
TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

author:Bookmark Dp freely

On the night of Sunday 23, the banquet hall of a well-known hotel in Hong Kong was brightly lit and lively. It was the 30th birthday of Ng Fu Kiu, and his wife, Leung Siu-ying, had orchestrated a special birthday party for him. This party not only witnessed the deep relationship between the two, but also became a good story in their love story.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

Preparations for the party began months ago. Liang Zhaoying not only spent a lot of thought on the layout, but also incorporated many elements that Wu Fuqiao liked. She specially prepared a number of human-shaped cards, each showing Wu Fuqiao's heroic posture at different stages, and also designed a portrait black T-shirt for him, printed with his favorite quotes and patterns. Entering the banquet hall, the guests felt as if they were in a small exhibition, full of love and respect for Wu Fuqiao.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The highlight of the party was undoubtedly the custom-made cake. The cake was themed on the NBA team Lakers, and the design of the Lakers logo and basketball shape attracted guests to take pictures. There is also a small basketball scene on the top of the cake, recreating the glory moment of the Lakers winning the championship that year. In addition to the cake, the gift is also a highlight. The signature basketball of the Lakers' championship-winning lineup became one of the highlights of the night. Wu Fuqiao is a die-hard fan of the Lakers, and this gift made him excited, and he hugged Liang Zhaoying affectionately, and the scene was full of laughter.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

Liang Zhaoying also prepared a special surprise for Wu Fuqiao - a custom license plate. The license plate is engraved with "623", which is the date of Ng Fu Kiu's birthday. Leung Siu-ying personally replaced the yellow Porsche with this license plate for Wu Fuqiao. In the process of changing the license plate, she operated carefully, although it was hard, but her face was always filled with a happy smile. When Wu Fuqiao saw the new license plate, his eyes were full of surprise and emotion. The two hugged each other tightly as if the whole world belonged to them.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The couple is known for their affection on weekdays, and often shows affection on social media. Their honeymoon lasted several months, from Europe to the Americas to Asia, across the globe. Liang Zhaoying's support for Wu Fuqiao and his husband's behavior are even more commendable. She has defended her husband on social media many times, and even violently countered the malicious comments of netizens, showing her deep affection for her husband.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In daily life, the husband and wife are also full of sweet moments. Whether it's an event together or a little bit of travel, they're always inseparable. Those warm photos, each of which recorded their happy moments, became the best testimony of their love.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

At the end of the party, Wu Fuqiao carried his beloved LV bucket bag, danced all over the venue, drank with friends, and enjoyed the joyful atmosphere of his birthday. Liang Zhaoying looked at him tenderly from the side, his eyes full of love. The guests were infected by the happy atmosphere of this loving couple and sent their most sincere wishes.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

This birthday party not only allowed Wu Fuqiao to spend an unforgettable 30th birthday, but also let everyone see the sincere love between their husband and wife. I hope that their lives will always be as sweet and happy as this night, and may their love story continue to write more beautiful chapters.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The big birthday party was coming to an end with a lot of laughter, but some of the details were deeply rooted in the hearts of every guest. It was dark at night, but the lights in the ballroom were still bright, reflecting the joy and satisfaction on everyone's faces. The music plays slowly, it is a gentle love song, and it seems to be the most beautiful interpretation of the couple's love.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The guests began to say goodbye one after another, but Wu Fuqiao and Leung Siu-ying remained in the center of the venue, reminiscing about the moments of tonight. Their friend and well-known actor Leslie Cheung also came specially to present a classic old song for Wu Fuqiao, which attracted thunderous applause from the audience. Leslie Cheung's blessings to the two are particularly sincere: "You are the happiest couple I have ever met, and I hope you will always be so happy." ”

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The crowd gradually dispersed, and only a few close friends were still chatting. Liang Zhaoying gently took Wu Fuqiao's hand, and the two walked to a corner to enjoy a moment of tranquility. They looked at each other and smiled, and they could understand the emotion and happiness in each other's hearts without words.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

