
Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

author:Bijia Minami
Everyone has a love for beauty.

Fine jewelry, whether it's a sparkling gemstone or a simple metal ornament, always catches people's eyes and adds a unique charm to the wearer.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

However, in the pursuit of fashion and beauty, have we ever thought that these seemingly dazzling jewelry may be quietly endangering our health?

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Jewelry, as an ornament in our daily life, is of paramount importance in terms of material, craftsmanship and safety.

However, there are some "poison jewelry" on the market, which may have an attractive appearance, but long-term wear may cause irreversible damage to our body.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

In this issue, let's expose the true face of these "poisonous jewelry" one by one, and remind everyone to be vigilant and not let fashion become an invisible killer of health.

1. Alloy jewelry:

There is a risk behind ———— beauty

Alloy jewelry is widely loved by consumers because of its affordable price and resemblance to precious metals. However, such jewelry often contains harmful substances such as lead and cadmium.

When these substances accumulate in the human body to a certain extent, they can cause various health problems.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

For example, lead poisoning can cause anemia, abdominal pain, kidney damage, etc., while cadmium can cause damage to the kidneys and bones.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Yang Ma reported that a Shanghai girl, because she was wearing an alloy earring, began to have symptoms of swelling and itching in her earlobe soon after.

At first, she didn't pay attention to it until her symptoms worsened and she went to the hospital for a check-up.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

The doctor told her that the harmful substances in the alloy earrings had caused an allergic reaction, and if she continued to wear them, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Therefore, when we choose jewelry, we must pay attention to its material and safety.

Try to avoid buying inexpensive alloy jewelry from unknown sources (9.9m jewelry is cheap, but it's really deadly!). )。 If conditions permit, you can choose precious metal jewelry such as pure gold and sterling silver, which are not only beautiful and generous, but also more secure.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

2. Plastic jewelry:

———— health risks behind cheap prices

Plastic jewelry is loved by many people because of its cheap price and variety of styles.

However, these seemingly harmless plastic jewelry can hide huge health risks. Much plastic jewelry is made from waste plastics that may have been used to store toxic chemicals.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

If you wear this jewelry for a long time, residual toxins may enter the human body through skin contact and pose a health threat.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Therefore, when buying plastic jewelry, we must choose carefully. Try to choose those products that are produced by regular manufacturers and have clear safety marks.

At the same time, it is also necessary to avoid wearing plastic jewelry for long periods of time to reduce the contact time with harmful substances.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

3. Dyeing agate:

———— the chemical risks behind beauty

Agate is a natural gemstone that is loved for its unique texture and color. However, there is a large number of dyed agate jewelry on the market.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!
Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

These jewelry uses a lot of chemicals such as chromium, arsenic, mercury, lead, etc., in the dyeing process.

Long-term wearing of this dyed agate jewelry can not only cause irritation and allergic reactions to the skin, but may also trigger various health problems.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

In order to avoid buying dyed agate jewelry, we can choose those reputable merchants to buy.

At the same time, it is also necessary to learn to distinguish the difference between natural agate and dyed agate. Generally speaking, the color of natural agate is more natural and the texture is clear; Dyed agate, on the other hand, is too bright in color and blurry in texture.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

4. Chicken bead bracelet:

———— beauty and danger coexist

Chicken beads, a brightly colored and peculiarly shaped seed, are processed into bracelets and sold by some vendors. However, this bracelet is highly poisonous.

Chicken beads contain a strong toxin inside, which may cause poisoning reactions and even life-threatening if eaten or touched by wounds.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Although hen bead bracelets are highly sought after in the market, we must be aware of their potential dangers.

While pursuing fashion, we should pay more attention to our own safety. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone avoid buying and wearing hen bead bracelets to avoid accidents.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

5. Walnut bracelet:

———— is auspicious, but it can be dangerous

As a traditional cultural ornament, walnut bracelets are loved by many people.

However, the fake walnuts on the market may pose a threat to human health. These walnuts may have used harmful chemicals, such as toluene solvents, in the production process.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

If you wear this bracelet for a long time, the residual toxins may enter the human body through skin contact and cause health hazards.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

In addition, if the walnut bracelet is not properly handled or stored and causes mold, it will also produce harmful substances such as aflatoxin.

Aflatoxin is a strong carcinogen and long-term intake can increase the risk of liver cancer. Therefore, when buying and wearing a walnut bracelet, we must choose carefully and maintain it properly.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

6. Power stone pendant:

———— the health trap behind false propaganda

In recent years, gemstone pendants have become highly sought after in the market. Merchants claim that this pendant has various health benefits, such as boosting immunity, promoting blood circulation, etc.

However, these claims have no scientific basis and may even pose a threat to human health.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Some power stone pendants may contain radioactive materials, and long-term wear can cause radiation damage to the human body.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Therefore, we must be vigilant when buying energy stone pendants and do not believe the exaggerated propaganda of merchants. If you are really interested in gemstones, you can choose products that have been properly tested and have clear safety labels.

Don't wear these 6 kinds of "poisonous jewelry" anymore, long-term wear is equivalent to "chronic poisoning"!

Write at the end:

Although jewelry can add highlights and enhance our temperament to our outfits, safety should not be neglected.

When choosing and wearing jewelry, we should keep rational thinking, pay attention to materials and safety issues, and at the same time, remind our relatives and friends to be vigilant, stay away from these "toxic jewelry", and jointly protect our health and safety.

Remember: beauty is precious, health is more expensive!