
won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

author:Make a big fuss about Tiangong fish

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won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

This novel and unique theme is a rarity in Hong Kong films.

Imagine an unregistered cargo ship, wreaking havoc like a leaf drifting out of control into Hong Kong waters in the midst of a raging storm.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

In that scene, the waves rolled, the wind howled, and the cargo ship swayed, as if it was about to be swallowed by the sea in the next second.

Customs officers were alerted and quickly attacked.

When they boarded the ship, they saw a scene full of black market munitions, the scene of cold weapons glinting in the dim light.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Before the customs officers could come to their senses, a group of overseas mercenaries pounced on them like wolves.

They were well-armed and well-trained, with a ruthless and resolute look in their eyes.

The customs officers were in an extremely dangerous situation in an instant, which really made people pinch a cold sweat.

Zhou Zhengli, played by Nicholas Tse, stepped forward in this chaos, his eyes were firm and his posture was vigorous.

teamed up with the Thai intelligence agent played by Liu Yase, vowing to uncover the fog behind this.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

They tracked down all the way and encountered countless hardships and obstacles.

Take a look at the four exciting fight scenes, Nicholas Tse personally served as the action director, and that scene was simply explosive!

Let's talk about the scene of the rubber boat grabbing first, on the rough sea, the rubber boat rises and falls with the waves, like a leaf that will be swallowed up at any time.

Nicholas Tse is in such an extremely unstable environment, but he is like a needle in the sea.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

He saw the right moment and leaped into the air, moving as fast as lightning, and instantly captured the enemy.

That skill, that explosiveness, is amazing.

The aerial battle of container trucks is even more thrilling.

The huge container truck was lifted by a crane and staggered in mid-air.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Nicholas Tse and his opponent fight to the death in this small and dangerous space.

The container truck creaked as if it would break at any moment.

Nicholas Tse, on the other hand, was undaunted, his every attack was carried with the determination to break the boat, and every dodge was extremely accurate.

Sweat soaked his shirt, but his eyes were always firm, and the momentum of courage was impressive.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Fighting with a long shot of one enemy and five is called exciting! The camera follows Nicholas Tse closely, without the slightest editing and switching.

He faced five powerful enemies, but he was not afraid.

Every movement is smooth and natural, and every punch carries the sound of whirring wind.

The enemy's attacks came like a storm, but he was able to defuse them skillfully and then quickly counterattack.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

This fight not only shows Nicholas Tse's excellent martial arts skills, but also makes us feel the tenacity and tenacity of the character.

The submarine life-and-death duel pushed the tension to the extreme.

In that small, closed submarine, the air seemed to freeze.

Nicholas Tse and the enemy launched the final desperate fight, there is no way back, only life and death.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Every breath seems so heavy, and every movement determines life and death.

Nicholas Tse's expression was tense, his eyes were full of determination, and he used his courage and wisdom to find a glimmer of life in this desperate situation.

Jacky Cheung played Zhang Yunnan, that role is really challenging.

He is an involuted worker, and he is overwhelmed by heavy work every day.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

He got up before dawn in the morning, rushed to the office after a hurried wash, a pile of documents waiting for him to process, and he was overwhelmed by one meeting after another.

When I got home in the evening, it was late at night, and I was so tired that I collapsed on the sofa, and I didn't even have the strength to speak.

At the same time, he was a bipolar patient.

Emotions are like a bomb that will explode at any moment, and you don't know when it will be ignited.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Sometimes, he would get angry over a trivial matter, and the people around him would be scared to say anything.

Sometimes, I would suddenly fall into deep depression and hide in the corner alone and cry silently.

Jacky Cheung played this complex role very well.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Every look in his eyes revealed the pain and struggle in his heart.

Every emotional outburst makes people empathize.

The helplessness of being tormented by life and illness was vividly expressed by him.

The character played by Lin Jiaxin is elegant and tenacious.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

Every time she appears, it seems to carry a soft light.

Whether it is calmness in the face of danger or delicacy in emotional dramas, it is impressive.

Her smile is like a spring breeze, which makes people feel warm; And her tears can make people's hearts tighten instantly.

The Thai intelligence officer played by Liu Yase is witty and brave, full of exoticism.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

In her collaboration with Nicholas Tse, she has shown extraordinary wisdom and courage.

Her movements are clean and her eyes are firm and powerful, which makes people have to admire her professionalism.

The supporting role played by Wu Zhenyu, although there are not many scenes, but it leaves a deep impression.

His unique temperament, coupled with superb acting skills, makes the role he plays full of charm.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

The film "Customs Front" has successfully found a new way out of Hong Kong-style action movies through innovative themes, wonderful action scenes and amazing performances by the actors.

It not only makes us feel the vigorous style of Hong Kong-style action movies, but also allows us to see the infinite possibilities of Hong Kong films.

In today's era of fierce competition in the film market, it is no accident that "Customs Front" can stand out and rank first at the single-day box office.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

It meets the audience's expectations for exciting plots and exciting scenes, and also shows the unique charm and spirit of Hong Kong films.

From the production team of the film to the dedication of the actors, every link embodies countless efforts and efforts.

The director carefully designs each scene, striving to make the audience feel the most real tension and excitement; The screenwriter cleverly conceives each plot, making the story full of suspense and surprises; And the actors are even more dedicated, using their acting skills to give the characters souls.

won the box office championship, after watching Nicholas Tse and Jacky Cheung's new films, I want to say: The peak of Hong Kong films is back

This film is not only an entertainment work, but also a tribute and innovation to Hong Kong-style action movies.

It reminds us of the classic Hong Kong film years, and at the same time makes us look forward to future Hong Kong films.

I believe that in the future, there will be more excellent Hong Kong films like "Customs Front", which will continue to bring us visual and spiritual shock.

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