
Reprint in half a year after publication! 4 new books

author:Festive Piano 0P

These four new books are a big hit! It will be reprinted in half a year after publication, so let's read and collect it together!

Reprint in half a year after publication! 4 new books

Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution

(All 5 volumes)

Reprint in half a year after publication! 4 new books

Edited by François Frey and Mona Ozuf

Translated by Liu Jingdi et al

Published in October 2023

Reprinted March 2024

The finale of the History of the French Revolution series

History of Political Representation of Partial Revolution

Look back at the uniqueness of this foundational event in France

and its devastating power

The Critical Dictionary of the French Revolution is a representative work of revisionist historiography of the French Revolution, and it can also be said to be the finale of the series on the history of the Revolution so far. A team of experts led by the famous French historians and representatives of revisionist historiography, François Frey and Mona Ozouf, made a comprehensive review and re-evaluation of the French Revolution. The form of this book is the first of its kind, called a dictionary, but it is not an encyclopedia of systematic knowledge. The book is divided into five volumes based on 105 key words, each with a long essay, based on general historical phenomena rather than theoretical concepts: Events, People, Institutions, Concepts, and Interpretations. The book is equipped with a name index, and each entry is accompanied by a reference entry, which is convenient for readers to correlate and search. There is a profound coherence in the whole book, and the theme of "criticism" runs through the whole book: drawing on the ideological resources of the 19th century, breaking the arbitrary theory and definitive interpretation, restoring historical discourse to the scene, and opening up a new way of political and cultural research.

Did the revisionists win? Is the Revolution over? This "superficial history of revolutionary politics" may be an excellent starting point.

About the Editor-in-Chief François Furet (1927-1997), a member of the Académie Française, a representative of the revised historiography of the French Revolution, was named one of the 40 "immortals" of the Académie Française. His academic influence extends far beyond France, and he is known as "a leading figure in the study of the history of the French Revolution" by the international academic community.

Mona Ozouf (1931- ), one of the most prominent French historians of the 20th century, pioneered the critical historiography of the French Revolution together with Frey, which fundamentally shook and changed the "social interpretation" of the French Revolution that had dominated the 20th century. Winner of the Heineken Prize of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences and the Goebel Prize of the Académie Française, Ozouf has gained international recognition for his research in history, anthropology, sociology, and literary studies.

Reformation Chronology

From Brian to Franklin D. Roosevelt

Reprint in half a year after publication! 4 new books

By Richard Hofstadter

Translated by Wang Yu

Published in September 2023

Reprinted May 2024

A great classic that reflects on the transformation and reform of modern American society

A history of political thought that incorporates social psychology and public sentiment into thinking

It illustrates the close connection between public concern and great historical writings

It is the representative work of Richard Hofstadter, a famous American historian and public intellectual, who created a writing paradigm of political and cultural history, and won the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1956 and was hailed as "the most influential work on American history in the 20th century".

The book examines the passion for progress and reform that pervaded the United States from 1890 to 1940, exploring the moral and emotional motivations of reformers, the myths and dreams they had in their minds, and the realities with which they had to compromise. It is a history of political thought that incorporates social psychology and public sentiment into thinking, a work addressed to ordinary citizens with a general political consciousness, and it combines a sense of problem, research skills, and an interdisciplinary vision with elegant prose, showing both the heights that are possible for historical reflection and the excellent illustration of how strong public concerns and great historical works are closely linked. About author: Richard Hofstadter (1916-1970) was a well-known American historian, public intellectual, member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, member of the American Philosophical Society, Sthard-Clinton Professor of American History at Columbia University, and Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions at Cambridge University. His representative works include Social Darwinism in the History of American Thought, The American Political Tradition and Its Founders, The Age of Reformation, Antiintellectualism in American Life, The Habit of "Paranoia" in American Politics, The Progressive Historian, The Concept of the Party System, and The Americas in 1750.

Ming Jing difficult historical research draft

(Modern Chinese Academic Classics Series)

Reprint in half a year after publication! 4 new books

Written by Wang Chongwu

Published in January 2024

Reprinted April 2024

A classic of the Ming Dynasty with Wu Han

Half a century after being out of print, it was re-re-re-arranged

This book is based on the Commercial Press's 1948 publication of the "Ming Jing Martyrdom Historical Evidence Draft", which is the foundation work of the Republic of China for the early Ming Dynasty's tragic civil war for the throne - the Battle of Jingjing, the author uses traditional historical research methods to distinguish and analyze the relevant historical materials and accounts of China and North Korea, and clarifies the truth of many historical events of the Jingjing Battle through research, and the conclusions have many breakthroughs and innovative views. In addition to the first draft of "The Examination of the History of the Ming Dynasty", this book also invites Zhang Jinkui, a researcher of the Chinese Academy of History, to compile and sort out the representative papers on the history of the Ming Dynasty published by Mr. Wang Chongwu in the "Collected Journals of the Institute of History and Languages of the Academia Sinica", "Yu Gong", "Historical Research" and other newspapers and periodicals, such as "The Organization of Mintun in the Ming Dynasty", "On the Battle of Wanli Expedition to Dongdaoshan and the Battle of Salhu in the Ming and Qing Dynasties", "Li Rusong's Expedition to the East", "On the Rise of Taizu in the Ming Dynasty and the Change of His Policy", "Liu Wei's Expedition to the East", etc., which are included in this book as a supplement.

About the Author

Wang Chongwu (1911-1957) was a famous historian of the Ming Dynasty. For a long time, he was responsible for proofreading the "Ming Shilu" and engaged in the research of Ming history at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, as an associate researcher. In 1948, he went to Oxford University in England to engage in research on the history of Ming and Qing dynasties and Chinese and Western communications. Since 1953, he has been a researcher at the Third Institute of History of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the author of "Ming Jing Difficult Historical Manuscript", "Ming Benji Proofreading", "Fengtian Jing Difficult Notes" and so on.

Zhang Jinkui, a researcher at the Institute of Ancient History of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and vice president of the Chinese Society of Ming History.

Turbulent Currents

Nationalism and Republican Politics


(Compendium of Contemporary Chinese Academic Works)

Reprint in half a year after publication! 4 new books

Written by Luo Zhitian

Published in December 2023

Reprinted May 2024

Resistance to foreign aggression and state construction under the trend of nationalism

Professor Luo Zhitian's masterpiece of interpreting modern Chinese political history

For more than 100 years in modern times, China has been in chaos. All kinds of ideas present a kind of flowing situation of "you sing and I will appear", but behind it, there is an undercurrent that runs through it implicitly or explicitly, endlessly. The undercurrent in this troubled world is nationalism. If we examine the various radical and conservative, reformist and revolutionary currents of thought since the late Qing Dynasty, we can find that they contain nationalist concerns, so they can be regarded as different manifestations of nationalism.

This book focuses on the period of more than ten years after the founding of the Republic of China. During the reign of the so-called Beiyang warlords, the political situation in the country appeared to be disordered, and it was thought to resemble the Five Dynasties. As a result, there was a demand of the times similar to that of the Five Dynasties, that is, the yearning for reunification, which was also a basic reason for the success of the Northern Expedition. The Republic of China, which was only established for more than ten years, actually changed the dynasty again, bringing greater changes than the Xinhai Dingge. The dynamic form of nationalism in this period has quite a characteristic manifestation, and its influence on politics is also quite significant.

About the Author

Luo Zhitian, graduated from the Department of History of Sichuan University, Ph.D. from Princeton University, successively served as a professor in the Department of History of Sichuan University and the Department of History of Peking University, and is currently a distinguished professor of liberal arts at Sichuan University.