
Touching Japan! Japanese media reported that Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and child, expressed her condolences!

author:Wishing you prosperity.

On that sunny day in Suzhou, a thrilling scene was staged at a bus stop, and unexpectedly, this accident became a good story of Sino-Japanese friendship.

Touching Japan! Japanese media reported that Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and child, expressed her condolences!

Here's the thing, on an ordinary afternoon, there were people on the platform, and everyone was waiting for their respective buses. Suddenly, a man with a knife targeted a Japanese mother and daughter who were about to ride in the car, and the situation was critical, and the air seemed to freeze.

At this time, a 55-year-old aunt, Hu Youping, rushed out of the crowd, she didn't think much about it, she instinctively wanted to protect the mother and daughter. At that moment, the country, history, grievances, all of them are irrelevant, there is only the natural desire of one mother to protect another mother and child.

Touching Japan! Japanese media reported that Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and child, expressed her condolences!

It's a pity that Aunt Hu was seriously injured because of this brave move, and finally failed to survive, this news makes people's hearts sink. But her deeds have not been forgotten with the passing of life, and the Suzhou Municipal Government awarded her the honor of "Model of Righteousness and Bravery", so that this courage and great love can be immortalized.

We all know that the history of China and Japan is complicated, and there are many grievances and grievances, but Aunt Hu's behavior is like a clear stream, telling us that history should be remembered, but hatred should not continue. Her story is a lesson for everyone, in the face of violence and injustice, no matter who the other party is, stand up and protect the weak, which is the foundation of human beings.

Touching Japan! Japanese media reported that Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and child, expressed her condolences!

The news reached Japan, where the reaction was moving. The Japanese Embassy in China lowered the flag at half-mast, which was a very high courtesy, indicating that Aunt Hu's courage touched their hearts. Japanese news and social media are full of mourning and gratitude to Aunt Hu, who has become a hero in the eyes of many Japanese and a symbol of warm and brave Chinese.

This incident has not only become popular in Japan, but has also attracted a lot of attention internationally. Aunt Hu's deeds seem to say that no matter how many ups and downs there were in the past, the kindness and bravery of the present can overcome all obstacles and bring each other's hearts closer. This power is more real and powerful than any diplomatic rhetoric.

Touching Japan! Japanese media reported that Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and child, expressed her condolences!

In China, Aunt Hu's story has been widely disseminated, and she has become a topic of conversation after dinner, and more people have begun to think about whether they can stand up bravely like Aunt Hu at a critical moment.

Her behavior is not only an individual choice, but also a shot in the arm for the whole society, reminding us that kindness and courage are things that everyone should have in their hearts.

Touching Japan! Japanese media reported that Ms. Hu Youping, who bravely saved the Japanese mother and child, expressed her condolences!

In Japan, Aunt Hu's departure has saddened many people, and they have expressed their grief in various ways, some sending letters, some leaving messages on the Internet, and every heart is telling, although there have been unpleasantness between the two countries, but in the light of humanity, these are nothing.

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