
China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

author:Apple says entertainment

Jiang Quanlong's entrepreneurial story began with an ordinary but hopeful one. As an ordinary farmer, he toiled in a small factory with a thirst for knowledge.

Although he was in a humble position, Jiang Quanlong never limited himself to this. His piercing eyes twinkled with a vision of the future, as if he could see beyond.

Whenever the bell rang and the other workers left in a hurry, Jiang Quanlong chose to stay. He would carefully remove the yellowed refractory books from his bag and devote himself to his studies.

His face often showed a focused and serious expression, and even the green tendons on his wrists were highlighted by excessive exertion. This thirst for knowledge makes him stand out from his colleagues.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

Ten years of perseverance have not been in vain. Jiang Quanlong gradually became a leader in the industry and made a name for himself in the factory. His once-rough hands now expertly handle all kinds of complex tasks, and the confidence in his eyes grows.

The big and small affairs of the factory are inseparable from the decisive decisions of this "uncrowned king". In 1984, the opportunity finally came. Jiang Quanlong returned to his hometown Yixing with the 3,000 yuan he had accumulated over the years and his wife Qian Yuanying.

With a sparkle of determination in his eyes, he was determined to start his own business. In this way, Yixing Refractory Factory was born. The road to entrepreneurship in the early days was not all smooth sailing.

Jiang Quanlong often frowned about financial problems, but he never gave up. His calloused hands worked tirelessly, his eyes always filled with tenacity and hope.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

After several years of hard work, the company finally ushered in a breakthrough. Jiang Quanlong's career expanded rapidly to the whole country, bringing him the first pot of gold in his life.

From a poor farmer to a successful entrepreneur, Jiang Quanlong's counterattack is full of hardships but admirable. He proved with his actions that as long as you have a dream and work tirelessly for it, you will eventually taste the fruits of success.

In the early nineties, China's rare earth industry ushered in a golden period of vigorous development. Jiang Quanlong was in the prime of life, his eyes were like torches, and he keenly grasped this once-in-a-lifetime historical opportunity.

His hands, which once held farm tools and operated machines, are now breaking new ground in the emerging field of rare earths. The state's strong support policy for the rare earth industry has promoted the rapid development of the entire industry, and the price of products has risen, attracting many investors to flock in.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

Jiang Quanlong is well aware of the importance of this opportunity, and his eyes are full of determination and enthusiasm, and he is determined to make a big impact in this emerging market. With rich experience in the field of refractories, Jiang Quanlong has no hesitation to devote himself to the rare earth industry.

His hands were no longer limited to the actual operation, but began to take control of the bigger picture. In this new competitive stage, Jiang Quanlong quickly stood out and became a leader in the industry.

In 1999, Jiang Quanlong made a bold and shrewd decision. His brow furrowed slightly, and there was a thoughtful look in his eyes. In the end, he decisively integrated its rare earth, refractory and other related businesses and listed them on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

This move allowed Jiang Quanlong to officially step into the broad stage of capital operation. For an ordinary person with only a primary school education, navigating such a complex capital operation should have been a daunting challenge.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

However, Jiang Quanlong, with his extraordinary business wisdom and unremitting efforts, successfully completed this seemingly impossible task. His eyes were full of confidence and a sense of accomplishment, and he won the reputation of "Capital Magician".

The media praised: "With their own wisdom and diligence, even in the most difficult environment, they will eventually taste the sweet fruits of their careers." This passage aptly sums up Jiang Quanlong's struggle.

From a poor farmer to now creating his own business kingdom, Jiang Quanlong has stood on the most brilliant stage in his life and has become the focus of attention. However, while Jiang Quanlong was enjoying the joy of success, he was keenly aware of the corrosive power of money on human nature and its potential threat.

A hint of worry began to appear in his eyes, as if he foresaw the challenges that might lie ahead. This complicated mood made Jiang Quanlong maintain a rare sobriety and vigilance at the peak of his career.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

At the peak of his career, Jiang Quanlong's view of wealth became more and more profound. In a public setting, he expressed his opinion in a calm and slightly apprehensive tone: "Obtaining wealth is not an easy task, and the more difficult challenge is how to guard what has been gained, because behind money there is often a shadow of moral decay and depravity."

When Jiang Quanlong said this, his eyes flashed with insight into human nature and worry about the future. His hands clenched slightly, as if trying to grasp something.

However, it is embarrassing that these heartfelt words have become a very ironic omen and commentary on the sharp turn of his fortunes in the future. As time passed, Jiang Quanlong gradually fell into the trap he once guarded against.

The temptation of gambling is like an invisible net, trapping this once determined entrepreneur. Whenever he sat at the table, the hands that had once controlled the overall situation kept trembling, and his eyes were full of desire for excitement, but they also hid deep self-blame.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

One night in 2021, Jiang Quanlong lay quietly on his delicate and expensive leather sofa. His massive body rose and fell with his rapid breathing, and his eyes, which had once shone with wisdom, had lost their former brilliance, and he looked at the dim surroundings in confusion.

Empty bottles and cigarette butts were strewn across the floor, and the air was filled with the foul smell of alcohol and choking smoke. Jiang Quanlong hung his hand weakly, and his thick palm instinctively rubbed back and forth on the soft sofa, as if he was looking for something, and as if he was running away from something.

His heart was filled with remorse, and he couldn't help but fall into deep self-reproach when he recalled his past decisions and actions. Once the "rare earth king", he is now a slave to gambling, tobacco and alcohol.

