
After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

author:Yan Erni


At the end of the high school entrance examination, I packed four or five bags of books at home, and called the scrap collector, saying that it was four cents a pound, and some of the books were brand new, which was a pity!

After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

A small part of it

At the end of the high school entrance examination, the teacher told the child to go to school to bring back all his books, and I told him to take them home, but the child promised to actually take the books home at all. I asked, where did the books go? He said the trash can in the classroom. Okay, it's not up to me, we can't say anything, that's the only way.

I looked at the mess of books at home and told him to take the time to clean up and sell. Fortunately, I was more obedient, and the two of us packed three pockets, and the time was pressing, and I didn't look at it all in one go.

I read so many books that I didn't know if I could sell them for more money, so I went to a market near my house, where I knew there was a collection of scrap, but I didn't know where.

After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

The first time I went, I didn't find it after a short turn. After getting off work the day before yesterday, I wanted to go and see, and found that there was a cleaning man riding a battery car, and the car was loaded with a big bag of plastic bottles. I think that person lives here. I had to ride home. When I was about to get to the door, I saw two people there to collect things, so I asked where there were scrap collectors, and one of the women with glasses said that they were the ones who collected scrap, but they were off work.

I said that this is the same as clocking in at work, the stall will be closed at the end of the day, and then they will not come to collect it at night. Finally, I asked how much it was a pound, and she said, "Books are four cents." ”

I think, I usually sell to the grandmothers in the community, they are all four cents, and the grandmother will sell them here again, and they are also four cents, what kind of money does the grandmother make? I've heard of the public three scales or something, besides, every time I sell scrap, people say as much as I want, I've never seen it, in fact, I don't recognize it. I think eighty percent have a problem with catties. But think about it, grandma also has to live, there is no profit, grandma might as well sit under the tree and watch the ants fight.

After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

Recently, during the rainy season, I felt uncomfortable looking at a few bags of books at home, so I started tidying up again last night. I first moved the bags of books out of my son's bedroom, and then read them again to see if there was anything worth keeping.

I poured the bag to the ground first, and then looked through it, homework books and test papers and the like, this one has no value, I put these back into the bag, junior high school books, I keep them first, seven, seven, eight, eight, I don't think it's complete, anyway, there are a few books!

There are even a few famous books mixed in it, such as "The History of Confucianism", etc., I am very angry, especially when I see that many of the test questions are brand new, I am even more angry. But I can't count the children. He's playing a game, and I'm just bored when I go to him. Besides, what's the use of him now.

I began to "scold" Lao Su and asked him if he didn't need money for these test questions? (Most of these test questions were bought by him for his children, some of them were written for a few pages, some were not written at all, and they were still brand new.) At the beginning, I said, don't buy so much, but I didn't listen to it!

After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

In the end, I put together a large bag, including junior high school books, a few famous books, a few unused composition texts, and a notebook.

When I was a child, my homework books were full of work, with both the beginning and the end of the page. I was doing my homework under the kerosene lamp, my mother was on the soles of my shoes, my father was lying on the bedside and watched me write, and he asked me to fill up my homework book when he saw it. Today's children are so happy, they don't need a new and new homework book. What a waste.

After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

I also put together a few new file bags, and I don't know if he wants to continue using them.

Finally, I sorted out four bags of books and some delivery boxes at home, and I called the courier company to collect them.

Tomorrow it will rain heavily and it will be cloudy today, so it's good to let people collect it. Before I went to work, I told Lao Su that I asked the family to come over from 10:30 to 11:00 to collect it, and he said, "What are you doing so early, can't you collect it in the afternoon?" ”

After the exam, what should I do with the waste books at home? It can only be sold at a low price

I was angry when I heard that, and I told him last night, and he said, "Okay." "But when I talk about it today, he repents again. I hate this the most, just like when a child is a child who wants to take out to play, originally it was a good family of three to go together, but the next day it came again, "Really go!" "I was so angry that after arguing with him a few times, I went out and didn't call him again, which was very disappointing.

Now that we're older, we're all playing our own games, and no one bothers anyone. The children don't need us to play with them anymore.

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