
After China's successful atomic bomb test, what did neighboring countries and regions think?

author:Puppy Uji

The mainland's first atomic bomb was detonated on October 16, 1964, in fact, the United States and the former Soviet Union had foreseen this situation for a long time, after all, both countries have their own satellites and are well aware of the situation in the Lop Nur area of the mainland.

However, although the top leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union had foreseen this situation for a long time, they believed that the mainland did not have the means to launch nuclear weapons, which meant that the mainland's missiles did not have the ability to project missiles to other countries, especially those as distant as the United States.

After China's successful atomic bomb test, what did neighboring countries and regions think?

After China's successful atomic bomb test, what did neighboring countries and regions think?

After the success of the atomic bomb test on the mainland, the reaction of the surrounding countries varied, especially the United States and the Soviet Union.

U.S. Attitudes:

After the successful detonation of China's atomic bomb in Lop Nur, the United States was the most unbelievable, and the first reaction of the United States was shock! They would never have imagined that China would be able to develop an atomic bomb, and they were shocked and panicked at the same time. They believe that it is impossible for China to develop an atomic bomb in such a short time.

At that time, U.S. President Johnson immediately canceled a number of travel plans, publicly saying that the success of the mainland's atomic bomb development would not affect the United States, and at the same time claiming to his Asian allies that the United States has the ability to protect these countries, and the United States' response will only make us think that they are afraid and worried that China has become one of their threats.

After China's successful atomic bomb test, what did neighboring countries and regions think?

The attitude of the USSR:

Although the Soviet Union had helped us, they withdrew halfway, and they were also a little shocked to learn that the mainland had developed an atomic bomb, after all, they had threatened that it would be difficult for the mainland to develop an atomic bomb within 15 years, but we did it.

Japan's Attitude:

For Japan, we only have "hate" in our hearts! After the successful development of the mainland's atomic bomb, the first country to be notified was Japan, and at the same time told Japan that the mainland would not take the lead in using the atomic bomb against other countries, because the United States had dropped atomic bombs on Japan's Nagasaki and Hiroshima, resulting in heavy casualties.

After China's successful atomic bomb test, what did neighboring countries and regions think?

Other countries:

The British and French did not show a surprised reaction, but expressed their approval and appreciation with our friendly allies.

The desperate "old Chiang" on the other side of the strait

"Lao Chiang" was desperate when he learned that our atomic bomb test had been successful.

For more than six years, the other side of the strait has always wanted to counterattack the mainland, and he has relied on the "big brother of the United States" to support him behind him, and in addition to the nuclear blackmail of the United States against us, "Lao Chiang" has great illusions about counterattacking the mainland.

After the successful test explosion of the atomic bomb, the nuclear blackmail of the United States against us no longer exists, and our atomic bomb has a strategic deterrent effect on "Lao Chiang," and it is no longer possible to counterattack the mainland.

After China's successful atomic bomb test, what did neighboring countries and regions think?

Our country has successfully developed the atomic bomb, breaking the nuclear blackmail of the United States and the Soviet Union against us, and greatly boosting the morale of the countries of the third world. It also eliminated the illusion of a counterattack on the mainland on the other side of the strait, and ensured the possibility of Taiwan being separated. Neighboring countries such as Pakistan, North Korea, Vietnam, and Cambodia are still full of joy, and the United States, the Soviet Union, and Japan are the most dissatisfied.

Regardless of what other countries think, the important thing is that we will no longer be blackmailed by nuclear weapons, and the successful test explosion of the atomic bomb has stiffened our waists, which has laid the foundation for the peace, stability, and rapid development of the mainland in the later period.

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