
Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

author:Life is full of sunshine 168

Friends, let's talk about the Motuo Highway today, this road is not ordinary, it took a full 50 years to complete!

117 kilometers, not long, not short, why does it take so long?

There are a lot of stories in this, let's talk slowly.

Motuo, the name has a sense of mystery when you hear it, it is hidden deep in Nyingchi, Tibet, with an average altitude of 4,500 meters, this altitude, the average person is estimated to breathe for half a day.

Moreover, the temperature here is also frighteningly low, with an average annual temperature of only minus 3 degrees Celsius, almost all year round snow, and the annual precipitation is as high as 467 mm, which is not an exaggeration to say that it is a realistic version of "Frozen".

Historically, because of its unique geographical location, Medog has always been a battleground for soldiers, and everyone wants to include it in their territory.

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

As early as 1274, 1622 and 1644 A.D., Medog was invaded three times by foreign enemies, which is enough to prove the importance of its strategic position.

In such an important place, of course, there must be a way to the outside world.

However, building roads is easier said than done.

With an average altitude of 3,500 meters, it is one of the largest uninhabited areas in Tibet, and the harsh natural conditions have brought great challenges to highway construction.

Can we imagine how many difficulties it would have to face to build a road in such a place?

The cold and lack of oxygen, the climate is harsh, and the construction personnel often have to risk their lives to work.

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

Coupled with the difficulty of material transportation, large machinery and equipment can not enter, many times can only rely on manpower and simple tools, the progress of the project can be imagined.

However, no matter how difficult things are, as long as we persevere, we will definitely be able to overcome them.

In the past 50 years, generations of road builders have braved hardships and dangers, faced difficulties, and opened up a road to happiness in this lofty mountains and mountains with sweat and life.

In 2013, the Medog Highway was finally officially opened to traffic, ending the history of the Medog Highway and bringing new hope to the local people.

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

Speaking of which, some people may ask, is it necessary to spend so much effort on just one road?

Of course it is necessary!

Let's analyze it and you'll understand.

In 2012, Tibet was established as an important economic center and a window for opening up to the outside world, and in 2015, Tibet was included in the Belt and Road Initiative.

As the only highway connecting Tibet, Yunnan and Guangxi provinces, the completion of the Medog Highway is of great significance to the development of Tibet and even to the strategic layout of the whole country.

The completion of the Medog Highway has strengthened the ties between Tibet and the hinterland and injected new vitality into Tibet's economic development.

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

In the past, due to inconvenient transportation, the cost of transportation of materials in Motuo was extremely high, many products could not be shipped out, and goods from outside could not come in, which seriously restricted the development of the local economy.

The lives of ordinary people are also very difficult, and in many places even basic supplies cannot be guaranteed.

Now, with this road, all kinds of materials can be transported in a steady stream, and the living standards of the people have also been greatly improved.

What's more, Metuo's abundant natural resources and tourism resources have also been exploited, bringing new sources of income to the local people.

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

The completion of the Medog Highway is also of great significance to consolidating national defense security.

Medog is located on the border, and its strategic location is very important.

In the past, due to inconvenient transportation, it was difficult for our troops to quickly reach the border areas, which brought great hidden dangers to border security.

Now, with this road, our armed forces can quickly maneuver to the front line of the border, which greatly enhances the mainland's border defense capability and provides a strong guarantee for safeguarding national security.

The completion of the Motuo Highway is not only a traffic artery, but also a road to prosperity, happiness and national defense.

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?

It carries the concern and concern of the party and the state for the Tibetan people, as well as the best wishes of the people of the whole country for Tibet's development.

The story of this road tells us that as long as we have dreams in our hearts and strength under our feet, no difficulty can stop us from moving forward.

The completion of the Medog Highway is the best embodiment of this spirit.

Finally, I would like to say that the construction of the Medog Highway is inseparable from the hard work of generations of road builders, who are the real heroes of this road.

Let's pay tribute to these unsung heroes!

Only 117 kilometers have been built in 50 years, but how difficult is the Medog Highway?