
After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

author:The erudite fourth brother


Every year during the college entrance examination season, countless graduating senior high school students have to experience a dilemma, that is, when applying for volunteers, they have to face the choice of "this province or another province", and whether the candidates choose to stay in this province or go to school in other provinces.

There are significant pros and cons to both options, but you should not take it lightly, as this decision is a crucial step for the next four years of your school life.

Different choices have their own impact on the future, so in this case, how should candidates weigh the pros and cons and finally make the right decision for them?

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

The advantages and disadvantages of this province and other provinces.

First of all, let's explore how the advantages and disadvantages of studying in this province and studying in other provinces are generated.

The biggest advantage of studying in colleges and universities in this province is that it is close to home, and the convenience conditions of all aspects of the family will be better, and there is no need to rent a house, and you can live a harmonious life with your parents.

At the same time, the geographical location is further close, which can bring more care and care to the candidates, and can quickly reach various places in the hometown, which is very convenient, and can also rely on the advantages of family conditions, candidates can go to prestigious schools in the province, and candidates can also rely on the connections in the province, as well as other aspects of the resource advantages, the future is very bright.

If you want to study in other provinces, you first need to overcome the biggest difficulty, that is, the key points, the number of schools in other provinces is very large, there are many types, there are many choices, but there are relatively few people who can go to these schools, and the proportion is not high.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

And high-quality schools are still concentrated in some areas, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, high-quality schools emerge in an endless stream, and when entering the candidates to fill in the college entrance examination, it is easy to list the schools in these provinces and cities, or choose some schools that they yearn for very much, after all, the strength of these schools is unparalleled.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

And there are many high-quality schools, although they are not famous in the country, but they are also among the best in the local area, but these schools are more attractive.

Candidates can choose these schools, but the number of these schools is always limited, and there will naturally be a lot of candidates who enter the same school.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

However, once you choose to study in other provinces, unlike candidates who study in other provinces, although the road to other provinces is full of unlimited opportunities, it will also face great challenges and higher living costs.

Living alone in a foreign country can be stressful to be alone, and adapting can be much harder than in the province compared to those studying in the province, so there is a huge difference between the two.

The further back you go, the bigger the gap will be, especially when you enter the society after graduation.

Self-condition analysis.

The key lies in the candidate's own choice, not the people around him who say "you should still choose to study in this province" or "it is better to study in a school in this province." ”

In fact, there is no fixed choice, in fact, in the long run, the two options are different between the province and the province.

If you want to buy a house in the city in the future, it is more advantageous for candidates to work there, but if you want to live and develop in other provinces, then you need to accumulate there and have your own development in that place.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Candidates should first understand themselves and choose which one to study according to their own conditions and their own conditions, and then analyze and compare the two to see which way to choose which way is more beneficial to them.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Of course, there is another very important thing, that is, to listen to the advice of the people around you, but this advice is only supplemented by yourself, and it is ultimately up to the candidates to make their own decisions, so whether you are choosing to study in this province or other provinces, you must consider it comprehensively.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

Where different things apply.

In fact, studying in other provinces is a very good choice for candidates, because after all, they have not experienced the customs of other places, and they have not interacted with friends in other places, so studying in other places is more to temper the will of candidates and broaden their horizons.

In addition to studying, you can also get along with more excellent people, which is very advantageous in the road of growth, and studying in a foreign country may involve the problem of studying abroad, so there are more opportunities to go abroad.

It should be said that there are many advantages of studying in a foreign country, but studying in this province is also a good choice, and studying in this province is not the best choice.

This is because studying in this province does not have to adapt to a new living environment, deal with strangers, or be separated from your family.

As long as you are a local person in this province, it is very convenient to interact with each other, and you don't have to worry about the cost of living, and you don't have to worry about being able to compare with people with rich network resources.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step

But this is only an option, and studying in this province is not as challenging as studying in other provinces, so both in this province and in other provinces have their own places of application, regardless of the equal.

After graduating, I realized how big the gap between going to university in this province and going to university in other provinces is, and I made a wrong step


When candidates fill in the volunteers, they must combine their own reality and ability level, rationally weigh the pros and cons, listen to the suggestions and choices of others, and finally be firm in their own choices and not be swayed by the choices of others.

Whether candidates choose to be in this province or other provinces, the ultimate goal is to study better, which is the most important thing.