
Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

author:Tsubasa Boxin

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Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena


You're always complaining that something is wrong here, and it's not okay there, right? Some people are too stressed, and some people are upset and think that the atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder. But did you know that there may be other reasons for these complaints, maybe you didn't notice. Don't worry, let's talk about this topic and find a solution together!

First, housing prices are soaring, and housing has become a problem

Now that housing prices are skyrocketing in the city, we are becoming more and more unable to afford housing, especially young people, buying a house is simply skyrocketing! You say that the housing price is so high, how can we make money and live? Also, when I see the housing price, I feel aggrieved. In big cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, young people may not be able to buy a satisfactory house even if they are old.

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

Second, the involution of education and the pressure of competition are high

Education is super competitive these days! Parents enroll their children in a lot of cram schools in order to get them to better schools. Children have to do homework every day in addition to school, and there is no time to play. As a result, many children lose the joy of childhood, and parents worry all day long. The involution of education is becoming more and more serious, and everyone is very dissatisfied. One father even said, "I can't let my son fall behind, I can only force him to study." ”

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

3. Competition in the workplace and unstable work

That's a lot of pressure! In order to keep their jobs, most people have to stay up late and work hard, but they just feel unreliable and are always afraid that the boss will let us go one day. This feeling of uneasiness is really bad because I may lose my job one day. Don't mention how aggrieved I am. The newcomers all sighed and said: "I have to worry about it every day, and I am afraid that I will be expelled if I don't do well." ”

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

Fourth, the gap between the rich and the poor, social injustice

Most people feel that the psychology is unfair, just because the gap between the rich and the poor is too big now! Rich people have more money, and the more nourishing their life is; And ordinary people have a hard time, and sometimes they can't even eat. This disparity is very distressing, and it feels like it has been forgotten by society. One migrant worker complained: "We have worked hard for a whole year, and we don't make as much money as others spend in a month." ”

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

Fifth, environmental pollution, quality of life decline

Alas, the industry is developing so fast, and environmental problems are also coming. The air and water are polluted, and our lives are starting to get tangled. This condition not only impairs people's physical and mental health, but also affects their mood. Some people couldn't help but complain: "Look at the river near my house, the water is so dirty that you can't even raise fish......"

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

6. Cultural clash and lost values

Now that globalization is becoming more and more serious, there are more cultural exchanges, which is a good thing, but it also makes people worry: how to deal with these cultural differences? Should we still keep our own beliefs? As a result, we sometimes feel confused and hesitant, and some issues affect society as a whole. As the young man said, "I don't even know what I'm supposed to do, I'm dizzy from those Western views." ”

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena


Why do some people always think that the world is unfair? This is not something that can be explained in a few words! But most people complain about the lack of money, the wide gap between the rich and the poor, and various cultural differences. What to do? First, the government has to find a way to encourage people to find jobs or start businesses. In addition, the overall social environment should be improved, and education should be emphasized so that everyone can compete fairly. In this way, everyone can feel that life is fairer, and there will be fewer complaints.

Guys, how do you all avoid getting angry? Come and share your experience in the comment section!

Exploring the Reasons for Chinese People's Resentment: Deep Thinking Behind Social Phenomena

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