"I'm really happy today, thank you for all this you have prepared for me." Wu Fuqiao looked at his wife, his eyes full of gratitude. "As long as you're happy, I'm satisfied." Liang Zhaoying responded softly. They were not in a hurry to leave, but walked around the terrace of the hotel. In the cool evening breeze, the two clinged to each other, as if the whole world was the only one. At this time, a burst of fireworks suddenly burst into the sky, lighting up the night sky as if it were day. It turned out that this was the last surprise that Liang Zhaoying had already arranged - she hoped to use this brilliant fireworks to celebrate her husband's birthday, and also symbolize the endless excitement of their future life.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

Wu Fuqiao was so moved that he took his wife's hand and hugged her harder into his arms. "Every day with you is as good as today." When they returned home, they found a letter on the table, a greeting card from an old friend from far away. The letter reads: "I wish you eternal happiness and may our friendship last as long as your love. Seeing this, the two couldn't help but look at each other and smile again.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The next morning, they decided to go out together for this special weekend. The sun shone through the windows of the car, and they sang and laughed as they drove the new license plate Porsche. On the mountain trails, they stop for picnics and enjoy the tranquility and beauty that nature brings.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In the afternoon, they came to a large green lawn and saw a few frolicking deer. It reminded them of everything they had seen on their honeymoon: romantic towns, stunning natural landscapes, and footprints left around the globe. Sweet memories come flooding back to their hearts, making them cherish this moment even more.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In the evening, they sat on the lawn and watched the sun sink into the horizon, as if it were all a script arranged by fate, and every picture was so perfect. "In the future, we will go out and walk more, see the world, and look at our own hearts." Liang Zhaoying leaned on her husband's shoulder and said softly.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

"That's right, we still have a lot of places to go, and a lot of dreams to come true." Wu Fuqiao nodded firmly, "As long as I have you by my side, I am not afraid of no matter how far away it is." On the way back, they passed through an old town where the inhabitants were holding traditional festivals. Intrigued, they decided to stop and get involved. The people of the town were hospitable, treated them like VIPs, and invited them to dance and sing along. In this small town full of rich culture, they had an unforgettable and enjoyable evening.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

Time passed quietly, and before you knew it, the moon was high in the sky. After finishing the festivities, they returned to the hotel to rest. This time, there is no gorgeous lobby and dazzling lights, but just an ordinary small hotel, but the hearts of the two are closer to each other.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

"Wherever you are, you have a home." Before going to bed, Liang Zhaoying gently kissed Wu Fuqiao, which expressed the truest, simplest and deepest emotions in her heart.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In the days that followed, they continued to work hand in hand to face life's challenges and opportunities. They support each other, grow together, and write their own happy chapter with practical actions. And that grand birthday party is just a beautiful microcosm of their long and sweet life, and it is an important memory that will not be erased by the years. This sincere and pure love will become stronger with the passage of time, and will also become the most precious immortal treasure in their life's journey.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The ballroom of a well-known hotel in Hong Kong was brightly lit and lively on a Sunday night. Billionaire Ng Fu Kiu's 30th birthday party was held here, orchestrated by his wife, Leung Siu-ying. This party is not only a witness to their deep relationship, but also a good story in their love story.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

Preparations for the party began months ago, and Leung put a lot of thought into the setting, incorporating many of Ng's favorite elements. The ballroom was decorated with a number of human-shaped cards showing Ng Fuqiao's heroism at different stages, and she also designed a portrait black T-shirt for him with his favorite quotes and patterns printed on it. The whole venue was like a small exhibition, full of love and respect for Wu Fuqiao.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

One of the highlights of the party was the custom-made Lakers-themed cake, which attracted guests to take photos with the Lakers logo and basketball design. The small basketball scene on top of the cake recreates the glory moment of the Lakers winning the championship that year. In addition, a star of the Lakers' championship-winning roster signed basketball became the focus of the night. As a die-hard fan of the Lakers, Wu Fuqiao was very excited about this, and hugged Liang Zhaoying affectionately, and the scene was full of laughter.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

Liang Zhaoying also prepared a special surprise - a custom license plate engraved with 623, the birthday date of Wu Fuqiao. She personally replaced the yellow Porsche in Woo Fu Qiao with this license plate, and despite the hard work, she always had a smile on her face. When Wu Fuqiao saw the new license plate, his eyes were full of surprise and emotion, and the two hugged each other tightly, as if the whole world belonged to them.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The couple is known for their affection on weekdays, and often shows affection on social media. Their honeymoon journey has taken them all over the world, from Europe to the Americas to Asia, and Leung Siu-ying's support and husband-guarding behavior to Ng Fu Kiu are even more commendable. She has defended her husband on social media many times, and even violently countered the malicious comments of netizens, showing her deep affection for her husband.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In daily life, the husband and wife are also full of sweet moments. Whether it's an event together or a little bit of travel, they're always inseparable. Those warm photos, each of which recorded their happy moments, became the best testimony of their love.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

