-old retired teacher was in pain and almost collapsed

Uncle Zhang, a 72-year-old retired teacher, suffered from stomach cancer many years ago, but he has an optimistic personality and has been strong in treatment. In late spring and early summer, Uncle Zhang found that he had erythema on his waist, accompanied by swelling pain, and at first thought it was eczema caused by humid weather, so he applied some medicine himself. After a while, he found that the application did not have any effect, the pain was more obvious, like a pinprick, like an electric discharge, the area of the plaque increased, and some blisters appeared on the erythema.

It's really going to cry! Na Ying and Cai Guoqing have both had this disease, and the sooner they are treated, the better, and they can be vaccinated as much as possible

Uncle Zhang didn't want to trouble his children, and after the symptoms worsened, he took painkillers to try to alleviate them. But the severe pain still didn't go away, causing him to be unable to sleep, and his mood began to be abnormal: "My skin was rotten, and the pain was so painful that I almost collapsed!" ”

Uncle Zhang's son sensed that something was wrong and quickly sent him to Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After examination, it was found that Uncle Zhang suffered from shingles, commonly known as "snake around the waist". This is an infectious skin disease caused by the reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that has been latent in the posterior root ganglia or cranial ganglia of the spinal cord for a long time. Skin lesions and neuropathic pain are the main manifestations, and are more common in people who are older, immunosuppressed, or immunocompromised.

The doctor told Uncle Zhang's son that the patient was an old man, a cancer patient, and his immune system was worse than that of ordinary old people, and his body's resistance was reduced, so he was easily infected with the herpes zoster virus. It is also difficult to treat, because some cancer patients may be too resistant to the treatment drug, resulting in limited drug effect. Chemoradiation therapy can also disrupt the normal function of immune cells, leading to a decrease in the function of the immune system, making it easier for the herpes zoster virus to spread in the body, leading to exacerbations.

Can we just let the condition continue to worsen?

After several tosses, Uncle Zhang found Zhou Rong, director of the Anesthesia Surgery Center of Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, for help. After understanding the condition, Director Zhou suggested that the patient should be treated with special features such as nerve modulation and acupuncture and analgesia. These treatments can enhance the effectiveness of treatments by reducing pain, promoting local blood circulation, and improving immune system function.

"A nerve block can reduce pain by blocking the transmission of neuralgia signals. Acupuncture can regulate the balance of yin and yang in the body by stimulating acupuncture points to treat diseases. Minimally invasive interventional therapy can improve the effectiveness of treatment through precise interventional techniques, local physical adjustment and drug injection. ”

In addition, Hangzhou Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine will also adopt technologies such as pulsed radiofrequency and medical oxygen therapy, which can control pain early and avoid post-hereditary neuralgia. For patients who have developed post-heralgia, further minimally invasive analgesic treatments can also be adopted, such as nerve damage, spinal cord electrical stimulation, central targeted analgesia, etc., to reduce patients' pain and improve their quality of life.

How can cancer patients prevent shingles?

Experts remind that shingles and tumors are very closely related, and compared with the general population, cancer patients are more likely to suffer from shingles due to low immunity and the fight of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Relevant studies have shown that the incidence of herpes zoster in non-tumor hospitalized patients is 0.22%; The incidence can be as high as 3% to 9% in hospitalized patients with cancer, and the incidence is higher in patients with residual posterior neuralgia. For cancer patients, the prevention of herpes zoster can effectively improve the quality of life:

➤ Because shingles is more likely to occur in immunocompromised patients, post-exertion, and elderly patients. Therefore, cancer patients should pay attention to avoid overwork, maintain adequate nutrition, enhance immunity, and avoid contact with patients with herpes zoster and chickenpox in the acute stage to reduce the risk of disease.

➤ Vaccination: At present, there is a herpes zoster vaccine on the market in China, and if the family conditions allow and there is an opportunity, it is recommended that cancer patients who meet the conditions receive the herpes zoster vaccine.

➤ Due to the low immunity of herpes zoster patients, coupled with the influence of bone marrow suppression caused by tumor treatment, it is easy to be complicated by upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia and other diseases, and it is difficult to heal, and even lead to more serious complications such as respiratory failure. Therefore, it is necessary to keep warm, avoid cold, enhance the body's immunity, and eat more highly nutritious and easy-to-digest foods.

➤ After the disease, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible to avoid post-hereditary neuralgia. Most young patients rarely develop posterior neuralgia even if they are not treated, but the probability of posterior neuralgia in people over 60 years of age is more than 50%, and the incidence increases with age. If left untreated, the duration can be as short as 1-2 years and as long as more than 10 years, and the probability and duration of residual posterior neuralgia in cancer patients will be higher.

Editor in charge: Yu Qianqian

Review: Xu Fang, Feng Yunnong

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