
The 17-year-old national feather teenager died, the process was broadcast live around the world, the two were extremely indifferent, and the family members questioned it

author:See the world with warmth
The 17-year-old national feather teenager died, the process was broadcast live around the world, the two were extremely indifferent, and the family members questioned it

On June 30, the mixed team group stage of the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships was held in Indonesia, and the 17-year-old national badminton player Zhang Zhijie participated.

On the afternoon of June 30, the match between Zhang Zhijie and the Japanese player was in full swing, when the score progressed to 11 draws, Zhang Zhijie suddenly fell forward, and then his body began to twitch continuously.

Faced with such a situation, the coach immediately called for help from the medical staff outside the field. The scene screen shows that from the time Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground to the arrival of medical personnel at the scene, it was about 33 seconds, and the medical staff simply checked and did not give any first aid, and after 1 minute and 06 seconds, the medical staff signaled other assistants, and a number of medical staff and volunteers carried Zhang Zhijie on a stretcher and away from the scene.

From the time Zhang Zhijie fell to the time he was lifted away from the scene, the whole process took about 2 minutes, but the medical staff did not give any first aid during the whole process.

The 17-year-old national feather teenager died, the process was broadcast live around the world, the two were extremely indifferent, and the family members questioned it

On the football field of Euro 2021, Eriksen suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, the referee blew to stop the game in time, the captain rescued in time, the team doctor arrived in 8 seconds, the AED equipment arrived in 52 seconds, and the rescue began in 96 seconds.

Many spectators and players were in tears at the time, and three years later, Eriksen went on to play at the European Championships, helping his team break the deadlock with a volley.

On the other hand, the whole process of Zhang Zhijie's illness, the medical staff at the scene reacted slowly, did not carry out any first aid, not to mention professional first-aid equipment, he was carried on a stretcher after 2 minutes of falling to the ground, and the golden 3 minutes of rescue were completely delayed, and no one knew when the ambulance arrived.

The 17-year-old national feather teenager died, the process was broadcast live around the world, the two were extremely indifferent, and the family members questioned it

According to Zhang Zhijie's sister, the whole family watched the live broadcast of the game on June 30, and the whole process of the younger brother's fall and rescue in the live broadcast was seen by the whole family through the live broadcast. The family was anxious but out of reach, until 9:30 p.m. on June 30, the family contacted the coach, and at 23:20 that night, the family learned the news of Zhang Zhijie's death.

Zhang Zhijie's sister said that Zhang Zhijie was very sensible, and all the prize money he got for the first time was given to his family as a gift. On June 30th, the day of Zhang Zhijie's death, it happened to be her sister's birthday, she didn't wait for her brother's blessing, but waited for her brother's death, her sister's birthday was originally her mother's day of suffering, and now it is still her brother's death day, I can't imagine how the family can accept such a fact.

In the face of Zhang Zhijie's death, the family pointed out sharply that it was the untimely treatment team and poor medical conditions that caused such a tragic result.

The 17-year-old national feather teenager died, the process was broadcast live around the world, the two were extremely indifferent, and the family members questioned it

In fact, there were two other people at the scene who should be condemned even more because of their excessive indifference!

After Zhang Zhijie fell, the referee still stuck to the rules, invariably preventing the coach from coming forward to check and intervene, and the butts of the referee and deputy referee in the whole process were like growing on a chair, not moving at all!

Zhang Zhijie's opponent watched him fall, visibly at a loss, and asked the referee, even so, the referee was indifferent, even the most basic humanitarianism no longer exists, such a quality can be a referee?

According to public information, Zhang Zhijie was born in Jiaxing, Zhejiang, and was selected from Jiaxing Children's Sports School to enter the Zhejiang Provincial Team in the third grade, enter the national youth team in 2023, and enter the national team for only one year.

The 17-year-old national feather teenager died, the process was broadcast live around the world, the two were extremely indifferent, and the family members questioned it

Zhang Zhijie's death is not only a grief for his family, but also a huge loss for the Chinese badminton team and the country! ,

I wish Zhang Zhijie all the best, and I hope that the organizers of the event can give the family an explanation!

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