
Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

author:Nei Yuwen said

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The drama "Executive Judge" recently broadcast by CCTV has blown away our previous stereotype of judges as high and unattainable. Through delicate and real brushstrokes, it vividly presents the image of judges in reality on the screen, allowing us to see the flesh and blood of judges and full of warmth.

I have to say that the cast of this drama is called a luxury. Powerful actors gathered one after another and appeared in a bunch. Luo Jin, Sarina, Zhao Jun and other actors, it was really a big explosion of acting skills, and they portrayed their respective roles vividly and vividly.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

Their wonderful interpretation makes the audience feel as if they are in the scene, and they can truly feel the joys, sorrows, joys and sorrows of the characters in the play. Every look, every movement, and every line seems to be a carefully carved work of art, and people can't help but applaud their outstanding performance.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

Just as even the most delicious food may have a toothy sand or two, this show is not without flaws. When comparing it with several previous masterpieces with the same political and legal theme, the shortcomings of "Executive Judge" in casting gradually become apparent, and it does not seem so perfect.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

Take Chu Yun played by Yang Zishan as an example, she is the president of the second court in the play, and it is said that she should be that kind of fair and majestic and awe-inspiring image. But unfortunately, in her performance, it is always difficult to accurately grasp the emotions of the character. This makes the Chu Yun she portrayed, no matter how you look at it, it is far from the image of the serious and professional president in our minds, but more like a spoiled and unruly lady with princess disease.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

Let's put aside her acting skills for the time being, and simply talk about her appearance. Yang Zishan's abrupt little nose on her face, if you want to exaggerate it, it feels like she can play directly as a slide. The exquisite curvature of the nose, no matter how you look at it, is full of traces of artificial polishing, which looks particularly unnatural.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

When she speaks, the mouth and chin will be sent out together, and with the abnormally round head, when viewed from the side, it is simply a half-moon shape, and she really deserves to be ridiculed as "Sister Moon". Whenever the plot requires her to burst out and roar, the mouth is as if it is rigidly restrained by the apple muscle, no matter how hard she tries, she can't open it if she wants to, that look is really in the eyes and anxious in the heart.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

With her current state and acting skills, to be honest, she is really not suitable for playing a serious and professional role like a judge. Whenever I see her performance in the play, I can't help but mutter: Is this playing a solemn and majestic president, or is it playing the arrogant and willful heroine in idol dramas? You must know that what the role of a judge needs to show is a calm, wise and majestic temperament. But the Chu Yun presented by Yang Zishan always makes people feel that there is a lack of fire, and there is a lack of power that can make people believe and awe.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

We have to look at this drama objectively and fairly. Although the role of Chu Yun played by Yang Zishan has some shortcomings, we can't completely deny the value and efforts of the whole drama because of the problem of this role. After all, in addition to the role of Chu Yun, this drama still has many commendable points in other aspects.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

For example, the compactness of the plot is just right. The advancement of each case is interlocking, tense and exciting, making the audience's mood fluctuate with the development of the plot, as if they are in a thrilling intellectual contest. Another example is the complexity of the case, the screenwriter has obviously put a lot of effort into it, and all kinds of intricate clues and character relationships are intertwined, like a dense net, testing the audience's thinking ability, and also showing the difficulties and challenges in the process of law enforcement in reality.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

There are also wonderful performances from other actors, which should not be underestimated. With their solid acting skills and dedication, they have created vivid and unforgettable characters for us. It is precisely because of their efforts and dedication that this drama still has a certain degree of viewing and attractiveness as a whole.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

For the drama "Executive Judge", we must not only see its highlights, but also face up to its shortcomings. As viewers, we just hope that future TV series can be more rigorous and cautious in casting. You should consider the fit between the actor and the character, and don't let some inappropriate casting become the failure of the whole show, which will affect the overall quality and reputation. After all, the audience's eyes are bright, and our expectations for high-quality dramas are endless.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

The drama "Executive Judge" is like a piece of jade to be carefully crafted. It has shining points, such as showing the hardships and perseverance of the judge's work through the real plot, so that the audience has a deeper understanding of judicial work; The outstanding performances of some of the actors also add a lot to the series, bringing the characters to life. But at the same time, it also has areas that need to be improved, such as the lack of precision in casting, which leads to the portrayal of some characters that deviates from the audience's expectations.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

It is hoped that future TV series with similar themes can fully absorb the experience and lessons of "Executive Judge". When it comes to script writing, it is necessary to be more rigorous and meticulous to ensure that the logic is rigorous, the plot is ups and downs, and it is engaging. In terms of casting, the image, temperament and acting skills of the actors should be comprehensively considered, and strive to make the actors and the characters highly compatible and perfectly interpret the soul of the characters. In the process of filming and production, it is necessary to pay attention to details, from the scene layout to the costumes and props, we must strive to restore the truth and create a realistic atmosphere.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

Constantly improving and upgrading yourself is the key to the future development of TV dramas with this theme. Only in this way can we bring more wonderful and flawless excellent works to the audience. On the road of chasing dramas, we can not only enjoy a beautiful visual feast, but also be touched by the profound themes and delicate emotions in the play, and arouse inner resonance and thinking.

Executive Judge: All the acting skills have passed, but only one person is a failure, and his acting skills are too bad like an AI robot

Let TV dramas become spiritual nourishment in our lives, enrich our emotional world, broaden our horizons, and bring us endless joy and touch.

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