
Chengguan serves the people, should not slander Chengguan, anyone can make mistakes, and we must understand the hard work of Chengguan

author:Passion fruit

"More Understanding, Building a Better City Together - Justifying the Name of Urban Management"

In the streets and alleys of the city, there is such a group of figures, they maintain the order of the city, ensure the cleanliness and norms of the city, they are the chengguan.

Chengguan serves the people, should not slander Chengguan, anyone can make mistakes, and we must understand the hard work of Chengguan

However, in recent years, the group of urban management has often been on the cusp of public opinion and has suffered a lot of misunderstanding and slander.

Chengguan serves the people, should not slander Chengguan, anyone can make mistakes, and we must understand the hard work of Chengguan

First, the work of urban management is complicated and arduous

The work of urban management is complex and arduous, covering all aspects of urban management.

Chengguan serves the people, should not slander Chengguan, anyone can make mistakes, and we must understand the hard work of Chengguan

From rectifying illegal stalls to cleaning up graffiti; From standardizing the business behavior of merchants to dealing with all kinds of illegal buildings. Whether it is the scorching summer or the cold winter, the urban management team members always stick to their posts and silently dedicate themselves to the beauty of the city.

In order to ensure the smooth flow of travel, they need to patiently persuade those street vendors who occupy the road at will; In order to maintain the cleanliness of the city's environment, they must take the trouble to urge merchants to implement the responsibility of "three guarantees in front of the door". Everything they do is to make our city more orderly and beautiful, so that citizens can enjoy a better living environment.

2. Individual events are not representative of the whole

Perhaps in the process of law enforcement, due to the improper methods and methods of individual chengguan team members, some contradictions and conflicts have been triggered, but this does not represent the entire chengguan team.

Most of the urban management team members are in accordance with laws and regulations, civilized law enforcement, they perform their duties at the same time, but also strive to be people-oriented, try to balance the relationship between management and service.

We must see that chengguan are also ordinary people, and they will also face various pressures and difficulties. They may make mistakes in the face of a complex law enforcement environment, but that doesn't mean they had the wrong intentions. We should give them the opportunity to correct their mistakes, instead of blindly blaming and insulting them.

Third, urban management needs to be jointly involved

At the same time, we should also recognize that urban management requires the participation and support of every citizen.

If we can all consciously abide by the regulations of urban management, do not set up stalls at will, do not litter, and do not build illegally, then the work pressure of urban management will be greatly reduced, and the city will become more harmonious and beautiful.

We should stop the groundless accusations against the chengguan and be more understanding and tolerant. I believe that with the hard work of the urban management team members and the active cooperation of the general public, our city will glow with more charming brilliance

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