
The national football team enters the group of death! Ivan asks for it! exposed the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

The national football team enters the group of death! Ivan asks for it! exposed the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

On June 28, Beijing time, the head coach of the national football team, Ivankovic, participated in the group draw ceremony of the top 18 of the Asian region of the World Preliminary Championship. In the end, the national football team was placed in Group C, alongside Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Indonesia. This combination is widely regarded as the "Group of Death" because it brings together some of the strongest teams in Asian football.

The promotion rules for the round of 18 determine the great challenges faced by the national football team. According to the rules, the top two teams in each group will qualify directly for the World Cup, while the third and fourth teams will have to fight for a place in the fourth stage of the competition. This means that even if they achieve a relatively good result in the difficult round of 18, it will not be enough to ensure that the national football team will qualify easily, and they will still need to go through a fierce competition to achieve their World Cup dream.

The outside world's evaluation of the prospects of the national football team is straightforward. The famous commentator Han Qiaosheng's words "The national football team has won the ultimate invincible signing, watch one less game, destroy it." "It sharply reveals the sluggish reality of the fierce competition and promotion prospects of the national football team in Group C. In this disparity of strength, the national football team faces the challenge of strong opponents from Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Indonesia, and every game will be a life-and-death battle to determine whether they can stand on the stage of the World Cup.

The national football team enters the group of death! Ivan asks for it! exposed the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

Under such pressure, the national football team not only needs to defeat its opponents, but also needs to transcend the doubts and pressures of the outside world. They have to give it their all, meet the challenges of every game, and prove their quality and determination with their actions. Every player has to do their best, play their best, and win every point for the national football team in order to realize the football dream of the whole country.

The coaching staff of the national football team is also facing an unprecedented test. They need to develop a precise tactical strategy, adjust the lineup and tactics for different opponents, and maximize the team's competitive advantage. After each game, they also need to summarize the lessons learned in time and make adjustments and improvements for the next games to ensure that the national football team always maintains competitiveness and stability in the fierce competition.

In order to strengthen the team, Ivankovic put forward a proposal to bring in naturalized players. He believes that naturalized players can inject fresh blood into the team, especially three players such as Oscar, Serginho and Zhou Dingyang, whose addition will improve the attacking and midfield passing ability of the national football team.

Fan Zhiyi, as a football celebrity, also made a detailed analysis of the prospects of the national football team. He believes: "The national football team has a certain competitiveness in Asia, but it still needs to be strengthened in terms of individual skills and tactical implementation. Fan Zhiyi pointed out that in order to make a difference on the world stage, the national football team needs to improve in many aspects.

The national football team enters the group of death! Ivan asks for it! exposed the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

In a TV show, Fan Zhiyi's remarks sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens commented: "Teacher Fan is right, the national football team does need more technical training, especially in fast passing and defensive strategies. Another netizen added: "I think the national football team also needs greater adjustments at the tactical level, especially in the face of strong teams, not always defensive counterattacks, but more offensive means and changes." ”

Fan Zhiyi also emphasized the national football team's coping strategy when facing strong teams. He advised the team to be more resolute defensively, especially against opponents with strong attacking ability, to maintain a tight defensive formation and prevent conceding goals. In addition, Fan Zhiyi also mentioned the importance of corner kicks and set-pieces, believing that the national football team needs to improve efficiency in these aspects and make good use of every opportunity to break down the opponent's defense.

Netizens responded positively to Fan Zhiyi's suggestion, believing that as a former member of the national team and a football commentator, his evaluation of the national football team was very pertinent. A fan left a message: "Mr. Fan's analysis is always to the point, and I hope the national football team can listen to his suggestions and continue to improve." Another netizen also expressed a similar opinion: "I hope that the national football team can prepare for the upcoming challenges and strive for better results under the guidance of Fan Zhiyi." ”

The national football team enters the group of death! Ivan asks for it! exposed the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

Fan Zhiyi's style is fierce, and he is known as "General Fan"; He is like a fiery personality and is easily impulsive, so he has also caused a lot of discussion in the outside world. But no one is perfect, and we should not erase his contribution to Shanghai football and Chinese football because of these small mistakes. Fan Zhiyi is one of the few all-rounders in the history of Chinese football who can play any position except goalkeeper, with a speed of 11.3 seconds in 100 meters and a plateau run of 3,150 meters in 12 minutes. He has good explosiveness, a clear mind, a fierce header, and an active scramble, with both northern and southern styles. In the eyes of German coach Schlapner, he is the kind of "leopard" hard-core football player he admires the most.

Fan Zhiyi's football career is not only a legend, but also the pride of Chinese football. His tough style and ruthlessness on the field have also earned him the applause and respect of countless fans. A long-time fan recalled: "The speed and power of General Fan at that time was simply amazing, he was like a beast that had been released on the field, and he was extremely threatening both offensively and defensively. ”

Fan Zhiyi's personality also made him controversial. Some netizens felt that his impulsiveness could easily lead him to a red card, such as being sent off for an overreaction in a crucial match, which left his fans heartbroken. But more fans believe that it is precisely because of his pride and hard work that Fan Zhiyi can inspire the whole team at a critical moment and lead the team out of the predicament.

Schlapner once praised Fan Zhiyi's performance: "He is like a cheetah, fast and both offensive and defensive, he is an integral part of the team. "This accolade is not only a recognition of his individual skills, but also a recognition of the fighting spirit he has shown on the pitch. His performances in both domestic and international competitions have been impressive, and Fan Zhiyi has been the backbone of the team, whether in the domestic league or representing the national team in the Asian Cup.

The national football team faces many challenges and problems that need to be solved on the road to the World Cup qualifiers. The introduction of naturalized players may become a key factor in improving the competitiveness of the team, but how to effectively integrate them still needs to be carefully considered and practiced by Ivankovic and the national football coaching staff.

The national football team enters the group of death! Ivan asks for it! exposed the three new trump cards of naturalization, and Fan Zhiyi hit the nail on the head

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