
Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

Li Honggang

2024-07-01 18:00Writer of China Popular Literature Society Creator in the field of entertainment

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01 Wang Hongqin, the son of famous actor Wang Yan, caused controversy because he averaged 0 points per game but was escorted to Peking University.

02 Wang Hongqin's grades were mediocre during his school years, especially in the key subject exams.

03 However, Wang Hongqin obtained the qualification to be sent to Peking University, causing netizens to question the fairness of education.

04 Some people think that Wang Hongqin was admitted to Peking University by virtue of his basketball expertise, but when he searched for his game scoring information, he found that he scored 0 points in the whole game.

05 Experts explained that as long as the school team gets a good ranking in the national competition, the substitute team members also have the opportunity to win the title of "senior athlete".

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Behind the glamorous entertainment industry, the private lives of celebrity families always attract attention.

Recently, a news about Wang Hongqin, the son of the famous actor Wang Yan, was escorted to Peking University because of his average of 0 points per game, which was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, causing ripples and sparking heated discussions among the public.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

This incident not only made Wang Yan's family the eye of the storm of public opinion, but also pushed the topic of educational equity to the forefront.

Wang Yan, the actress who once won the hearts of the people with her role as Qing'er in "Huanzhu Gege", has won the love of the audience for many years with her gentle image and solid acting skills.

However, her brilliance did not completely hide the controversy caused by her son Wang Hongqin's education path.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

It is reported that Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin had mediocre grades during his school years, especially in the examination of a key subject, and his results were very unsatisfactory. However, just when everyone thought that this would be the ordinary life of an ordinary child, a piece of news shocked everyone - he was actually qualified to be admitted to Peking University. As soon as this news came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

Netizens poured into the comment area, and doubts, ridicule, and even anger came one after another.

Some people think that this is a typical phenomenon of "fighting for parents" and question the injustice of educational resources; There has also been speculation about whether there is an ulterior deal behind it, questioning the transparency of college admissions.

Under the pressure of such public opinion, Wang Yan's family chose to remain silent, but silence did not calm the turmoil, but instead intensified speculation and speculation.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

In the face of all kinds of criticism on the Internet, Wang Yan's son Wang Hongqin seems to be impatient.

It is rumored that he blocked more than 30 netizens who questioned him on social media, a move that undoubtedly added fuel to the controversy.

On the one hand, there are those who understand his approach and believe that in the face of such tremendous pressure, it is understandable to protect his privacy and dignity; On the other hand, more people see it as a sign of evasion and immaturity, and think that he should be brave enough to stand up and give a reasonable explanation in the face of public doubts.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

Wang Yan's son has lived in the shadow of the spotlight since he was a child. His every step was closely followed by the eyes of the outside world. In such an environment, his growth path is destined to be extraordinary.

Since he was a child, he has shown a strong interest in art, followed in his mother's footsteps, and stepped into the palace of acting.

However, the world outside of art is equally vast, and his thirst for knowledge and vision for the future led him to choose another path – the academic path.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

On campus, he was not a top student in the traditional sense, and his report card had an undulating curve.

But his love of reading broadened his boundaries, from literature to science, history to philosophy, and his curiosity drove him to broaden his horizons. In his world, scores are not the standard for measuring everything, he pays more attention to the accumulation of knowledge and the exercise of thinking.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

In addition, Wang Yan has also participated in many shows with her son, and she can be regarded as having seen the world.

In 2014, the mother and son participated in the recording of the reality show "Baby I'm Sorry"; In September 2015, the two appeared again in the parent-child food variety show "Come on Little Master".

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

In fact, this time netizens questioned that since Wang Hongqin was admitted to Peking University by virtue of his basketball expertise, his grades should be great, right? Unfortunately, some netizens searched for Wang Hongqin's scoring information in the previous game, not only did he not score much, but he even scored 0 points in the whole game, and basically sat on the bench for a long time.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

Therefore, netizens questioned the enrollment process and rules of Peking University, and it is difficult to convince the public that Wang Hongqin can get the identity certification of a "high-level athlete".

Of course, there are professionals on the Internet who explain that as long as Wang Hongqin's school team wins a good ranking in the national competition, then all members will be honored, even if they are substitutes, they will also enjoy the same honors and have the opportunity to win the title of "senior athlete".

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

If you follow this professional's explanation, it seems to be reasonable.

However, the questions of netizens, the Peking University Admissions Office or Wang Yan should indeed give a more appropriate explanation, since they are able to get through the level, don't let those who question them boil all day long.

Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

Over time, this controversy will eventually become a thing of the past. But for Wang Yan's son, it may be an unforgettable experience. I hope he can continue to pursue his dreams and write his own glory on the campus of Peking University.

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  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again
  • Wang Yan's son was admitted to Peking University, and his usual results in competitions were picked, and his average of 0 points per game was also questioned again

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