
"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

author:Bijia Minami

In the profound tradition of Chinese culture, the four sacred beasts of the green dragon, the white tiger, the vermilion bird and the Xuanwu are not only mystical symbols, but also carry people's deep expectations for auspiciousness, peace and prosperity.

Among them, the green dragon, as a representative of the East, has been endowed with the divine power of soaring clouds and mist, calling for wind and rain, and has become a symbol of auspiciousness and strength.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

There are countless sayings about the green dragon, such as "I am not afraid of the green dragon is high, I am afraid of the white tiger looking up" and "I would rather the green dragon be high than the white tiger looking up", which all reflect people's reverence and belief in the green dragon.

In Feng Shui, the green dragon is located in the east, corresponding to the spring and wood elements, so planting trees on the east side of the home is considered an effective way to attract the green dragon's qi and bring prosperity and wealth to the family.

This is the origin of the saying "if there is a green dragon tree in the family, the descendants will always be rich".

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

So, what is "Green Dragon Tree"? Does it refer to a specific type of tree? Can ordinary people grow it at home?

In fact, the term "green dragon tree" does not refer to a specific type of tree, but to a tree planted on the east side of a dwelling. Traditionally, these trees are known to gather the vitality of the East and bring good luck to the home.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

However, we need to be careful when choosing a dragon tree, as not all trees are suitable for planting here.

1. Avoid tree species with poor meanings

There are some ancient sayings among the people, such as "don't plant mulberries in the front, don't plant willows in the back, and don't plant ghosts in the yard to clap your hands".

These ancient admonitions actually warn us that when choosing a green dragon tree, we should avoid those tree species that do not have a good meaning.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?
  • For example, mulberry trees, "mulberry" and "mourning" are homophonic, and are believed to bring misfortune;
  • The willow tree, on the other hand, is often associated with parting and grief because of its ethereal form.

Therefore, none of these trees are suitable for cultivation as a green dragon tree.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

In addition, "the house does not plant the wood of the five shades" is also an important principle.

The so-called "five shade trees" refer to locust trees, mulberry trees, willow trees, poplar trees, cypress trees, etc. These trees are considered to have a feminine temperament and should not be planted in a yang house to avoid adverse effects on the owner.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

2. Choose tree species with good meaning and economic value

When choosing a dragon tree, we should not only consider the meaning of the tree, but also its economic value. Some fruit trees are not only auspicious, but also bring tangible benefits to the family.

  • 1. Kumquat Tree:

The kumquat tree is known for its golden fruits, which symbolize wealth and good fortune. This tree is suitable for planting in the southern region and prefers fluffy, breathable and fertile slightly acidic soils.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

As long as it is watered daily and fertilized as needed, kumquat trees can blossom and bear fruit year after year, bringing the joy of a good harvest to the family.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?
  • 2. Persimmon Citrus:

Persimmon trees are tall and adaptable, thriving even in poor soils. Its red fruit is not only delicious, but also adds a festive atmosphere to the festival.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

In winter, the persimmons left on the tree become more sweet and delicious after being baptized by nature. In addition, the persimmon tree has a high fruiting rate and can be made into a variety of delicious foods such as fresh persimmons and persimmons.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?
  • 3. Apple Tree:

The apple tree is a widely cultivated fruit tree that is not limited by geography and is simple to grow. With the continuous improvement and increase of varieties, people can choose suitable apple trees for planting according to their preferences.

Whether it is garden planting or pot farming, it is a good choice.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

When the apple tree bears fruit, it brings the joy of a good harvest to the family, and as an ornamental plant, it can also add greenery and vitality to the interior.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

3. So, is there a real green dragon tree?

In the imagination of the ancients, the green dragon tree is a mysterious and beautiful existence.

It is often depicted as an evergreen broad-leaved tree and is mainly found in southern China. Its leaves are wide and fan-like, bringing shade and comfort to the home.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

At the same time, it also emits a faint fragrance of plum blossoms, which is pleasant to humans, but has a repellent effect on mosquitoes, so you don't have to worry about mosquito bites when you cool under the green dragon tree.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?


Whether you choose an auspicious fruit tree as a substitute for the green dragon tree, or find an actual green dragon tree to plant, the purpose is to pray for the prosperity and wealth of the family.

In the process of planting, we can not only beautify the home environment and enjoy the delicious fruits, but also feel the profound heritage and unique charm of traditional culture.

"There is a green dragon tree in the family, and the children and grandchildren have always been rich", what is the "green dragon tree"? Can ordinary people plant?

Therefore, you may wish to try to plant your own "green dragon tree" at home to make the family happier and more prosperous.

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