
India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

author:The sound of the wind is idle


On September 7, 2019, while the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully launched Chandrayaan-2, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) is also preparing for the Chandrayaan-4 satellite, which will also carry a probe.

As a veteran of lunar exploration, the Indian Space Research Organization's probe is not a vegetarian, and the Indian Space Research Organization recently announced a new plan for Chandrayaan-4, and the weight of the satellite this time has once again set a new record.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

So what's so special about this lunar exploration satellite?

Why are satellites so heavy?

Why is ISSO increasing the weight of exploration satellites?

What will this exploration satellite do to the Moon?

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets


In 2019, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) will launch a probe satellite called Chandrayaan-2 in July, carrying about 13 probes, three helicopters, eight landers and one orbiter.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

On the basis of Chandrayaan-2, India has carried out exploration, mapping and resource exploration of the moon, and on the new generation of "Chandrayaan-4" launched by the Indian Space Research Organization, the probe will be much heavier than the "Chandrayaan-2" probe, and the weight will also reach 8.32 tons.

This is also the heaviest probe ever launched by the ISRO, so why did the ISRO increase the weight of the probe so much?

First of all, in the Indian Space Research Organization's plan, after the work before and after the launch of Chandrayaan-4 is completed, it will carry 20 ultra-micro satellites near extreme positions, and will also carry a Mars rover of about 30 kilograms.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

India's "Chandrayaan-4" rocket has only two launches, the first one is a carrier rocket that must be completed, the latter one is an auxiliary rocket, and at the same time it has completed the task close to the polar position, and the latter rocket will send the Mars rover into the Martian orbit according to the actual situation, and if it encounters inconvenient operation, the Indian Space Research Organization is also preparing to send the Mars rover from the Martian orbit into the solar orbit, so as to avoid the failure of the "Chandrayaan-4" mission, and finally the "depletion" of the rocket of the Indian Space Research Organization will not be affected.


In the case of the failure of the Indian Space Research Organization's mission to launch the "Chandrayaan-4", the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) carried out the relaunch of the mission in order to save costs, which led to a lot of weight increase in the satellite and lander, because in the past when the Indian Space Research Organization carried out the mission, it was inevitable that some unexpected situations would occur, such as the rocket could not properly put the satellite into orbit, etc., and the Indian Space Research Organization also made some changes, that is, the engine power was increased.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

Why did the Indian Space Research Organization increase the weight of the exploration satellite so much?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, India has to carry out a long-term launch and delivery, so India considers increasing the weight of the exploration satellite, so that the time of the launch vehicle can also be shortened, and at the same time, it can also save the funds of the Indian Space Research Organization to the greatest extent.

In fact, this is related to the plan originally drawn up by the Indian Space Research Organization, the original "Chandrayaan-4" program launched by India, India will use the SLV3 type of launch vehicle to launch, but when the staff measured the rocket, the Indian Space Research Organization found that the SLV3 model rocket will be stretched very long, but the SLV3 model rocket has a great limit on the weight of the carrier satellite, and the weight of the "Chandrayaan-4" exploration satellite is about 8 tons.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

The SLV3 model of the rocket should be about 2~4 tons in the weight of the detection satellite, so the Indian Space Research Organization had to reduce the weight of the probe, but in the plan, there are too many times to circulate, India has also encountered a lot of "accidents" in the process of carrying out the mission, India was worried that there are some problems in the process of launching the rocket, and finally when India launches the detection satellite, the weight of the detection satellite can only be adjusted, and at the same time, the "Ali" of Alibaba Shenzhou The rocket was put into service.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

The instrument carried by the probe.

The first stage is a launch vehicle that must be completed, while the second stage is an auxiliary rocket.

After the completion of the Antarctic mission, India will also carry 20 ultra-micro satellites close to extreme positions, as well as a Mars orbital rover weighing about 30 kilograms, in order to facilitate the detection of the characteristics of the Martian surface, and at the same time carry out a series of exploration work at the south pole of Mars.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

The launch of the rover into orbit around the sun is a complement to previous missions for ISRO.

In the process of the satellite carrying out the exploration mission, it will also carry some scientific instruments, and will also carry an orbiter to help the satellite communicate and upload data.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

The scientific instruments on the satellite are mainly carried by the Hormit high-resolution camera, the Hormit spectrometer and the Hormit optical camera, etc., which will help India explore the moon more comprehensively on the topography, geology, composition of the lunar surface, and the temperature of the lunar surface.


At the same time, after the end of the mission, India will launch a new exploration satellite to carry out the lunar exploration mission, and look forward to the future, the Indian Space Research Organization's exploration mission can go to a higher level and make an additional breakthrough in the field of space exploration.

India's new Chandrayaan-4 plan announced: the probe weighs nearly 8 tons and needs to be completed with two rockets

It is not because of the rapid development of China's aerospace technology that it does not want to see a breakthrough in the foreign aerospace exploration industry, but because it hopes to refuel on this aerospace road and run side by side.

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