
I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!

author:Arsenal off
I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!


As I got older, my work became more and more inadequate. I was already physically and mentally exhausted with the heavy workloads of my daily work. Occasionally, I wonder if I can let my unemployed college son take over my job. Does this kind of thinking really liberate me and allow me to retire with peace of mind?

I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!

Looking back, when I first went to work, it was the 60s and 80s in the mainland, and the country used to implement the system of "parents and retired children taking over the work". This system was of great significance under the planned economy of the time. It not only helps families maintain a stable income, but also solves the problem of employment for young people. At the same time, the older generation can retire with peace of mind and do not have to worry about their children's work. Such an arrangement effectively alleviates the pressure of social employment and provides continuous human resources for enterprises.

However, with the reform of the economic system, this system gradually faded out of the historical stage. Today's job market is extremely competitive, and college graduates are under tremendous pressure to find employment. According to the data, the employment rate of college students has been declining in recent years, and many young people have been unemployed for a long time after graduation, and their lives have become negative, and even the phenomenon of "lying flat" has appeared.

I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!

My son, Xiao Wang, is a typical example. After graduating from college, he repeatedly hit a wall in his job search, and finally had to "lie flat" at home. He took several civil service examinations and public institution recruitment examinations, but was unsuccessful. Out of sensibility, he worked part-time in sales while saving money to enroll in classes. There are a lot of various training courses, but the results are not good, and in the end it is a waste of money and time. Because of all kinds of pressure, a little thing at home, our father and son quarreled frequently, and the family relationship was tense.

One night, my son said to me with a tired face, "Dad, I've worked really hard, but why can't I find a job?" I try hard every day, but where is the hope? Looking at his helpless eyes, my heart hurt like a knife. I know that it's not that he doesn't work hard, it's just that this era is too cruel to them.

In addition, because his son has not had a stable job for a long time, he has been repeatedly disliked on blind dates, and he is idle and has no future... These words not only destroyed our son's fragile self-esteem, but also left a deep scar on our parents' hearts. We all wish him a stable job and a bright future, but the reality feels powerless.

I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!

In the dead of night, looking at my son's closed door, tears unconsciously slipped down. How I wish I could hold up a piece of the sky for you and let my son shine in the warm sunshine. But the reality is so cruel, what can our old hands do for you? Seeing that our son's years are wasted and his future is bleak, our hearts are dripping blood silently.

Our hearts are full of sorrow and helplessness, and we can only pray silently in the darkness, hoping that one day we can usher in change, break through many obstacles, and usher in light.

And I'm under a lot of pressure at work. Due to my poor physical condition and mental exhaustion, I made many mistakes in my work and was even punished by my superiors. This situation made my job even harder, and I had to walk on thin ice every day for fear of making another mistake. At the same time, the financial pressure of buying a house and a car and the heavy losses we have made in investing in stocks have made our family's financial situation worse.

I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!

I think —

In this context, the resumption of the "work succession system" may be a direction worth exploring. Allowing young people to take over the work of their parents can not only relieve the work pressure of the elderly and allow them to retire with peace of mind, but also solve the employment problems of young people. Young people have energy and innovation, and taking over the work of their parents can inject new vitality and creativity into the business.

What's more, parents often work close to home and in a familiar environment, which has a great advantage for young people to succeed. If my son can take over my job, he will not only be able to adapt quickly to the job requirements, but he will also be able to come home every day, which will reassure me and my wife. We know where he works and what the environment is, and our hearts are naturally much more steady.

When I think back to the work experience of my generation, I am really full of nostalgia. At that time, as long as you entered the workplace, the unit would allocate housing and distribute various welfare supplies, and it would become easier to find a partner. Life at that time was simple, but it was full of hope and stability. Nowadays, young people are facing huge employment pressure and life difficulties, and life is really not easy.

I believe that the reinstatement of the "work succession system" is not only a concern for the older generation, but also a support for the younger generation. This kind of system has made important contributions to the mainland's social stability and economic development in the past, and it may still have its necessity and positive significance in today's special context.

The state and society need to conduct in-depth research and discussion on this issue, so as to reduce the burden on the elderly and give young people more opportunities for development. Only in this way can our society be more harmonious and vibrant.

As a veteran employee who can no longer work, I sincerely hope that the country will consider resuming the work succession system, so that my unemployed college son can take over my job at home, so that I can retire with peace of mind. Let's work together for this bright future!

I can't do anything I want to restore the children's succession system every day and give up the post to the children to take over!