
Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

author:Migrant workers, engineers

Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

People often say that "a word becomes a prophecy", and this is really not groundless. In life, we often encounter some wonderful coincidences, as if the words we say really have magic. Some people call this the spirituality of language, while others say it's a psychological suggestion. In any case, the careful use of language seems to have become a compulsory course for modern people.

Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

Lao Zhang had an interesting experience. He once joked with a friend, "I'm so unlucky, I guess I'm going to win the lottery tomorrow." "As a result, I really received a winning text message the next day. Although it was only a small prize, it also scared him. Since then, he has been much more careful in what he says, for fear of accidentally saying something again.

The spirituality of language is not only reflected in these magical coincidences, but more often than not, it affects our daily lives and relationships. For example, some people always like to say "I'm really unlucky" and "I definitely can't do it", and over time, they really label themselves as "unlucky" and "incompetent", which affects their self-confidence and behavior.

Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

Psychologist Professor Li explains: "What we say is like instructions to the brain. When you say something positive, your brain thinks and acts in a positive direction. On the contrary, if you always say negative things, your brain will unconsciously develop in a negative direction. "

This phenomenon is especially pronounced in interpersonal interactions. People who always speak ill of others are often criticized themselves; And those who are used to saying good things and encouraging others usually gain more kindness and goodwill.

Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

Xiao Wang is a typical example. In the past, she always liked to find fault with others, but she found that she had fewer and fewer friends. Later, I realized the problem and began to consciously say more words of encouragement. Slowly, she noticed that her relationships improved significantly and her work became much smoother.

Of course, the spirituality of language does not mean that we speak against our hearts. Sincerity is the greatest charm of language. The key is that we learn to express our ideas in a more positive and constructive way.

Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

For example, instead of saying, "This thing will definitely not be done", it is better to say, "Although this thing is difficult, we can try it"; Instead of saying "why did you mess up again", it's better to say "it's okay, let's figure it out together". Not only does this convey the same message, but it also gives people encouragement and support.

Interestingly, some companies have begun to value the power of language. An Internet company has plastered inspirational slogans in its office and regularly organizes employees to make positive energy declarations. Although some people thought it was a bit contrived at first, after a long time, everyone found that the working atmosphere did become more positive.

Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

So, how do you develop good language habits? Ms. Wang, a psychological counselor, gave a few suggestions:

  1. Pay attention to everyday words and try to replace negative expressions with positive words.
  2. When criticizing others, focus on the action itself and don't make personal attacks.
  3. Say more words of gratitude and cultivate a grateful attitude.
  4. Learn to listen, not interrupt others, and give praise and encouragement appropriately.
  5. When something doesn't go your way, try to express it humorously instead of complaining.
Tell you that language is spiritual, therefore, there are some things that cannot be said nonsense

Language does have its spirituality, influencing not only ourselves but also the people and environment around us. Let's work together to decorate our lives with warm and powerful language and create more positive energy. Remember, every word you say can be a magic spell that changes your own life and the lives of others. So, cherish every opportunity to speak and let language be the most beautiful gift in life.