At the end of the party, Wu Fuqiao carried his beloved LV bucket bag and drank with his friends, enjoying the joyful atmosphere of his birthday. Liang Zhaoying looked at him tenderly from the side, his eyes full of love. The guests were infected by the happy atmosphere of this loving couple and sent their most sincere wishes. This birthday party not only allowed Wu Fuqiao to spend an unforgettable 30th birthday, but also let everyone see the sincere love between their husband and wife.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The evening was coming to an end, but some of the details remained deeply in the hearts of every guest. The music played slowly, as if it was making the most beautiful interpretation of the couple's love. The guests said goodbye one after another, and Wu Fuqiao and Leung Siu-ying still stayed in the center of the venue, reminiscing about tonight. The well-known actor Leslie Cheung specially came to present a classic old song for Wu Fuqiao, and the audience applauded thunderously, and Leslie Cheung's blessings were particularly sincere: You are the happiest couple I have ever seen, and I hope you will always be happy.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The crowd gradually dispersed, and only a few close friends were still chatting. Liang Zhaoying took Wu Fuqiao's hand and enjoyed a moment of tranquility. They looked at each other and smiled, and they could understand the emotion and happiness in each other's hearts without words. As the night darkens, they strolled along the hotel terrace, clinging to each other in the cool evening breeze, as if they were the only ones in the world.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

A burst of fireworks suddenly burst into the sky, lighting up the night sky as if it were day. This is the last surprise that Leung Siu-ying has already arranged, and she hopes to celebrate her husband's birthday with this brilliant fireworks, and at the same time symbolize the endless excitement of their future life. Wu Fuqiao was extremely moved, and hugged her even harder into his arms. Every day with you is as good as today.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

When they returned home, they found a letter on the table, a greeting card from an old friend from far away. The letter reads: I wish you eternal happiness and hope that our friendship will last as long as your love. The two looked at each other and smiled, their hearts full of emotion and happiness.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The next morning, they decided to go out together for this special weekend. The sun shines through the windows of the car, and they sing and laugh all the way as they drive the Porsche with the new license plate changed. On the mountain trails, they stop for picnics and enjoy the tranquility and beauty of nature. In the afternoon, they came to a large green lawn and saw a few frolicking deer. This scene reminded them of the romantic memories of their honeymoon trip, and the sweetness welled up in their hearts, making them cherish the moment in front of them even more.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In the evening, they sat on the lawn and watched the sun sink into the horizon, like a script arranged by fate, and every picture was so perfect. In the future, we will go out and walk more, see the world, and look at our own hearts. Liang Zhaoying leaned on her husband's shoulder and said softly. That's right, we still have a lot of places to go, and a lot of dreams to come true. Wu Fuqiao nodded firmly, as long as you are with you, no matter how far away it is, no matter how difficult it is, he is not afraid.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

On the way back, they passed through an old town where a traditional festival was being held. They decided to stop and participate, and the townspeople welcomed them warmly and invited them to dance and sing together. They had a memorable and enjoyable evening in this small town full of culture.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

The moon hung high in the sky, and after they had finished their festivities, they returned to an ordinary small inn to rest. Wherever you are, you have a home. Before going to bed, Liang Zhaoying kissed Wu Fuqiao lightly, this sentence expressed the truest, simplest but deepest emotion in her heart.

TVB's hundreds of millions of horses were given birthday license plates by the rich woman's wife! The woman knelt on the ground to change the Porsche card

In the following days, they will continue to work hand in hand, face various challenges and opportunities in life, support each other, grow together, and write their own happy chapter with practical actions. That grand birthday party is just a beautiful microcosm of their long and sweet life, and it is an important memory that will not be erased by the years. This sincere and pure love will become stronger with the passage of time, and will also become the most precious immortal treasure in their life's journey.