
The wolf pack is very hierarchical, and the low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they reproduce?

author:Banxia Records of Observations

There is a strict hierarchy among wolves, the wolf king is supreme, he has the right to distribute food and the right to choose a mate, how do the lowest wolves spend their estrus period, and do they have a chance to give birth to their offspring?

The wolf is a social animal, usually related by blood, and the wolf pack is very hierarchical, from the highest wolf king wolf queen to the second wolf to the lowest wolf, the different ranks have a clear division of labor, and cooperate closely when hunting. The wolf king is the leader of the team, and the wolves follow him to attack and round up the prey they choose, and the wolves at the bottom are responsible for guarding behind. Because of the strict hierarchy, large-scale fights rarely occur within the pack, and the entire pack can thrive in a relatively stable environment.

The wolf pack is very hierarchical, and the low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they reproduce?

However, this system is not beneficial to every wolf, because the bottom wolves are usually old and frail, so they are basically not involved in the hunt, so they do not have much food, and often go hungry. Sometimes it acts as a punching bag for the entire pack, and some wolves will also chase out the bottom wolves during the winter when food is scarce. In order to survive, the bottom wolves will try to reduce their sense of participation, usually shrinking their necks and hanging their tails, hiding in the wolves as a small transparent. Some nimble low-level wolves will also deliberately put on a funny appearance for other high-level wolves to make fun of, so as to prove their usefulness and avoid being driven out of the pack by the wolf king, because although they can't eat every meal here, they can at least survive under the protection of the wolves.

The wolf pack is very hierarchical, and the low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they reproduce?

The wolf king is supreme, and the low-level wolves in the wolf pack not only do not have the right to mate, but also face the danger of being driven out of the wolf pack.

According to zoologists, the size of the wolf pack ranges from three or four to a few dozen, with most packs numbering around seven. The strongest male and female wolves are the wolf king and queen, followed by the older wolves, then the cubs, and the bottom is the old and frail wolf. In addition to the right to distribute food, the wolf king and the wolf queen are the only wolves in the pack who have the right to mate, and some strong male wolves will covet the wolf queen, at this time the wolf king will use force to subdue the wolf who dares to think about his wife, and the wolf queen will sometimes drive away the female wolves who try to get close to the wolf king.

The wolf pack is very hierarchical, and the low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they reproduce?

The secondary wolves are second only to the wolf king in the group, and they are usually the most powerful contenders for the throne, once they find that the wolf king is not strong, they will challenge the wolf king, and if the challenge is successful, they will replace him, while the old king will be driven away or even executed. The wolves, on the other hand, are the lowest level of wolves, and they are usually old, weak, sick, and disabled, and have low combat effectiveness, and can only obey the orders of the senior wolves. The role of the wolf in the wolf pack is mainly to serve as cannon fodder, responsible for luring and attracting prey, and is the first wolf to be attacked. They work the most but are the worst paid, receive the least food, are often bullied by high-ranking wolves, face the danger of being driven out of the pack, and more importantly, they will not get the right to mate, and even pee can only squat like a she-wolf. Is it possible for them to turn into serfs and sing and become successful leaders?

The wolf pack is very hierarchical, and the low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they reproduce?

There is a strict hierarchy between wolves, and low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they survive estrus and have no chance of reproduction.

Although low-level wolves are not eligible to mate in a pack, they also have the opportunity to reproduce their offspring. The status of the wolf king is not immutable, and the low-level wolf can become the new wolf king by challenging it, and at this time he has the right to mate, and can successfully reproduce his offspring. However, this method is unlikely for the wolves at the bottom, because they are the wolves with the lowest combat effectiveness in the entire group, and it is difficult to defeat the strong wolf king without special circumstances. Another way is to leave the pack and start a family on their own, which is usually the path that the wolf cubs in the pack will take, and when these cubs reach adulthood, many will leave the pack to fend for themselves, and the wolf king also allows his children to go out and explore.

The wolf pack is very hierarchical, and the low-level wolves do not have the right to mate, how do they reproduce?

The lone wolf would meet a female wolf in the wild, who would also wander alone, and the two would combine to form their own family, and then absorb some lone wolves, and it would become the king of the new pack. However, this road is more difficult, no matter how strong the strength of a lone person is, it cannot compare to the strength that the wolves can exert together, and it may die in the hands of the enemy before it becomes the new wolf king. When the wolf pack is full of food and there is not much pressure to survive, the wolf king may absorb some wandering wolves as new members, if there are female wolves among these members who are willing to mate with low-level wolves, the wolf king will also relent, after all, wolves practice monogamy, and the extra female wolves will not become their partners.