
The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?

author:Guo Xiaofat


In the land of Sichuan and Chongqing, there was once a name like thunder, he was Liu Han - the legendary figure who transformed from a teacher's child into a giant crocodile in the business sea, but was infamous because of the evil forces. His story is like a gripping legend, and people can't help but want to find out. So, who is this Liu Han? How did he get to the top step by step, and why did he end up like this?

The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?

1. Ordinary starting point, extraordinary life

Liu Han, behind this name, is actually an ordinary child of a teacher's family. But he did not choose to inherit the mantle of his father, but embarked on a different path. He quit his stable job in a chemical factory and decided to join the business world, and with his extraordinary courage and resourcefulness, he made his first pot of gold in the timber business. Subsequently, he set foot in the gambling game machine market, and even showed his strength in the futures market, and every decision seemed so bold and accurate.

His success is not accidental, but is backed by his keen business insight and precise grasp of opportunities. He knows how to gain a foothold in a complex market environment and how to use various means to escort his career. However, as his wealth and status continued to rise, his ambitions gradually swelled, and he began to venture into some shady areas.

The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?

Second, the road of underworld and evil is arrogant and domineering

Under Liu Han's leadership, a huge gang involved in organized crime quietly rose in Sichuan. Through forced buying and selling, threats of violence and other means, they have taken control of the local finance, real estate and other fields. In this gang, Liu Han is the absolute leader, and no one dares to disobey his orders. His arrogance and lawlessness have left countless people living in fear, and his name has become a nightmare in people's mouths.

However, it was this lawless behavior that also laid the groundwork for his downfall. He is overconfident that he can control everything, but ignores the power of law and the existence of justice. He thought that money and power could settle everything, but he didn't expect that he would end up ruined because of it.

The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?

3. The peak falls, and the legend ends

In 1997, a sudden assassination plunged Liu Han into an unprecedented crisis. Luckily, he managed to escape with extraordinary luck and security. However, this incident also made him deeply aware of his own dangerous situation. He began to tighten security and equip his younger brother Liu Wei's men with guns to be ready for a possible attack.

However, good will triumph over evil. In the face of the police's strict investigation and ironclad evidence, Liu Han finally could not escape justice. His business empire collapsed, and all its former glory and glory were in vain. His story tells us that no matter how smart and rich a person is, if he breaks the law and hurts others, he will be punished by the law.

The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?

4. Business wizard or evil boss?

In Liu Han's legendary story, people often have a completely different evaluation of him. Some people call him a business wizard and praise him for his wisdom and courage in the business world; Others called him the leader of the underworld and condemned him for his arrogance and lawlessness. However, in my opinion, Liu Han is a complex and contradictory figure. He has both excellent business acumen and keen market insight, as well as an extreme desire and pursuit of power and money. His successes and failures stem from this complex personality of his.

The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?

5. Warning future generations and reflecting on moving forward

Although Liu Han's story has come to an end, his legend will always be remembered in people's hearts. His story is not only the history of the rise and fall of a person, but also a microcosm of an era. It tells us that in this complex and ever-changing society, we must keep a clear head and firm beliefs, stay away from the underworld and evil forces, and stick to the bottom line of law and morality. At the same time, we must also learn to learn from our failures, and constantly reflect and move forward.

The temptation of millions of profits, entrepreneurs want to get involved in gambling, where is the face?


Liu Han's story is like a mirror, reflecting our innermost desires and pursuits. It allows us to see the cruelty and darkness of business, but also the power of law and justice. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, we must always be vigilant and sober-minded, and continue to pursue our dreams and beliefs. Only in this way can we go further, more stable and more determined on the road of life.