


This newly upgraded iPhone16ProMax concept machine is super hardcore, although there is not much change in the exterior design of the fuselage, but the upgrade in details is very explosive. This is the latest Apple concept mobile phone released by foreign designers, continuing the design style of Apple's mobile phone, and adding its own design concept. If Apple releases such an iPhone, it will definitely have to run out of toothpaste.

However, judging from the design presented by the iPhone 16 Pro Max concept machine, it is still a little different from the rumored latest iPhone. But Xiaobian actually prefers this Apple mobile phone, even if it is a concept machine, but I still think it is very valuable for reference, and the future Apple mobile phone is likely to be designed in this direction!


Perhaps the biggest change in the new iPhone released in September this year is the screen, and it is rumored that Apple's super cup model will be upgraded to 6.9 inches. And this iPhone 16 Pro Max concept is no exception, and according to rumors, it has been upgraded in size. As you can see from the concept drawing, the details are still iPhone16ProMax does better, because the single-hole screen is officially on the top and replaces the capsule screen.

Compared with the capsule screen, this iPhone16ProMax single-hole screen not only has a high appearance, but also has a high screen-to-body ratio. If you want to achieve a single-hole screen, you need to use the under-screen 3D face unlock function, which is called explosion. What's more, the iPhone 16 Pro Max concept adopts a 20:9 body ratio, even if the screen size is upgraded, it does not affect one-handed operation at all. And the iPhone 16 Pro Max handheld experience comfort will also be significantly improved.


This is because the iPhone16ProMax bezel adopts a curved design, and as you can see from the concept drawing, the bezels around the screen are very rounded, completely abandoning the right-angle bezels that have been used for several years. And the iPhone 16 Pro Max is equipped with a new polished titanium material, which not only has a shinier appearance, but also will be softer in terms of comfort.

There are also major upgrades to the details of the iPhone16ProMax body, that is, the bezel has added capacitive touch buttons, which are the shooting button and the operation button. As the technology matures, future Apple phones are likely to eliminate physical buttons and replace them with touch buttons. Xiaobian thinks that this technology will also become a trend, because capacitive touch buttons can indeed make mobile phones more technological.


It is worth mentioning that the iPhone 16 Pro Max has also changed slightly in terms of frames, which is still reflected in the details. As you can see from the concept art, the iPhone16ProMax frame is not large, but the lens is obviously not so prominent, this is because the frame surrounds the lens, and part of the frame position is recessed, like a wall protecting the lens, so that the phone falls to the ground, and the lens is easier to protect.

The iPhone16ProMax main lens and ultra-wide-angle lens may both be 48 million pixels, and the telephoto lens continues the quadrismatic lens.


Whether it is the details of the fuselage or the details of the screen, it feels like this iPhone16ProMax concept machine is upgraded from the perspective of user experience. So don't underestimate this iPhone 16 Pro Max, it's still very hardcore.

In terms of hardware, the iPhone16ProMax is equipped with an A18Pro processor, which can unleash Apple's AI functions to the greatest extent. In terms of heat dissipation module, graphene heat dissipation material will be added, two-way satellite call function will be added, and the solid-state battery will be denser, but fast charging and signal still need to be upgraded.


In the face of such an Apple concept machine, it is difficult not to be tempted not to upgrade such a hardcore. But it needs to be admitted that this is not a real machine, so it is just for reference, and it is too enjoyable, don't take it seriously, and this year's new Apple machine is still subject to the official release. What do you think of this iPhone16ProMax concept machine, please post in the comment area!

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