
5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

author:I'm Qiu Tian

Toothpaste, as an indispensable personal hygiene product in our daily life, has long been deeply rooted in everyone's life. It is mainly composed of various components such as friction agent, cleaning agent, wetting agent, fragrance agent and water. It can effectively help us clean teeth, prevent tooth decay, whiten teeth and relieve oral sensitivity. But what many friends don't know is that in addition to toothpaste, which can be used to brush teeth, we can also use it in our lives to play a big role. Today, I will introduce you to a few wonderful uses of toothpaste, so let's follow me to find out!

5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

Tip 1: Apply to the soles of your feet.

In daily life, athlete's foot is undoubtedly a headache for many friends. Especially in this hot summer, the feet are particularly prone to sweating, which leads to the unpleasant smell of feet emitting when you take off your shoes, which makes people feel embarrassed. In fact, if we want to alleviate the problem of foot odor, we can use a little toothpaste to help. The method is very simple, we just need to wash our feet at night, and then squeeze some toothpaste and apply it to the soles of our feet. Then apply the toothpaste evenly, and we can apply a little more between the toes. Toothpaste itself has a good cleaning effect, and it also has a bactericidal and antibacterial effect, which can help to remove odor from the feet. After waiting for the toothpaste to stand for 5~6 minutes, we will rinse the toothpaste on our feet, and the problem of foot odor will be significantly improved.

5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

Tip 2: Clean the white edges of your shoes.

Usually we wear shoes, many of the bottom of the circle is white, although this color with a beautiful and fresh match, but this white edge is particularly easy to get dirty, and it is difficult to clean after being dirty. Faced with this problem, toothpaste can come in handy. Just squeeze some toothpaste on the white edge of the shoes when brushing your shoes, and then take a used toothbrush or shoe brush and dip it in toothpaste to scrub it. Toothpaste not only has a cleaning and whitening effect, but also contains abrasive ingredients that can also increase friction, so that it can effectively scrub away all the dirt on the white edges.

5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

Tip 3: Wipe down your lights.

There are always all kinds of dust stains on the headlights of the car, especially when the weather is relatively hot now, and there are a lot of small bugs, and the little bugs like bright light, which causes the lights to be full of small bug marks. If these dirts are not disposed of in time, it will also affect the effect of the lights. In this case, we can use toothpaste to clean the lights. Just squeeze some toothpaste on the headlight, then take a damp towel and wipe the headlight with the damp towel dipped in toothpaste. The cleaning and rubbing effect of toothpaste can help erase all kinds of stubborn stains and marks on the headlights, and restore the brightness of the lights.

5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

Tip 4: Clean the faucet.

If the faucet at home is used for a long time, there will be a lot of water stains on the surface, which will make the original bright stainless steel gray and lose its original luster. Many friends may also use a rag to wipe the faucet, but some stubborn stains can't be wiped clean at all with clean water. At this time, we can squeeze some toothpaste on the faucet, and then take a wet rag to wipe the faucet. The cleaning effect of toothpaste effectively wipes off all the dirt attached to the faucet, so that the faucet restores its original luster.

5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

Tip 5: Wipe the socket.

There are a lot of switches and sockets in our homes, however, many friends tend to ignore the cleaning of these switches and sockets. During frequent use, some finger prints and other stains will be left on the socket, making the socket look very dirty. In fact, by cleaning the switch socket, we can use the toothpaste. Squeeze some toothpaste on the socket first, then take a wet paper towel or towel to wipe the socket. After a simple wiping, the stains on the socket are wiped clean, and the effect is very obvious. If today's article is helpful to you, then click a follow, a like, and thank you for your support.

5 amazing uses of toothpaste to make your life easier!

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