
The war is stalemate, the Ukrainian commander-in-chief is in trouble, Zelensky is dissatisfied, and he removes the middle and senior ranks of the army

author:Brain-burning and writing

[Exclusive Deep Reading] Zelensky made a bold move, and the situation at the top of the military changed abruptly!

Under the cloudy sky of Ukraine, every move is related to the rise or fall of the country's fortunes. Recently, President Volodymyr Zelensky's heavy blow directly hit the heart of the military - an unprecedented high-level personnel earthquake that shook home and abroad. It's not that there is no warning, it's just that when this moment really comes, its intensity is still jaw-dropping.

The war is stalemate, the Ukrainian commander-in-chief is in trouble, Zelensky is dissatisfied, and he removes the middle and senior ranks of the army

[The front line is stalemate, and the president is angry] The war has dragged on for a long time, and the scorched earth on the Donbass front line and the tug of war in the southern region are like dark clouds hanging over Zelensky's heart. Every time the battle report came, his brow tightened. Obviously, his dissatisfaction with the current war situation is no longer a secret, and this dissatisfaction has eventually turned into direct action against the military leadership.

The war is stalemate, the Ukrainian commander-in-chief is in trouble, Zelensky is dissatisfied, and he removes the middle and senior ranks of the army

[High-level blood change is imminent] In Zelensky's eyes, the current situation of the military is like a pool of stagnant water, which urgently needs to be activated by a clear stream. So, he struck. The lightning resignation of the commander of the Southern Front was only a prelude to this storm. Subsequently, a series of high-level officials changed positions like dominoes. This move undoubtedly sends a clear signal to the outside world: Zelensky will no longer tolerate leaders who cannot lead the army out of the predicament.

The war is stalemate, the Ukrainian commander-in-chief is in trouble, Zelensky is dissatisfied, and he removes the middle and senior ranks of the army

Although this series of purge actions is decisive, it is also accompanied by a lot of controversy. Some people are worried that such a large-scale personnel change may cause chaos within the army in the short term and even weaken the will to fight at the front. However, Zelensky seems to be ready for a desperate gamble, and he firmly believes that only by completely eradicating old diseases can he bring new life to the army.

【Winner or loser?】 Or is it a risky move? Zelensky's move is undoubtedly a double-edged sword. If you win the bet, you may be able to stimulate the potential of the army and find a breakthrough on the battlefield; If you lose the bet, it may make the already delicate battle situation worse. Everyone is holding their breath, waiting for the first tough battle after this personnel adjustment, which will be the touchstone to test the effectiveness of the reform.

[Conclusion: The Crossroads of History] The future of Ukraine is standing at the crossroads of history. Zelensky's bold move is not only a challenge to internal affairs, but also a silent announcement to external forces. Everyone who cares about peace and justice is watching closely the aftermath of this storm. If you are also touched by this story, you may wish to like it and forward it to more people, so that we can witness together whether this change can lead Ukraine out of the haze of war and towards the dawn of hope.
