
Two tigers fight! The Trump camp declared a "victory", and Obama Hillary Clinton is going to be unlucky

author:Wishing you prosperity.

Everyone, let's talk about the things in the United States. Although the 2024 election has not yet officially beaten the gongs and drums, the two brothers Trump and Biden have long been like fighting cocks, and they are pinching each other. The "war of words" on the night of June 27 was simply a "political version of the "Tucao Conference" for the audience in advance.

Two tigers fight! The Trump camp declared a "victory", and Obama Hillary Clinton is going to be unlucky

Having said that, Biden and Trump, on the surface, one seems to be leisurely, the other pretends to be calm, but in private, they are both working overtime to prepare for war. The organizers also worked hard, in order to prevent Trump from interjecting in the middle of the process, and put together a new rule of "whoever doesn't speak will be silent". Now it's okay, want to make trouble? Let's see if the microphone says yes!

The topic of debate is nothing more than those international messes - Russia and Ukraine are in a pot of porridge, and the US troops are retreating from Afghanistan in disgrace. Trump seized the opportunity and did not let go, complaining vigorously that Biden was not good at handling international affairs, and boasted that he was the "favorite" in the hearts of soldiers.

Not to be outdone, Biden moved out of his "small achievements" on the southern border in an attempt to pull back a game. But, seriously, the two of them are arguing like watching two old men compete for the best bench in the park, each with their own reasons, but the audience is just trying to have a good time.

Judging from the scene, Trump's mouth is indeed slippery, and Biden occasionally gets stuck, which makes many people feel that Trump seems to have won this war of words.

Two tigers fight! The Trump camp declared a "victory", and Obama Hillary Clinton is going to be unlucky

The poll data is also interesting, with two-thirds of people thinking Trump is doing well, and the remaining one-third are standing for Biden. This number looks like Trump won a grand slam, and Biden barely won a participation award.

Of course, the Biden team was not happy, and hurried out of the round, saying "we don't withdraw from the game, the good show is still to come". As for Trump, if he really sits on the presidency again, it will be hilarious, and it is estimated that he will have to "take care" of Hillary's Democrats, and he is not ambiguous about political revenge.

Looking further afield, the 2024 election is simply an unfinished American drama with twists and turns and variables. The United States has to speed up the whole world's heartbeat. After all, the turmoil in Uncle Sam's house can set off a tornado in the world.

Two tigers fight! The Trump camp declared a "victory", and Obama Hillary Clinton is going to be unlucky

To sum up, Trump and Biden, two old rivals, are now chess opponents, and no one wants to admit defeat. Future showdowns will only be more bloody and dramatic.

We, the spectators, just get ready for the popcorn and wait for the next show. As for the United States, well, you know, let's just watch the fun, anyway, they themselves don't understand it, let's not take it too seriously.