
The first party of medical saint Zhang Zhongjing to strengthen the spleen and stomach: dry and damp, good water, smooth stool

author:Sun Yangxin

The first party to strengthen the spleen and stomach: dry and damp, improve water, smooth stool

The first party of medical saint Zhang Zhongjing to strengthen the spleen and stomach: dry and damp, good water, smooth stool

Spleen and stomach disease is a serious disease, people eat cereals and grains without getting sick, and the digestion and absorption of food is most closely related to the spleen and stomach, so spleen and stomach problems are also a problem that many people are concerned about. There are many recipes for strengthening the spleen and stomach, so which recipe is better to use? Today, I would like to share with you a practical recipe, which is licorice laxative soup.

The first party of medical saint Zhang Zhongjing to strengthen the spleen and stomach: dry and damp, good water, smooth stool

I have seen a 50-year-old male patient who had a long-term dry stool, and when he was hungry, he felt stomach pain and noise, and even vomited sour water.

The first party of medical saint Zhang Zhongjing to strengthen the spleen and stomach: dry and damp, good water, smooth stool

After dialectic, his condition is both deficiency and reality, the combination of deficiency and reality, he was prescribed this licorice xingxin soup and Yunling to regulate, after taking 3 doses, the situation has improved significantly, fart more, and the stool is also smoother a lot, but it feels a little worse.

So according to his symptoms, on the basis of the original prescription, he added self-defense, atractylodes to promote dampness and water, and astragalus to replenish qi, seeing that his face was a little swollen, and the kidney yang was also a little insufficient, so he added aconite to help the kidney yang, so that after taking a dose, the stool was very smooth, and the edema of the face was also improved, and he insisted on taking a few doses, almost enough, and there was no recurrence.

The first party of medical saint Zhang Zhongjing to strengthen the spleen and stomach: dry and damp, good water, smooth stool

I hope this case can be helpful to everyone, if you also have spleen and stomach problems, you must be treated symptomatically after a professional doctor distinguishes the syndrome, so as to achieve a good conditioning effect, do not take some drugs at will.