
Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!

author:Small novels, big things

The old saying "raising children to prevent old age" was once the cornerstone of the belief of countless families, but today, it no longer seems so taken for granted. Let's take a look at the stories of two professors from Shanghai University and the life of Mr. Liu, which are like a mirror that reflects the changes in family relations in modern society.

Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!

In other words, the professor couple, they have three children, each of whom is the pride of their hearts, and they were all sent to the United States on the other side of the ocean for further study. The children found their stage there to shine in a foreign land, while the couple spent their old age in their home country. Unfortunately, when they were admitted to a nursing home, their children were not able to return home to visit until the last moment of their lives. When the staff of the nursing home contacted the children during the funeral, they only received a response that "money is not an issue" and a request to send photos and videos of the scene. This scene makes people wonder: while pursuing our personal dreams, do we ignore those who have given us everything?

Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!
Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!
Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!

Let's take a look at Mr. Liu's experience. Her son has a seemingly glamorous life in the United States, but when her wife dies and she accidentally falls at home, she can only rely on the help of her old neighbors. Although she had the idea of living with her son, the cultural differences and living habits eventually made her choose to stay in a familiar environment. This kind of loneliness and loneliness is the common voice of many parents with overseas children.

Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!

However, not all stories are so heavy. The story of another family is like a ray of sunshine in winter, warming people's hearts. When the old man was about to come to the end of his life, his two sons stayed by his side and took care of them with all their hearts, interpreting the exception of "no filial son in front of the bed of a long illness". This companionship is not only the best consolation for the elderly, but also a profound interpretation of the traditional virtue of "filial piety".

Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!

While we pursue the realization of personal values, we should not forget those relatives who silently guard our growth. As the ancients said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, and the child wants to raise but does not wait." "We should cherish every moment with our families, and let love and companionship become the most beautiful scenery in our lives.

Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!
Distressed! The professor and his wife died in a nursing home, and the three children were buried abroad on video, unfaithful and unfilial!

At the end of this story, may we all find a balance between spreading our wings and flying high, but also not forgetting the grace of giving back. After all, the meaning of life is not only about personal achievement, but also about how we connect with the world and the people we love.

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