
The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

author:Feng Jiaji sports world
The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

The national football team was recently placed in Group C in the group draw for the top 18 of the Asian zone of the World Preliminary Championships, which is known as the "Group of Death", and the opponents include Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Indonesia, which are strong.

The rules for qualification for the round of 18 are relatively strict, with the top two teams from each group qualifying directly for the World Cup, while the third- and fourth-placed teams will have to go through complex play-offs to secure a place in the tournament. This provision is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the national football team.

After the announcement of the rules of the event, there was a lot of heated discussion on the Internet. Some fans said that such rules are too strict for Asian teams, especially teams like the national football team, which have always been inconsistent in Asian regional competitions. A netizen left a message on social media: "It seems that if the national football team wants to impact the World Cup, it is really scary step by step, and the group stage has to meet such a strong opponent, and the road to promotion is really bumpy." ”

On the other hand, some football commentators believe that this kind of rule can indeed reflect the fierce competition and fairness of the event, and only through such strict selection can the strongest teams be guaranteed to represent Asia in the World Cup, which is also an important way for Asian football to improve its strength.

The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

For the national football team, to stand out in front of such a strong opponent, it is necessary to make breakthroughs in tactical layout and player status. A fan said in the discussion: "I hope that the national football team can find the best lineup and tactical system as soon as possible, and grasp the opportunity of every game, so that it is possible to fight out of the fierce competition." ”

Regarding the details of the promotion rules, many experts also pointed out that the competitive pressure in Asia can be imagined. An analyst from the sports media mentioned in the program: "In order for the national football team to qualify for the World Cup, it must first ensure a stable performance in the group stage, and then rise to the challenge in the play-offs, which is by no means an easy process." ”

The media and celebrity Han Qiaosheng are quite worried about the results of the draw in Group C where the national football team is located, and he bluntly said that this is an "extremely invincible sign". This evaluation not only reflects the importance of the strong opponents in Group C, but also reveals the pessimistic attitude of the outside world about the road to the World Cup for the national football team.

At the same time, football legend Fan Zhiyi mentioned in his analysis that the strength of the national football team at the defensive end is not inferior to that of powerful opponents such as Japan. He believes that if the national football team wants to make a difference in Group C, the first thing that needs to be solved is the gap in individual skills and awareness. These issues not only affect the execution of details in the game, but also directly related to the team's ability to remain calm and create chances when it matters most.

The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

Fan Zhiyi's analysis pointed out the weaknesses of the national football team in terms of tactical response and technical execution, and he emphasized the need to improve the individual ability of the players. For the national football team, how to further improve the technical level of each player on the basis of teamwork has become a fundamental problem that must be solved in the face of strong opponents.

These evaluations reflect the actual situation of the national football team in Group C, and also remind the team and coaching staff of the urgency and challenge in the preparation process. In the face of such a formidable competitor, the national football team must find an effective solution in a short period of time in order to take a crucial step on the road to the World Cup.

In order to improve the strength of the team, the head coach of the national football team, Ivankovic, put forward a proposal to introduce new naturalized players. It is reported that they are paying close attention to the three naturalized players of Oscar, Serginho and Zhou Dingyang, hoping that their addition can bring a qualitative leap on the offensive end.

In specific matches, the performance of naturalized players was particularly prominent, such as Fernando's outstanding individual ability in corner kicks, which played an important role in the team's attack. However, there are still shortcomings in the overall tactics and techniques of the national football team, which need to be filled by bringing in more high-level players.

The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

Fan Zhiyi suggested that the national football team should adjust its tactics according to the characteristics of the opponent, especially in the handling of corner kicks and set-pieces, which is an important part of improving offensive efficiency. Fan Zhiyi, a rare all-rounder in the history of Chinese football, can not only play any position except goalkeeper, but also shows excellent physical fitness and football talent. His 100-meter speed of 11.3 seconds is quite impressive among footballers. In addition, his ability to run at altitude is even more impressive, claiming to be able to run a distance of 3,150 meters in 12 minutes, showing the results of his extremely high physical demands and self-discipline training.

In the game, Fan Zhiyi showed excellent explosiveness and clarity of mind, which made his role on the court not only limited to attack or defense, but also to control the overall situation. He has a ferocious header and is a very dangerous player both defensively and offensively. In the scramble, he is always proactive, not afraid of the physical contact of his opponents, showing the eclecticism of the two styles of the North and the South.

The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

For Fan Zhiyi's football talents, netizens also have their own opinions and evaluations. Some netizens commented: "Fan Zhiyi's speed and endurance are really amazing, and his performance in the game can always put pressure on the opponent." Another netizen said: "His heading skills are very good, and for the Chinese football team, this ability is very valuable." ”

On the international stage, German coach Schlapner is full of praise for Fan Zhiyi. He described Fan Zhiyi as a "leopard" hardcore football player, which means that he is not only technically excellent, but also has an indomitable spirit and fighting ability. Schlapner believes that Fan Zhiyi is the kind of player who can step up and win for the team when it matters most.

To sum up, the national football team needs to take positive and effective measures when facing the challenge of the "group of death". Bringing in new naturalized players and optimising tactical training will be the key path to solve the current problems, and only then can we lay a stronger foundation for the dream of qualifying for the World Cup.

The national football team entered the death group, and Ivan made a request to expose the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

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