
Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

author:Find out what's new in life

Friends, everyone is here, and today I will share wonderful topics with you

Move the little hands to make a fortune to like, follow, and comment on the little brother, and I wish you all good luck and fortune here!

Friends, the annual fun is coming, I didn't expect it to be so outrageous before I watched it [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] [faces Really, the more I look outside, the more I feel that the outside world is so abstract [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] is not the same as what has been spread before, the domestic "public knowledge" came out to brainwash me, add layers of filters, [smile] [smile] [smile] [smile] [smile] [smile] [smile]

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

The comments from netizens made me laugh all the time

I also live in Bengbu, [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] [tears] laughing to death

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

It's hard work, these two old people [cover their faces] [cover their faces] [cover their faces] [cover their faces] [cover their faces], I really feel that the world is crazy when I see it, I'm sleeping [awkward laughter] [awkward laughter] [awkward laughter] [awkward laughter] [awkward laughter]

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

Netizens are right, I support [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile]

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

[laughs and cries] [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries] [laughs and cries] [laughing and crying] the sleeping king is not in the state the whole time, and the main hit is a read messy back [embarrassing laughter] [embarrassing laughter] [embarrassing laughter]

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

I've read it back, and I've broken your trick [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying] [laughing and crying]

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

Understand that Wang is a businessman [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile] [Ma Sichun's smile], there is nothing wrong with talking about money

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

[tears run] [tears run] [tears run] [Tears run] doesn't look like they're three years behind at all, and the debate between the two old men is like putting aside this cross talk [awkward laughter] [embarrassing laughter] [embarrassing laughter] [embarrassing laughter], no matter who plays, the people of America are blessed [Flash]

Laughing numbly, I understand the debate between the king and the sleeping king, the world is quite abstract

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