
Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

author:A little entertainment

The well-known Hong Kong actress Ni Chenxi (Elva) recently announced through social platforms that she has successfully given birth to her third child, which has caused a lot of shock in the entertainment industry. Ni Chenxi, 36, gave birth to three children in a row in just four years, all of them boys, a speed that surprised many fans and netizens.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

It is reported that Ni Chenxi's pregnancy was completely accidental. She admitted in an interview that she didn't plan to have another child so soon, but fate made her a mother again. Faced with this sudden surprise, Ni Chenxi and her husband decided to welcome the arrival of this new life after careful consideration.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

Ni Chenxi's social media is full of joy and happiness. She shared cute photos of her baby and revealed the fun experience of choosing a name for her child. In the end, the baby himself chose "Nigel" as his English name from the two alternative names, which not only reflects the respect of Ni Chenxi and his wife for the child, but also makes netizens feel the warmth and democracy of this family.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

However, this good news has also caused a lot of controversy. Some netizens questioned whether Ni Chenxi's frequent childbirth was harmful to her body, and some even speculated whether she gave up her career in pursuit of childbirth. In the face of these doubts, Ni Chenxi said that she attaches great importance to her physical health and has received professional care and guidance during pregnancy and after childbirth. At the same time, she also emphasized that childbirth is not the whole of her life, and she will still stick to her career and dreams.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

It is worth mentioning that the similarity between Ni Chenxi and TVB Huadan Tang Luowen has always been a hot topic among netizens. The two are not only similar in appearance, but also attended the event together because of the image of "sister file", which makes people marvel at their similarity. This time, the news of Ni Chenxi's birth of a third child also reminded many netizens of Tang Luowen, and they left messages on social platforms to ridicule.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

Regarding all kinds of discussions from the outside world, Ni Chenxi maintained a calm attitude. She said that everyone has their own lifestyle and choices, and she respects everyone's decision and hopes that everyone will respect her choice as well. At the same time, she also thanked her fans and friends who have always supported her, and it is their encouragement that has given her the courage to face any challenge.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

As a senior female artist, Ni Chenxi has nearly 20 years of experience in the entertainment industry. She has made a number of films, but in recent years has gradually shifted her focus to social media and the world of influencers. With her sweet appearance and friendly attitude, Ni Chenxi has many followers on social media, and her beauty tips, dressing tips and yoga sharing have been widely acclaimed.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

Today, Ni Chenxi is a mother of three children, but she still maintains her love for life and the pursuit of her career. She said that in the future, she will continue to share her life and experience on social media, hoping to bring positive energy and inspiration to more people. At the same time, she will also strive to balance family and career to set a good example for her children.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

In this seemingly perfect family, there will inevitably be some challenges and difficulties. But Ni Chenxi believes that as long as husband and wife work together, they will be able to overcome all difficulties and create a warm and happy environment for children to grow up.

Four years and three hugs! The 36-year-old Hong Kong actress announced that she had given birth to her third child, and she was accused of hitting TVB Tang Luowen in the face

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