
Direct attack on the battlefield: the wounded of the Russian army kneel in despair, this is the cruelty of war!

author:Fun to talk about the world

"The battlefield is ruthless, the sorrow is everywhere, the difference between a thought and life and death is lost." In the flames of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, this sentence is particularly appropriate. After two years of fighting, the statement of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense is like a hammer, claiming that more than 530,000 Russian servicemen have been defeated and more than 300,000 have been injured. The tragedy of the war can be seen from this, and the abnormal proportion of casualties is even more terrifying.

Direct attack on the battlefield: the wounded of the Russian army kneel in despair, this is the cruelty of war!

A new look on the battlefield: a life-and-death struggle under drones

The rapid development of real-time surveillance and drone technology has made battlefield strikes more precise and deadly. Wounded Russian soldiers, in desperate moments waiting for rescue, often become the next target targeted by Ukrainian drones. It's like a game of cat and mouse, cold and unforgiving. Imagine that if these wounded are spared, they will inevitably return to the front line after recovery and continue to fill the vacancies of the war. In war, the old saying "To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to oneself" seems particularly cruel and true at this moment.

Direct attack on the battlefield: the wounded of the Russian army kneel in despair, this is the cruelty of war!

The desperation of the wounded of the Russian army: kneeling and begging for drones will not escape the doom

On the battlefield, the wails and despair of the wounded of the Russian army constitute the most desolate picture. They fell to their knees, praying for a chance of survival, but they could not escape the relentless pursuit of the drones. What's more, he was killed by his teammates with a gun, and he didn't hesitate for a second. Such examples make people feel chilling and make people think deeply: in the extreme environment of war, what is the bottom line of human nature?

Behind the casualty figures: truth and skepticism

According to data from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in May alone, the Russian army suffered 38,940 casualties, and the total number of casualties during the entire conflict was as high as 500,000. And the British Ministry of Defense's estimate is not far behind, believing that the total number of casualties of the Russian army exceeds 450,000. However, the veracity of these figures has been questioned. Russian media note that the Ukrainian army is also facing a serious shortage of personnel and equipment. In this context, the Ukrainian army's dependence on drones has undoubtedly become a helpless move to reduce casualties and expand tactical capabilities.

The cruelty of war and the helplessness of the law

International law and the laws of war clearly set out the basic principles for the treatment of the wounded and prisoners of war, with the aim of protecting their rights and interests and reducing the brutality of war. However, in real-world battlefield environments, these laws and rules are often difficult to enforce effectively. The brutal nature of modern warfare and the human toll on it remain a major issue that needs to be resolved urgently.

Direct attack on the battlefield: the wounded of the Russian army kneel in despair, this is the cruelty of war!

Reflections and expectations of war

War is an intertwined body of humanity and cruelty. In this Russia-Ukraine conflict, we have seen the double-edged sword effect of technology, and we have also seen the life-and-death struggle on the battlefield. However, no matter how the war evolves, we should remember that there is no shame in surrendering, and survival is the greatest victory. Looking forward to the day when war can be far from our lives and let the sun of peace shine on the earth.

Conclusion: The cruelty of war and the brilliance of human nature

Every life on the battlefield is precious, whether they are enemies or comrades. In the face of the cruelty of war, we should cherish the hard-won peace. At the same time, we should also think: how can we maintain the brilliance of humanity in the midst of war, and not let cruelty and indifference eat our souls? This is a question worth pondering for everyone, and it is also a topic that requires us to work together to find answers.

Solemnly declare: The material of the article comes from the official media, as a creator of self-media, he has always commented on current affairs in an objective and rational manner, and there is no bad public opinion guidance. In addition, it is difficult for self-media creators to control the authenticity of the event, so please read it rationally. In addition, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete, thank you!!