
Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

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Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Entertainment has no boundaries

Entertainment has no boundaries

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

An astonishing piece of bad news came suddenly - Chinese football legend Zhang Enhua passed away the day after his 48th birthday! What is the cause of death? The untimely death of a senior in the football world has plunged countless fans and peers into endless sadness and regret.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Zhang Enhua can be described as a "living fossil" of Chinese football

Speaking of Zhang Enhua, he is really an "old fritter" figure in the Chinese football industry. He has shown extraordinary football talent since he was a child and is known as the "little dark horse". In 1984, Zhang Enhua joined the junior team of the Dalian football team early and was praised as the "star of hope" of Dalian all the way.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

In 1995, Zhang Enhua officially became a member of the Dalian first team and started his career. As the captain of the Dalian team, Zhang Enhua helped the team win seven consecutive championships in the Chinese Super League in one fell swoop and became the absolute core of the team. At that time, he was 1.87 meters tall and energetic on the field, and he was simply the living embodiment of "Black Mamba"!

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

In 2000, Zhang Enhua was selected for the national team, and at the age of 27, he was considered to be in his prime. In the 2002 South Korea-Japan World Cup, Zhang Enhua turned the tide in the game against Turkey and was affectionately called "China's No. 1 defender" by fans.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

In that World Cup, Zhang Enhua was the thigh of the national football team in every game, and the coach at the time, Milu, even compared him to "the big Cafu". Although the national football team was finally eliminated from the group, Zhang Enhua's wonderful performance showed the world the potential of Chinese players.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Zhang Enhua's transfer to coach after retiring was not smooth

When it comes to Zhang Enhua's work after retirement, it is a little bumpy. He retired in 2006 at the age of 33 and thought he would go one step further in coaching. But this is not the case.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

In 2016, at the age of 43, Zhang Enhua served as a team leader and Chinese coach at Shenzhen Kaisa Club. Unfortunately, he was "banished" by Erikson's apprentice after only one year there. Since then, he has been looking for an opportunity to return to coaching, and a Guangxi team once wanted to invite him, but in the end they did not negotiate.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Despite the obstacles in coaching, Zhang Enhua has been working hard to revitalize Chinese football. Some media commented that he can be called the "loyal soul" of Chinese football.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

In 2019, Zhang Enhua burst into tears after seeing the captain of the national football team, Zheng Zhi, bow and apologize to the fans with shame during the Asian Cup commentary. It can be seen that for this striker who once led the national football team, it is his greatest wish that Chinese football can get out of the trough.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Ancestral inheritance caused Zhang Enhua not to quit drinking

What is embarrassing is that just when Zhang Enhua was still dreaming, a sudden accident took his life. Details of Zhang's death were later publicly revealed by relatives. It turned out that he died of a heart attack caused by excessive drinking at the 48th birthday party. According to relatives, Zhang Enhua has had a genetic disease since he was a child, so he has not been able to completely quit drinking.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Zhang Enhua's astonishing death plunged the entire sports world into deep sadness. Former international teammates have posted messages to mourn the "old dark horse" on the field:

Fan Zhiyi said: "It is deplorable to die young. Nhwago has a good character and is friendly to young players. "

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Sun Jihai commented: "He is honest and honest on the court, and he becomes a bear child when he drinks after the game."

Li Ming wrote: "Passing away at a young age, the unfinished ambition is really suffocating."

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Zhang Enhua's national team and two clubs in Dalian even issued a message of condolences and expressed condolences to his family. It can be said that the death of the former "China's No. 1 defender" is undoubtedly a big loss for the entire Chinese football.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Recalls the scene that happened on the day of Zhang Enhua's death

In order to recreate the scene of the day more realistically, we interviewed an eyewitness who was at the scene at the time. It was Nhwago's 48th birthday. We celebrated together in his new restaurant, and the atmosphere was lively at first. But then, as Nhwago got more and more drunk, we didn't pay much attention to it, because he was always a good drinker. "

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Who knew that not long after, Enhua suddenly lay on the table with his chest clutched, and his body twisted very much. Everyone hurriedly carried him to the hospital, but he was diagnosed with a sudden heart attack... It was a heart-wrenching scene, and we were all caught off guard.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way


Before his death, Zhang Enhua always had a wish, that is, he hoped that his body could be donated after his death to continue the life of those in need. In the end, his wish came true. After learning of his death, Zhang Enhua's relatives immediately agreed to donate his body to add a touch of humanity to his last journey.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

"Nhwa's greatest wish before his death was to donate his body. Now that he is gone, we must respect his wishes and donate one of his bodies intact. Zhang Enhua's sister said in her eulogy.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

In this way, after the death of this international player who used to be busy on the green field, he is still using his own way to bring hope and warmth to the lives of others. He interprets a noble life value with practical actions.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

It can be said that this kind wish is the best footnote to Zhang Enhua's life. Although he died suddenly in the prime of life, his spirit will always be remembered.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

Although relatives have made public the cause of Zhang Enhua's death, out of caution, the relevant departments will still launch an in-depth investigation into the matter to find out the truth. "We have intervened in this case and will thoroughly investigate the exact cause and process of Zhang Enhua's death." A relevant person said.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

At present, a number of parties have been summoned by relevant departments for interviews, and the focus will also be on the investigation of "major accidental deaths in restaurants". At the same time, Zhang Enhua's body has been sealed in accordance with the law, pending the results of further analysis of the cause of death.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

"We will definitely give you the truth, and if there is indeed a major omission, the relevant responsible person will not tolerate it." The person said. In any case, we all hope that the truth can be revealed to the world as soon as possible, so that the world's thoughts about this international player will also be a positive result for his self-cultivation. At the same time, it also prevents such accidents from happening again and avoids more tragedies.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

As time passed, the social aftermath of Zhang Enhua's death gradually subsided. But the remembrance and remembrance of the international will never stop there. Relevant parties revealed that in order to forever remember Zhang Enhua's outstanding contribution to Chinese football, a year later, that is, on the occasion of his centennial, there will be a grand commemorative ceremony.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

At that time, active and retired international players, coaches and fans will hold a memorial service for Zhang Enhua with infinite nostalgia. A number of people related to him will also be invited to attend the event to pay tribute to this veteran of the stadium who is sincere in life and full of enthusiasm for football.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

"In one year's time, we will hold a ceremony for Nhwago worthy of him according to the most solemn specifications. Please wait and see in the meantime. So says the promoter of the event.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

For Zhang Enhua, this century-old life is also the highest courtesy. Although a generation of stars has passed away, his name will forever be remembered in the annals of Chinese football.

Relatives reveal the cause of Zhang Enhua's death: died of a heart attack after drinking! Fan Zhiyi: I hope you go all the way

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