
TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

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The blockbuster news that set off a storm in the entertainment industry: veteran actor Feng Subo resolutely parted ways with his 30-year partner TVB.

Just recently, Feng Subo shined in a high-profile interview, and she admitted frankly that the contract with TVB has quietly ended in the festive atmosphere of this year's Spring Festival.

She revealed that the continuous change of TVB's internal mechanism made her feel that the environment was no longer the stage that made her feel like a fish in water, especially for an old actor like her, it is even more difficult to cater to these subversive changes.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

Despite this, Feng Subo left a glimmer of hope that if TVB could create an atmosphere more in line with her artistic pursuits in the future, she might consider returning to this former battlefield.

Talking about the decision to say goodbye to TVB this time, Feng Subo was full of gratitude.

She admitted frankly that although she was not particularly retained after the expiration of the contract, the breakup between the two parties was gentle and polite.

She is sincerely grateful to TVB for the Avenue of Stars and countless opportunities to shine for her over the years, which allowed her to gallop and soar on the road of acting.

Even though the world of acting is now more vast, Feng Subo's deep affection for TVB is still the same, and she praised TVB for building a solid haven for her at the dawn of her artistic career.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

Although Feng Subo has temporarily bid farewell to TVB's screen, her figure has not disappeared from public view.

In recent years, she has made great efforts on social media, and her daily highlights have successfully conquered the hearts of mainland netizens.

Recently, she invited a group of friends in the entertainment industry, including the famous Tao Dayu, to reminisce about the happy times of TV series filming in the past, and these activities made fans cheer.

In a lively sharing meeting, in the face of the reporter's rude provocation, Feng Subo was not afraid to express her heart, and her frankness and honesty won the applause and recognition of countless audiences.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

Feng Subo, a veteran actor who has stepped into the film and television industry since childhood, has gone through more than 70 years of ups and downs, and still continues to write legends in her acting career with her rich experience and perseverance.

In Feng Subo's brilliant artistic history, she has not only created countless classic roles, but also won the admiration and followers of rising stars.

However, her journey to stardom has not been easy.

Once upon a time, she was subjected to cold eyes and neglect by the media, especially in a small episode of a group photo of actors, she was rudely asked away from the scene by a young and vigorous reporter.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

Although time has passed, every time he recalls this incident, Feng Subo's heart still swells with a trace of unhappiness.

Specifically, in that unpleasant incident, a reporter unceremoniously asked Feng to "get out of the way" in order to capture the shadows of several other young actors.

What's even more excessive is that the entertainment tabloid afterwards actually cropped her out of the photo, as if she had never appeared on that occasion.

In the face of such humiliation, Feng Subo did not choose to swallow his anger, but bravely defended his dignity.

She immediately refuted the reporter's unreasonable demands, insisting that she was also an integral part of the campaign and deserved a place in the photo.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

At that time, Tao Dayu, another highly respected actor, was also present, and he witnessed the scene and expressed his deep condolences to Feng Subo.

In his opinion, even if there is a need to make concessions in the ranking order, it should be communicated in a more respectful way.

This incident not only highlights Feng Subo's indomitable spirit, but also highlights her ability to communicate with the younger generation, and it is her positive interaction on social platforms that has won her many young fans.

Through this incident, we can get a glimpse of Feng Subo's perseverance and dignity as a veteran actor.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

Her artistic excellence, as well as her courage and courage in public, are a testament to her personal qualities.

In the face of injustice and challenges, Feng Subo has always adhered to her position and demeanor, showing her extraordinary charm as a role model in the industry.

TVB veteran Feng Subo was once treated impolitely by reporters, and he was driven away for taking a group photo: it's really rude

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