Jiang Quanlong's prophecy was finally fulfilled on himself, which was undoubtedly the cruelest mockery of fate. When Jiang Quanlong's career reached its peak, he and his wife Qian Yuanying jointly conceived a son, Jiang Xin.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

However, Jiang Xin has developed an arrogant and willful personality since he was a child under the nourishment of his father's heavy money, and extreme luxury and profligacy have become the norm in his life.

One day in 2018, Jiang Xin showed off a jaw-dropping list of spending. This list is full of names for food, and the price tag for each dish is sky-high.

The total consumption of this meal was as high as 900,000 yuan, which caused the shock and confusion of the majority of netizens. In the face of public skepticism, a restaurateur stepped forward and explained with a little embarrassment that the prices were only "customized" by Jiang Xin and that all the ingredients were sourced from all over the world.

However, such a justification seems so pale that it is more like a manifestation of self-indulgence and evasion of responsibility. The Shanghai Municipal Government was highly concerned about this matter and quickly launched a strict investigation and supervision of the restaurant.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

However, the "sky-high" menu incident is only the tip of the iceberg of Jiang Xin's luxurious life. In his circle of friends, this culture of extravagance and waste has long been notorious. Jiang Xin has an almost obsessive love for top-of-the-line sports cars, and his personal collection of luxury cars ranges from brands such as Bugatti, Ferrari to Rolls-Royce, totaling nearly 20 cars.

The total value of this fleet is staggering, about 200 million yuan. What's even more amazing is that Jiang Xin is also a distinguished member of the veteran car enthusiast club HAC (Heritage Automotive Club).

The bar for this club is extremely high, bringing together capital tycoons, celebrities and aristocrats from all walks of life. Jiang Xin's membership once again demonstrated his status and financial resources in the upper social circles.

In addition to luxury and food, Jiang Xin is also passionate about the emerging esports competition. He spared no expense and built a top-tier esports team named after him on his own, "Snake".

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

In the face of this e-sports industry, which is known as the "monster that devours gold", Jiang Xin seems to have found a new direction of squandering and invested huge sums of money without hesitation. Jiang Xin's various behaviors all show his disregard for wealth and his pursuit of a luxurious life.

His eyes often flashed with a sense of superiority and frivolity, as if everything in the world was at his fingertips. However, behind this seemingly glamorous life, is there a hidden emptiness and confusion in the heart? Jiang Quanlong and Jiang Xin, the father and son's life trajectories and values are in stark contrast, as if they are two people from different times and different worlds.

Jiang Quanlong was born poor and self-made. Every penny of his money was hard-won, and his hands were rough and calloused, telling the story of his struggle. Even at the peak of his career, Jiang Quanlong's eyes still maintained a vigilance and humility.

He knows that wealth is hard to come by, and often reminds himself and others to be cautious about money. At a certain forum, Jiang Quanlong once frankly expressed his views on wealth: "It is not easy to obtain wealth, and what is even more difficult is how to keep what you have gained."

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

Because behind money, there is often a shadow of moral decay and depravity. When he said this, his eyes were full of insight into human nature and anxiety about the future.

On the other hand, Jiang Xin, who was born with a golden key, has never experienced the taste of poverty. His hands were always well-maintained, and his eyes often showed a sense of rightful superiority.

He never seemed to be in awe of money, but instead took it for granted. Jiang Xin's lifestyle was full of extravagance and profligacy. Whether it is a dinner that costs 900,000 yuan or a luxury car collection worth 200 million, it shows his disregard for money.

His eyes flashed with a desire for material things, but he could not see his father's reverence for wealth. While Jiang Quanlong was racking his brains to keep his wealth, Jiang Xin was squandering it.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

While Jiang Quanlong fell into self-blame for gambling, Jiang Xin was showing off his luxurious life. This father and son, one creates wealth, the other consumes wealth, their eyes, manners, and words all tell completely different attitudes and values towards life.

However, they are so closely connected, and together they interpret the history of the rise and fall of a family. One night in 2021, Jiang Quanlong lay quietly on his delicate and expensive leather sofa.

The once high-spirited "rare earth king" is no longer in its former glory. His eyes became cloudy, and he often stared blankly into a corner, as if looking back on the glory of the past.

The heavy body trembled with the vigorous breathing, and the eyes that once shone with the light of wisdom had lost their original brilliance at this time. The floor was littered with empty bottles and cigarette butts, and the air was filled with the unpleasant smell of beer and the choking smell of cigarettes.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

Jiang Quanlong hung his hand helplessly, and with deep remorse, he asked for all the decisions he had made in the past and his behavior. Alcohol and tobacco became his spiritual sustenance, and the former business tycoons are now slaves to gambling and tobacco and alcohol.

At the same time, Jiang Xin continued his profligate journey. He extended his tentacles into the esports industry, building a top-tier esports team called "Snake" on his own.

In his eyes, this may be just a novelty toy, a tool to show his identity, but it unknowingly consumes a lot of family wealth. Jiang Quanlong looked at what his son did, and his heart was full of contradictions and helplessness.

He wanted to stop it, but found that he had long since lost his position and qualifications. The once dominant "rare earth king" can now only watch the business empire he created gradually collapse.

China's "rare earth king": self-made but in debt due to gambling, his son spent 900,000 yuan on a meal

From self-made to debt-ridden, from glory to decline, the story of Jiang Quanlong's family seems to be a typical history of the rise and fall of a wealthy family. It silently warns us that wealth is important, but how to treat wealth correctly and how to inherit correct values is the key to whether a family can build a long-lasting business.

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